
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Greenville City Council met Sept. 13

City of Greenville City Council met Sept. 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:




This is to provide interested parties an opportunity to express their views on the proposed federally and state funded project consisting of the construction of an 8-foot-wide ADA Compliant multi-use path to accommodate pedestrian, bicycle, and other non-motorized modes of transportation. The project area will commence at the intersection of Beaumont Ave. and Prairie St., thence Southerly along Prairie St. to Main St., thence Easterly along Main St. to Elm St., thence Southerly along Elm St. and terminating at US 40. The City of Greenville intends to apply to the Illinois Department of Tr4asnsportation for a grant through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program -- Cycle 15.

3.1. Discussion

3.2. Close Public Meeting

Motion to close the public meeting.



5.1. Preschool located at the First Presbyterian Church is open.

5.2. Thank you to everyone associated with the soccer field for their patience in relation to the equipment being stored.

5.3. Brush policies have not substantially changed however, they will be better defined. These changes are to eliminate some abuse of the system and to keep the city as beautiful as possible.


6.1. There will be a public meeting at City Hall on September 27, 2022 at 6pm to offer the public a chance to comment on the proposed expansion of Buzzard Bay Campground.


7.1.· The chemical feed modifications at the existing plant for eliminating chlorine gas and feeding liquid chlorine and eliminating anhydrous ammonia gas and feeding liquid ammonia have been completed. Change Order #1 for an increase of $2,163 and Pay Estimate #1 for $92,113 have been approved. There are a couple of items to be address prior to start up. Training is complete.

· Idler Lane Water Main Replacement Project—Bids were opened on January 20, 2022. Haier Plumbing & Heating was the low bidder. The pre-construction conference was held March 17th. The Contractor started on June 30th and the project is complete except for cleanup and final connections. The contractor is waiting on the materials for final connections.

· Pay Estimate #1 for $151,260.30 was approved.

· Pay Estimate #2 for $290,952.27 was approved.

· Change Order #1 for the deletion of Line Stops and (1) Connect to Existing 10” Watermain, and Addition of (1) Connect to Existing 14” Watermain was approved for a deduction of $76,600 was approved.

· Change Order #2 for addition of C900 PVC and a butterfly valve for an addition of $28,830 was approved.

· SRTS – M&G helped the city submit an application, which was due September 30th. Attached is a map of the application area. The City received $250,000. Design and Construction Engineering contracts have been approved by the City. The ESR (Environmental Survey Request) is in progress. A coordination meeting was held with IDOT. They recommended including Phase 2 in the ESR to help the project score higher when applying for funding. The project will tentatively be bid out in the first quarter of 2023.

· The water treatment plant was sent to the IEPA in December. RD funding is secured. IEPA funding is in process. The IEPA has preliminarily funded the project at $1,000,000 in grant funds and $17,123,050 in loan funds. The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. See attached original layout and estimate. The IEPA sent out a “permit denial” letter due to no response from the IEPA in 90 days. Milano & Grunloh responded to the letter on May 5, 2022. The City also received a state legislative grant.

· The city may potentially take over some streets around the school. See the attached map and estimate.

· DCEO Applications are due in October of 2022. DCEO has raised the grant ceiling to $1.5 million dollars for this year only. Attached is a project layout and budget.

· The work on the patio at 102 N Second Street has been completed.

· ITEP – IDOT applications are due September 30th. The City applied in 2020. It appears that there are several areas in the application that can be improved. See the attached exhibit and estimate for the proposed project.

· OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) is accepting applications until September 30th. The City of Greenville is theoretically eligible for a 100% $600,000 grant.

· Subdivide 102 & 104 W South Street – The alley at this location is too narrow. The City is evaluating widening the alley 10’. An Ameren pole has to be relocated to facilitate the widening. The City is working with Ameren to see if the pole can be relocated.

· Completed Projects:

· Survey on Spring Street

· Easements for Lights on College Avenue

· Survey on Pecan Street


8.1. Minutes of Previous Council Meetings

A) Regular City Council Meeting 08-08-2022

B) Special City Council Meeting 08-29-2022

8.2. Financial Statements

A) August 2022 Report

8.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

A) Unpaid Bills Report

AP Additional Report

8.4. Administrative Reports

A) Police Department

Monthly Police Report

B) Public Works Department

Public Works Monthly Report

C) Sewer Department

Monthly Sewer Report

D) Water Department

Monthly Water Report

E) Building Permits

Monthly Building Permit Report

F) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer

Code Enforcement Monthly Report

G) Record - None

8.5. Other Items:

A) Constitution Week Proclamation

DAR 2022 Constitution Week 091722

B) Consideration of labor cost to install the Aerator Shaft and Bearing. We have requested many times multiple quote however, have only received one from Korte & Luitjohan for $26,365.40. The part has been delivered.

Greenville WWTP - Shaft Replacment Budget 09-02-2022

C) Notice to sell 2008 F450 Truck - Mileage 112,206 - VIN 1FDXF47YX8EC83565 as surplus

ORDINANCE SALE surplus prop_pw trucks

8.6. Approval of consent items

Motion to approve Consent Items 8.1 - 8.6.


9.1. Consideration of Resolution of funding support for the ITEP Grant (20%) match.

Resolution for Bike Path ITEP Grant

Motion to approve resolution for ITEP Grant for Bike Path

9.2. Consideration of amending liquor license number from 3 to 4 for Class G special events. This is for Witches Night Out on October 13, 2022 on the Greenville Square.

Liquor Control Ordinance change avail number class G three to four 09132022

Witches Night Out 101322 Liquor License G

Motion to Ordinance to increase the number of class G liquor licenses from three to four and to approve the license application for Witches Night Out.

9.3. Consideration of FY'22 Audit.

Financial Statements 2022

Motion to approve the FY'22 Audit.

9.4. Consideration of Ordinance for Central Illinois Truck Service (Perry Stanfa) a variance for side setback from 50' to 20'

Motion to approve Ordinance concerning variance of side setback for Central Illinois Truck Service.

9.5. Consideration of Variance for Blumberg for rear setback from 20' to 6'

Motion to approve Ordinance for rear setback variance for Blumberg.

9.6. Consideration of Resolution Supporting the OSLAD application for park expansion.

Motion to approve resolution to granting authorization to apply for $600k grant through OSLAD specifically for the expansion of Buzzard Bay Campground.

9.7. Consideration of definition of Brush and Leaf for pick up and pick up policies.

Brush pick up policies to be discussed

Motion to approve the revised "brush" definition and to adopt the policies and procedures concerning brush pick up as presented.

9.8. Letter of support for Kingsbury Park District OSLAD Grant for William S. Wait Park Improvements

KPD Letter of Support

Motion to approve letter of support for Kingsbury Park District OSLAD grant for William S. Wait Park improvements.


Council may elect to go into executive session for:

Personnel 5ILCS 2(c)(1)

Purchase of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(5)

Sale of Real Estate 5ILCS 2(c)(6)

Pending Litigation 5ILCS 2(c)(11)

10.1. Lease of real estate per 5ILCS 2(c)(6)

10.2. Sale of Real Estate per 5ILCS 2 (c)(6)

10.3. Return to open session

Motion to return to open session


11.1. Decision on Lease of Real Estate

