
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Pittsfield City Council met June 7

City of Pittsfield City Council met June 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Room at the Pittsfield City Hall at 215 N Monroe Street. The following officers were present: Mayor Gary Mendenhall, City Clerk Ann Moffit, and Alderman Bill Grimsley, Kevin Ketchum, Paul Lennon, Chris Little, Robert Ritchart, Beth White, Robert Wilson, and Alderman Kevin Wombles.

Mayor Mendenhall presided.

Alderwoman Ketchum moved to approve May 03, 2022, city council minutes.

Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum, Ritchart, White, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: Wilson (1)

The motion carried.

Alderman Little moved to direct attorney Hollahan to draft an Ordinance to enter into a lease agreement with Carpe Disc Golf.

Alderman Lennon seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Mayor’s Announcements:

Mayor Mendenhall, Clerk Ann Moffit and Economic Development Director Ed Knight attended the Grand Opening of Kenna’s Closet on the west side of the square.

A meeting with MECO Engineering was held to discuss and review the Well #4 Bid and Budget. Mayor Mendenhall and Clerk Ann Moffit met with CDC Office Technologies to discuss our Cyber Security.

Mayor Mendenhall participated in the Civil War Reenactment.

An Economic Development Committee meeting was held.

Mayor Mendenhall met with Gas Superintendent to discuss grant opportunities for Gas improvement and safety and security.

Mayor Mendenhall, Ed Knight, and Tom Reinhard met with Carpe Disc Golf to discuss partnering with them for the Disc golf course.

Mayor Mendenhall met with new and current business owners referencing purchase of city buildings and land.

Mayor Mendenhall met with wastewater staff and MECO to discuss reporting issues and the how to comply with reporting requirements.

Easement Donahoo’s – Passed

Alderman Wilson moved to approve the Audit Engagement with Franklin & Vaughn LLC for the year ending April 30, 2022.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wombles moved to allow Mayor Mendenhall to negotiate the sale of the former Zoe Theater and former racetrack property to any potential buyer.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderwoman White moved to approve the subdivision of Lot 13 of the Industrial Park as submitted via the Plat of Survey.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Little moved to direct attorney Hollahan to draft an agreement with David and Ashli Freesmeyer, Adventures Unlimited Inc., in regard to advertisement benches.

Alderman Ketchum seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum

Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Wilson moved to accept the bid from Brotcke Well & Pump in the amount of $374,292.00 for Well #4 and to allow Mayor Mendenhall to execute all USDA grant and loan documents.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum

Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Grimsley moved to allow the alley north of Farmers State Bank to be closed Jun 22 – June 24 for a Farmers State Bank event.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (8)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

Alderman Ritchart moved to pay bills as stated by City Clerk.

Alderwoman Grimsley seconded the motion.

Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Lennon, Little, Ketchum

Ritchart, White, Wombles (7)

Nay: NONE (0)

Present: NONE (0)

The motion carried.

New Business:

Economic Development director Ed Knight is working on the sale of Lot 4 of the Industrial Park.

Alderman Ritchart requested hard surfacing of parking lots be reviewed. Mayor Mendenhall stated he has been speaking with MECO and a sample ordinance has been drafted.

Alderman Lennon asked Max Middendorf if there is a life span on wells. Mr. Middendorf explained that Well #2 has faults. The new well had a higher resolution sampling.

Alderwoman White noted that the Chamber is having a fundraiser at Hopewell Winery on Friday June 17, 2022 at 5:30.

Alderman Wombles had been in contact with Callendar Construction, and they will have the bid for 365th Avenue prepared as soon as possible.

Alderman Little was happy to hear that we have been working on cyber security based on the cyber hack that City of Quincy is dealing with.

Alderman Wilson asked about the progress on the Aspercolas property on the square. Mr. Hollahan stated that it was on the list of matters he plans to discuss with the Mayor in their upcoming meeting.

Tom Reinhardt stated that the issue with the poos has been identified and repairs should begin soon.

Rich Goetke stated there will be a tractor drive to support the Honor Flight next Saturday and he would like permission to park a trailer for advertisement. Mayor indicated that Tom Reinhardt would assist with a location.

Alderman White moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:46 p.m.
