
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Dallas City City Council met May 11

City of Dallas City City Council met May 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Carole McDowell, Peggy Newberry, Harold Northup Jr., and Greg Olson.

Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Ron Sell, Tracy Markey, Doug Erickson, Michelle Gold, and Ryan Thompson.

A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Newberry to accept the minutes of the April 27, 2022, meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by McDowell to pay bills. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

Doug Erickson discussed the possible water project to install a water main along West First Street, east of Spruce Street. The estimated total cost to do this project is $139,000.

Anne Thompson discussed the problem of dogs running at large, especially along East First Street where several people walk.

Tracy Markey discussed the toilets at the boat docks. The cost of new stainless steel toilets is $800 each. They would also require a 1” water line, but the current water line that runs to the restrooms at the boat docks is only a ¾” line. Discussed putting porta potties at the boat docks.

Discussed the erosion problem that is being caused by the commercial dumping into the sewer lagoon. The city engineer recommended that when the new lift station is installed at the old sewer plant, to make it so that the commercial dumping can be done into the lift station instead of dumped directly into the sewer lagoon.

Discussed city streets that need to be oiled and chipped this year. Also discussed some provisions that will be included in this years contract.

Discussed the low water pressure in the west end of town. The city engineer is working on this.

Ryan Thompson discussed getting trash service for the fire station. The city attorney will contact Jackson Disposal about getting this done.

Police Chief Gary Smith gave his monthly report for the month of April 2022. The new generator has arrived and installation should be completed this week. Officer Foster has completed the Breath Analysist Operator Training and can now certify the city's portable breath testers. The uniforms and equipment that are needed for the new part-time police officers have been ordered. The police department's supply of OC Pepper Spray has expired, and new pepper spray has been ordered. Chief Smith reported that a counterfeit $50 bill was recently recovered in La Harpe, and he has notified the businesses in Dallas City to be aware of any attempted use in town.

We have received a load of patch and the streets employee is working on filling pot holes.

Mayor Six and the city council would like to “THANK” everyone that helped with the flags for Navy Fireman 1st Class George F. Price's funeral last week.

The city attorney reported that she has gone to court regarding the buildings at 386 & 396 Oak Street. The judge granted the city permission to demolish the buildings. The city will have to pay the expense of the demolition and then attempt to recover this expense from the current property owners. She reported that the owner of the property at 57 East Fourth Street has passed away. The city will now have to go after the estate in order to get this building demolished and cleaned up. Due to a health problem, the city attorney had to get a continuance regarding the old high school building. The court date regarding the old high school building has been moved to June 2, 2022.

Also discussed the old cleaners building on Oak Street and the building at the southwest corner of Oak Street and Third Street.

Michelle Gold asked if the boat docks will be out by Memorial Day weekend. The council plans on them being out as long as the river stage is around 13' or lower.

Discussed the viewing area across from the city hall. It appears that this concrete is not supported and therefore, this area is not safe to be used as a viewing area.

Discussed the fireworks for the city celebration in July. It appears that the committee is currently approximately $3,500-$3,800 short for the cost of the fireworks. Discussed donating $1,000. Commissioner McDowell felt that it should be more. A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to donate $1,000 to the Dallas City Celebration for the cost of the fireworks. Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE. McDowell NAY.

Michelle Gold reported that the Dallas City Celebration Committee's officers are now as follows:

Mayor Kevin Six, Chairman

Tami Kaminski, Vice-Chairman

Michelle Gold, Treasurer

Kayla Hutson, Secretary

Discussed the boat docks that were damaged last year and getting them repaired. It was reported that Matt Schaefer and Tony Cisneros are willing to fix the boat docks. The council decided to have them do the necessary repairs.

Discussed getting some people that need community service hours and having them clean Oak Street from Third Street to the railroad crossing.

Discussed some minor repairs that need to be done at the city hall/police station building and the outside electrical outlets for the building.

A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to enter executive session to pursue 5 ILCS 120/2(e) (23) “Operation by a Municipality of a Municipal Utility”. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

The meeting entered executive session at 7:09 p.m.

The meeting re-entered regular session at 7:19 p.m.

A motion was made by Northup, and 2nd by Olson to hire Benton & Associates to do the engineering work for the new water main on West First Street east of Spruce Street. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Olson to adjourn the meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Northup, Olson, and Six AYE.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
