
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Bushnell City Council met June 20

City of Bushnell City Council met June 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Wilt called the meeting to order

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.

Roll Call

Ald. Donna Coates -P     Ald. Greg Yocum –P 

Ald. Lisa Webb – A          Ald. Stacey Allen –P 

Ald. Kim Havens –A        Ald. Bruce Lorton –P 

Ald. David Norton -P       Ald. Mike Baker -P 

Mayor Robin Wilt – P 

Utility Manager Joe Fosdyck - P

City Clerk Teresa Ebbert - P 

Police Chief Chaney Ferguson-P

Treasurer Betsy Rench –P 

Street Superintendent David Raymond- P

City Attorney Chuck Laegeler-A


Ald. Lorton made a motion to pass the Amended Budget 2022-2023. Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Yocum “aye”     Ald. Coates “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye”        Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Lorton “aye”      Ald. Baker “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Ald. Lorton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes.

1. Approval of Minutes from June 6, 2022

2. Accept May Financial/Treasurers Report.

Ald. Yocum seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Yocum “aye”     Ald. Coates “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye”        Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Lorton “aye”      Ald. Baker “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Ad hoc (Mayor’s Report)

*Mayor Wilt praised the Economic Development committee, and everyone else who had something to do with Zip Code Day. It was a great celebration and a great turnout.

*IML Annual Convention is September 15 – 17

*Community Health Clinic will be out at Greenbriar on July 15, 2022 from 11:00 – 1:00


*Next meeting Thursday, June 30, 4:00 @ City Hall

Public Works

*Utility Supervisor Joe Fosdyck stated ICC was here doing an audit on Public Awareness, we had no write ups.

*Fosdyck stated they will start working on the Canton border station on July 7, 2022

*No bids for the electric plant roof have been turned in.

*David Raymond Street & Alley Supervisor suggested they look at the equipment rental prices.


*Minutes from 6/14/2022 meeting

*Police Chief Ferguson stated they had one person pass the test for police officer, he will interview this week.

Ald. Lorton made a motion to give Chief Ferguson the power to hire a police officer. Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Yocum “aye”     Ald. Coates “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye”        Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Lorton “aye”      Ald. Baker “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Real Estate/Parks/Recreation

*Ald. Yocum reported that he had talked with Sheriff Petitgout about painting at the Rec. Center, he was told that no one could be up on scaffolding. Yocum stated they would be looking for someone to paint the gym.

Engineering Report

*Nothing to Report

Economic Development

*Committee chair Ald. Allen thanked her committee and everybody who helped out with The Zip Code Day.

*Next meeting will be July 25, 2022 4:00 @ City Hall

Attorney’s Report/Ordinances & Resolutions

*Nothing to report

Ald. Lorton made a motion at 5.50 to enter into Executive Session for a) Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of an employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2 © (1) of the Opens Meetings Act. Ald. Yocum seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Yocum “aye”     Ald. Coates “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye”        Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Lorton “aye”      Ald. Baker “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Ald. Lorton made a motion at 5.55 to return to regular session. Ald. Yocum seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Yocum “aye”     Ald. Coates “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye”        Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Lorton “aye”      Ald. Baker “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Mayor Wilt made the appointment of Ron Promisson to the Utility Board.

Ald. Allen made a motion to adjourn.

Meeting adjourned 5:56
