Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met May 23.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A special meeting, of the Board of Education in Calhoun Community Unit School District #40, consisting of Calhoun and portions of Greene Counties, Illinois was called to order by Board President Luke Fraley at 5:30 p.m. in the Calhoun CUSD #40 District Office.
Upon roll being called the following board members were present: Jackie Baalman, Amanda Gress, Janine Hagen, Laura Longnecker, and Hannah Nelson. Nate Sagez arrived at 5:31pm.
Others in attendance were: Andrea Lee, Christie Lorsbach, LeaAnn Klaas, Nicole Nance, Kerry Lorton, Brett Eilerman and Eric & Shawna Eilerman.
A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Laura Longnecker that the Board of Education approves the agenda inclusive of:
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approve Agenda
V. Recognition of Visitors, Guests & Public Comments
- To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, it is our public policy that each individual may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes unless prior arrangements have been made to speak longer.
VI. Action Items Prior to Executive Session
a. Consider Approval of
i. Athletic Co-op Agreement IGA between Calhoun & St. Mary’s
ii. Athletic Co-op Agreement between Calhoun & St. Norbert’s
VII. Executive Session – For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)
VIII. Action Items Following Executive Session
a. Consider Approving the Resignation of
i. Jr. High Social Studies Teacher
ii. Special Education Teacher
iii. CJHS Girls Basketball Coach
iv. High School Math
b. Consider Approving Hiring of
i. Music Teacher
ii. Elem. PE Teacher
iii. Other Available Positions
iv. Part Time High School Math
c. Consider Approving the Employment of
i. CHS Boys Basketball Coach
ii. Asst. CHS Boys Basketball Coach
iii. 5/6 Girls Basketball Coach
d. Personnel
IX. Other Business
X. Adjourn
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
Reception of Visitors / Public Comment:
Nicole Nance and Kerry Lorton was present to observe the meeting and would like to be more informed with school.
Brett Eilerman spoke and would like to see new coaching staff for CHS Boys Basketball.
Board Committee Reports: N/A
Superintendents Report: N/A
Principals Report: N/A
A motion was made by Laura Longnecker, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves the athletic co-op agreement IGA between Calhoun and St. Mary’s as presented.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Janine Hagen, seconded by Hannah Nelson that the Board of Education approves the athletic co-op agreement between Calhoun and St. Norbert’s as presented.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
Executive Session:
A motion was made at 5:35 p.m. by Janine Hagen, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education enters into executive session.
For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made at 6:55 p.m. by Amanda Gress, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education returns to Open Session to continue meeting and take any appropriate action.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education accepts the resignation of Rachel Slone as a Jr. High School Social Studies Teacher at the end of the 2021-22 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Janine Hagen, seconded by Laura Longnecker that the Board of Education accepts the resignation of Kassidy Klocke as High School Math Teacher and CJHS Girls Basketball Coach at the end of the 2021-22 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Janine Hagen that the Board of Education approves to hire Lindsey Watters as a Music Teacher for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Amanda Gress, seconded by Jackie Baalman that the Board of Education approves to hire Lauren Eilerman as an Elementary PE Teacher for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Nate Sagez, seconded by Jackie Baalman that the Board of Education approves to hire Eric Hagen as a Part Time High School Math Teacher for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Laura Longnecker, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves to employ Casey Longnecker as the CHS Boys Basketball Coach for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Janine Hagen, seconded by Jackie Baalman that the Board of Education approves to employ Ben Bayless as the Asst. CHS Boys Basketball Coach for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves to employ Stephen Hayn as the 5/6 Girls Basketball Coach for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Laura Longnecker that the Board of Education approves to employ Toni Zirkelbach as the 7/8 Girls Basketball Coach for the 2022-23 school year.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.
With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Laura Longnecker, seconded by Jackie Baalman that the Board of Education adjourns the meeting at 6:55 p.m.
Board polled:
Baalman – yes Longnecker – yes
Fraley – yes Nelson – yes
Gress – yes Sagez – yes
Hagen – yes
Motion carries.