McDonough District Hospital’s Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation announces the Commit to Get Fit program is accepting new members for their classes.
Individuals facing one or more health conditions, such as: diabetes, arthritis, etc., can take advantage of a personalized wellness program tailored to meet their needs and are supervised by the award-winning MDH staff. The Commit to Get Fit program also includes education from healthcare specialists in exercise and dietetics, and meetings with the Diabetes Care and Education Specialist.
The class meets every Tuesday and Thursday in the Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation area on the third floor inside MDH. Cost of the individualized program is $39 per month.
The program was originally created a few years ago from staff in Cardiac Rehabilitation and the Diabetes Education Center for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. The goal was to develop a wellness program with the intent to increase the overall well-being and knowledge of exercise for participants with one or more challenging health conditions.
“Exercise has plenty of health benefits, particularly for diabetes management. Leading an active lifestyle can help you control your weight, lower glucose levels, and increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin,” said Mandi Stracker, BSN, RN, CDCES. “Behavior change can be challenging, but we’re here to support you. Every little effort makes a difference; even losing 10-15 pounds can have a significant impact on your health.”
For more information about the program contact MDH Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation at (309) 836-1601.