
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Greenville City Council met June 14

City of Greenville City Council met June 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor George Barber.


Council Present: Mayor George Barber, Council Member Bill Carpenter, Council Member Kyle Littlefield, and Council Member Lisa Stephens

Council Absent: Council Member Ivan Estevez

Staff Present: City Manager Jo Hollenkamp, City Clerk Jody Weiss, Patrick Schaufelberger, Stefan Neece

Public Present: Jeff Leidel, Rebecca Sponsler, Debra Armes, Van Vieregge, Patrick Miller, John Gillard, Taylor Hill, Dylan Carr



Public Hearing was opened at 7:01 PM.

No comments from council or gallery.

Public Hearing was closed at 7:02 PM

4. CITIZEN INPUT / COMMENTS ON ANY AGENDA ITEM OR OTHERWISE Patrick Miller with Core Community gave a handout and gave a basic overview of their program.



Chief Neece spoke about Detective Taylor Hill, who recently worked with the Major Case Squad in O'fallon on a homicide. The O'fallon chief sent a letter to Chief Neece commending the hard work and diligence that Detective Hill brought to the team. After reading the letter to the council, Detective Hill was then given a special thank you that was sent from O'fallon.


7.1. City Engineer Comments:

• The chemical feed modifications at the existing plant for eliminating chlorine gas and feeding liquid chlorine and eliminating anhydrous ammonia gas and feeding liquid ammonia have been bid out. Haier Plumbing & Heating was the low bidder. Change Order #1 has been approved. The Contractor has completed the project and is planning to complete start up soon.

• Idler Lane Water Main Replacement Project—Bids were opened on January 20, 2022. Haier Plumbing & Heating was the low bidder. The pre construction conference was held March 17th. Tentatively, the plan is to start on June 20th. Attached is the bid tabulation. Pay Estimate #1 was approved for $151,260.30.

• SRTS – M&G helped the city submit an application, which was due September 30th. Attached is a map of the application area. The City received $250,000. Design and Construction Engineering contracts have been approved by the City. The project will tentatively be bid out in the first quarter of 2023..

• The water treatment plant was sent to the IEPA in December. RD funding is secured. IEPA funding is in process. The IEPA has a lower interest rate plus potentially $400,000 in principal forgiveness. The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. See attached original layout and estimate. The IEPA sent out a “permit denial” letter due to no response from the IEPA in 90 days. Milano & Grunloh responded to the letter on May 5, 2022.

• The city may potentially take over some streets around the school. See the attached map and estimate.

• DCEO Applications are due in October of 2022. DCEO has raised the grant ceiling to $1.5 million dollars for this year only. Attached is a draft project layout and budget.

• The patio at 102 N Second Street has drainage issues. A plan has been prepared and bids have opened. The project is planned to move forward, since there have been issues with a recent rain.

• Survey on Spring Street—See the attached correspondence for the survey on Spring Street.

• Easements for Lights on College Avenue—This is in queue to be completed. Page 2 of 60


8.1. Minutes of:

A) Previous City Council Meeting Minutes for 05 10 2022.

B) Previous Special Council Meeting for 05 18 2022.

8.2. Financial Statements for May, 2022

A) Financial Statement for May 2022

8.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

A) Accounts Payable to be Approved

8.4. Administrative Reports

A) Police Department

B) Public Works Department

C) Sewer Department

D) Water Department

E) Building Permits

F) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer

G) Record - None

8.5. Other Items:

A) Consideration of bids for 2020 and 2021 outstanding work orders for concrete.

Motion to approve agreement with Slatton's Excavating for outstanding concrete work for a total of $51,800.00.

B) Consideration of City charge card for Police Chief Stefan Neece with a limit of $3,000.

C) Consideration of Bond County Core Community Financial Support.

Motion to approve $10,000 for the third investment in the Core Community poverty initiative.

D) Consideration of Tri-pod retrieval system for confined spaces.

Motion to purchase the Tri-pod retrieval system from Grainger for $5,546.87.

E) Consideration of Paint Striping Machine.

Motion to purchase the Paint Striping Machine from Grainger for $4,545.17.

F) Ratification of emergency spending for Toro Lawn Mower.

G) Consideration of Resolution 2022-7 FAU Route 9832/FAS Route 1751 US 40

H) Consideration of bids for asphalt work

8.6. Approval of consent items

Approval of consent agenda items (<--this text will not show on output document; motion/recommendation will show)

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Bill Carpenter, Motion to approve Consent Items 8.1 - 8.6

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Bill Carpenter

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez


9.1. Consideration of Appropriation Ordinance for FY '23.

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Motion to approve the FY 23 Appropriation Ordinance for $53,158,404.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.2. Consideration of purchase of two boat ramp launch docks.

Motion by Bill Carpenter, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Motion to purchase to the two boat ramp launch docks from G & H Marine for a total of $33,172.00.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Bill Carpenter

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.3. Consideration of ADA fishing dock.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve the ADA fishing dock with G&H Marine for $38,508.00

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.4. Consideration of PVC Piping to alleviate the water issues on Pecan Street. Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Bill Carpenter, Motion to have all homeowners on the east side of Pecan Street sign agreement to tap on to the PVC pipe at their cost and once we have that signature page, to purchase from Schulte Supply the SDR 35-PVC for $13,514.13

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Bill Carpenter

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.5. Consideration of quote from Slatton's Excavating Inc. to install three set over manholes with steel casting.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to approve the agreement with Slatton's Excavating for three set over manholes with steel casting for $21,300.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.6. Consideration of Downtown Improvement Renovation Grant for 303 W. Main Street. Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Bill Carpenter, Motion to pay $8,750 in grant funds for the renovation upon receipt of lien waivers or paid receipts for the work.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Bill Carpenter

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.7. Consideration of replacement parts for broken bearing and shaft at sewer plant. Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to order the bearings and Orbal shaft from Evoqua for $21,144.88 now and consider labor quotes when received.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.8. Consideration of new mower for sewer department.

Motion by Lisa Stephens, seconded by Kyle Littlefield, Motion to purchase the Toro Master 2000 Series with a 60" deck from Don's Lawn & Saw Shop for $8,014.67.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Lisa Stephens

SECONDER: Kyle Littlefield

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.9. Consideration of K-9 program for Greenville Police Department.

Motion by Bill Carpenter, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Motion to move forward with the K-9 program for the City of Greenville including the additional costs to equip a vehicle, handler pay, and car allowance for Jeff Ketten.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Bill Carpenter

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez

9.10. Consideration to add Class "G" Liquor License for Bond County Fair

Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Motion to approve ordinance #3272 amending Chapter 118: Liquor Control of the City Code to increase the special event liquor licenses (G) by one and to issue a special event liquor license to the Bond County Fair.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez


10.1. Motion to Close Public Council Meeting and go to closed Executive Session at 8:00 PM by Littlefield, and seconded by Stephens.

Consideration of option agreement for Koerkenmeier Building.


11.1. Decision on Executive Session Item(s)


Motion by Kyle Littlefield, seconded by Lisa Stephens, Littlefield made a to adjourn the Regular City Council Meeting at 11:15 p.m.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Kyle Littlefield

SECONDER: Lisa Stephens

AYES: George Barber, Bill Carpenter, Kyle Littlefield, and Lisa Stephens

ABSENT: Ivan Estevez
