Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met April 19.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Brown County Middle School library. The meeting was called to order by Heath Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, absent; Blakeley, 6:02 p.m.; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.
Attendance: Lan Eberle, Pollee Craven, Alex Ebbing, Sally Ruble, McKenzie Taute, Kris Gallaher, Marcy Wort, Andrew Wagner, Bob Kassing, Eric Jones
Public Comment: Fullerton mentioned that anything related to basketball would be discussed in closed session.
Mr. Ebbing & Mrs. Craven mentioned both of their students of the month were participating in sporting events and will be recognized at a later date.
Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to approve the Consent Agenda.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Correspondence: Fullerton thanked Brown County State Bank for their monthly Affinity card donation in the amount of $479.45.
Fullerton also thanked the Brown County Ministerial Alliance for their donation of $7350.00. Fullerton said the Ministerial Alliance had raised the donated amount to assist the district with the summer food program when it was first put in place. Fullerton went on to say that the summer food program has been fully funded by the state since its implementation. The donated funds were able to cover all past due food service balances for both active and inactive high school students and all inactive students at the middle school. Food Service Director, Alicia Grady, entered 155 transactions to get these balances zeroed out.
Reports: None
Discussion Items:
Roof Replacement: Eberle explained to the board that the bid opening scheduled for early April was pushed back to May 10 in an effort to collect more bids. Eberle went on to say that in recent discussion with the architect, a new roof placed on top of the old roof could potentially be an option. Eberle said the current roof has cosmetic damage but is still structurally sound. Cost savings and energy efficiency could be just some of the benefits available by placing the new roof over the current one.
Covid Sick Day Reimbursement: Eberle explained to the board that per the recent public act that was announced, the district will be returning sick days to fully vaccinated employees who missed time due to themselves or their children having Covid-19. Eberle also said employees must provide proof of vaccination and positive test results to have sick days returned.
Transportation Communication System: Eberle discussed a recent meeting with Supreme Radio about a new communication system for the transportation department. Eberle went on to say the ESSER III funds will pay for the system which would include new units in each bus, as well as the building offices.
Water Fountain Purchases: Eberle said water fountains in each building will be replaced with water bottle filling stations. Eberle told the board that the maintenance department will be able to install the filling stations, saving the district a considerable amount of money. Eberle also mentioned that ESSER III funds would be paying for this expense.
Kitchen Grant: Eberle explained that the district was not awarded the kitchen grant he wrote for earlier this fiscal year. Eberle went on to say that he will be reviewing the scoring process and apply for the grant the next time it is available.
Summer School: Eberle, along with building principals, discussed the options the district will be offering for its students over the summer. The district will begin asking students on an invite only basis to ensure the students who need the most assistance are offered the program. Eberle said the program will be at Brown County Middle School, from June 6 through June 30, Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. with lunch provided. Eberle mentioned that transportation will not be provided but asked that any parent that is unable to provide transportation call the building office for other options.
K – 4 – Hornet Camp
5 – 8 – Summer Learning Academy
9 – 12 – Credit Recovery with IVS
Dugout Repairs: Eberle explained that finding someone to do the block work on the dugouts was quite the challenge. Quotes have been collected and the district has now secured a company to pour the footings and do the concrete work and another company to do the block work. Eberle also mentioned the possibility of building a crow’s-nest to assist with broadcasting and add extra storage at the field. Eberle went on to say that the process will take several days and because of weather delays, the work will likely not be completed until summer.
TFF Grants: Eberle discussed five recent grants that were awarded by the Tracy Family Foundation. The following items and projects will take place with the donated dollars.
• Ag Classroom – Raised flower beds - $1,154
• Family & Consumer Science – Chairs, tables, cabinets, appliances - $14,505
• Elementary Fundations – Supplemental phonics for grades K-3 - $24,116
• Evaluwise – Evaluation tool for entire district - $4,000
• SMART Boards – 14 new smart boards - $60,000
Fullerton stated that Eberle had clarified contract details and services provided with Scott Bemis. Eichelberger mentioned that the district was no longer needing the half acre Ag plot mowed, noting to keep this in mind for the next contract renewal. Fullerton discussed a recent conversation with Aaron Bemis about the lack of grass near the sidewalks. Fullerton went on to say that Bemis Lawn Care is a local business and is beneficial to many of the district’s athletic programs.
Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the renewal of the district lawn care contact with Bemis Lawn Care.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Fullerton explained that the contract presented to the board from Seventh Son Termite & Pest Control represents a $23.75 a month increase. Fullerton also mentioned that the district has been satisfied with the service provide by the company.
Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Hughes, to approve the contract with Seventh Son Termite & Pest Control.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to approve McKenzie Taute as the District Treasurer. Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
The board tabled the proposal from Van Fleet Tree Removal. Members were looking for more information on the purpose of the tree removal, asking if trimming the trees would solve the falling branch problem.
Motion by Hughes, seconded by Blakeley, to approve the renewal on the 2022-2023 IESA membership.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Technology Director, Kris Gallaher, discussed the need for district network upgrades, noting the last upgrade took place in 2016. Gallaher mentioned that the revenue from the education broadband spectrum sale will offset this expense and FY2023 lease levy money will fund the rest of the upgrades. Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Boylen, to approve the district network upgrades. Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by seconded by to enter closed session at 6:31 p.m. for the following subjects: a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Boylen, to exit closed session at 8:08 p.m. Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Boylen, to approve the minutes of closed session. Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Blakeley, to approve the dismissal of high school boys varsity basketball coach.
Roll call: Fullerton, no; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, no; Eichelberger, no; Koch, yea; Boylen, no. Motion Failed
Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Boylen, to approve the $300 per day usage fee for the auditorium.
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to approve the following personnel action: Personnel Listing - April 19, 2022
Bryce Park – Elementary School Evening Custodian – effective 4/11/2022
Christie Sefton – Co High School Cheer Sponsor – effective 4/19/2022
April Swagger – Middle School Evening Custodian – effective 4/8/2022
Chelsey Howard – 4th Grade Teacher – effective end of 21-22 school year
Tracy Conley – Business Manager – effective 4/5/2022
Shawn Conley – Bus Driver – effective 4/6/2022
Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried
Motion by seconded by to adjourn at 8:13 p.m.
Motion Carried by Acclamation