
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met June 20

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met June 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The 2021-2022 budget amendment hearing was held on Monday evening, June 20, 2022, at 5:45 pm in the Brown County Middle School Library, 504 E Main St, Mt. Sterling. The meeting was called to order by Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.

Attendance: Lan Eberle, Pollee Craven, Kris Gallaher, McKenzie Taute, Jacques Reynolds, Mike Yingling, Drew Engelbrecht. Andrew Wagner.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, absent; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, 5:49 pm; Eichelberger, 5:53 pm; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Eberle broke budget revenue and expenses proposed amended budget. Eberle noted that many of the changes were related to grants being awarded after the original budget was written. Eberle went on to say that each fund is ending with a greater balance than the tentative budget approved in September 2021.

FY 22 Brown County CUSD #1

Budget Amendment











Operations and


Debt Service



Capital Projects














































































Excess Revenue or Expenses










Beginning Fund Balance











Balances FY23










Estimated 6/30/22 Total:


Estimated 6/30/21 Total:


Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Boylen, to adjourn at 5:55 pm.

Motion Carried by Acclamation

The regular Board of Education Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President, Heath Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.

Attendance: Lan Eberle, Pollee Craven, Kris Gallaher, McKenzie Taute, Jacques Reynolds, Mike Yingling, Drew Engelbrecht, Andrew Wagner.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.


Architechnics: Jacques Reynolds from Architechnics spoke about the current bid the district has from Peter’s for roof repair. Reynolds explained that while eight companies took out spec sheets, the district only received one bid in the amount of $3.8 million. Reynolds said the bid period was extended and the specs were updated to attempt to attract more bidders. The current bid is set to expire on July 10, 2022. Reynolds suggested that if the district decided to rebid the roof project, that they wait until the end of 2022 or beginning of 2023.

Mike Yingling – Yingling spoke about the insurance side of the roof replacement project. Yingling suggested the district reject the current bid and rebid the project in an effort to get more bids, noting he knew several contractors that might be interested in the project. Yingling also mentioned the elevated bid cost compared to the figures the architect estimated the project to cost.

River City Roofing – Drew Engelbrecht from River City Roofing addressed the board about taking on the roofing project. Engelbrecht discussed that in his past experiences, there is no need to bid the project out because the district is only paying the deductible for the work being completed. By River City Roofing completing the project for the insurance company, they don’t have to pay prevailing wage to their employees. The district’s architect suggested the district touch base with its attorney to get clarification from a legality standpoint.

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Koch, to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Correspondence: Fullerton thanked Brown County State Bank for their monthly Affinity Card donation in the amount of $608.78.

Discussion Items:

Next Board Meeting: Fullerton informed the board that the next regular meeting would be held on July 11, 2022, in the middle school library.

Handbooks: Fullerton explained that administration will move forward with DRAFT handbooks to be formally approved at the July 11 board meeting.

Special Education Grant: Eberle explained that the district was awarded $38,663.00 of which $4,448.00 was allocated to St. Mary’s for special education and interventionist salaries.

Tree Removal: Boylen and Koch discussed a recent meeting with Zeisler Tree Removal. Zeisler provided a quote to remove several problematic trees on both the elementary and middle school/ high school campuses. Boylen informed the board that Zeisler is about 20-30 days out on projects. Eberle said formal approval for removal will come at an upcoming meeting.

Playground Update: Dr. Eberle discussed progress on the middle school playground install. Eberle said the representative will arrive on Wednesday to map out the area and Thursday they will begin drilling. Friday and Saturday will be community build days.

STEM: Eberle informed the board that he recently submitted a $20,000 grant request to Dot Charitable for supplies, equipment, and wages to implement a STEM lab at the middle school. Eberle said the middle school plans to have an after-school STEM Club beginning this coming school year.

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Blaesing, to approve the final reading of Press Plus Policy 109 which includes the following Policy Section Changes:

• 2:230 Public Participation at Board of Education Meetings and Petitions to the Board

• 3:70 Succession of Authority

• 4:70 Resource Conservation

• 5:70 Religious Holidays

• 5:80 Court Duty

• 5:110 Recognition for Service

• 5:140 Solicitations by or From Staff

• 5:240 Suspension

• 6:70 Teaching About Religions

• 6:80 Teaching About Controversial Issues

• 6:140 Education of Homeless Children

• 6:290 Homework

• 6:330 Achievement and Awards

• 7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights

• 7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

• 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Eberle discussed the bid from Baker Construction for dugout replacement. Eberle mentioned that the softball and baseball coaches had a few suggestions for the dugouts and that those items were able to be implemented in the replacement project.

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the bid from Baker Construction for dugout replacement.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Koch, seconded by Hughes, to approve the district’s risk management plan. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the renewal of the Illinois Association of School Boards membership renewal.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the renewal of PRESS PLUS policy subscription.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Fullerton mentioned that the district ended the 21-22 wrestling season with one junior high student and eight high school students. The board discussed the interest in the sport by student athletes as well as the importance in offering those athletes as many options as possible.

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to approve the cooperative renewal with Camp Point Central School District for Wrestling.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Blaesing, seconded by Eichelberger, to approve the following forms for Fiscal Year 2023:

1. Acceptable Usage Policy for Network and Internet Access (Staff and Student)

2. Student-Assigned Laptop/Tablet Program Expectations

3. Bring your Own Device (BYOD) Program Participation Authorization and Responsible Use Agreement (Staff and Student)

4. Device Damage Policy

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to approve July 15, 2022, as the opening day for Fiscal Year 2022 - 2023 registration.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Fullerton explained that food service fees were slightly raised to help offset rising supply costs. Registration and athletic fees were unchanged.

Motion by Blaesing, seconded by Koch, to approve student, food service, and athletic fees for the 2022-2023 school year.

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Blakeley, to approve the closure of the Class of 2021 activity account.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Blaesing, to approve the opening of the Class of 2026 activity account.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Mike Yingling discussed the district’s upcoming insurance renewal. Yingling mentioned that the renewal price came in higher than expected. Yingling related the increase to property claims and workers’ compensation claims over the last year. The total package raised in price approximately $23,000 from the previous year. Yingling mentioned that increasing the wind and hail deductible from $10,000 to $75,000 would save the district approximately $11,000 per year. The board discussed that replacing the roof system prior to next year’s renewal was unlikely. The board made the decision to raise the wind and hail deductible to $75,000 for Fiscal Year 2023 and then reevaluate prior to the next renewal. Motion by Koch, seconded by Boylen, to approve the insurance renewal including Property, General Liability, Inland Marine, Crime, Automobile, Workers’ Compensation, and Umbrella Coverage from Selective with Yingling and Nuessen.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

The board discussed the current bid for roof replacement and ultimately decided to table the action item.

Motion by seconded by to enter closed session at 7:14 pm for item a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Fullerton, to exit closed session at 7:59 pm Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Koch, seconded by Boylen, to approve the minutes of closed session Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Blakeley, to approve the 3% Salary Increase for Exempt Employees, Kris Gallaher, Diane Settles, Kris Taylor, James McKay, and Chad Roley. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Blakeley, to approve non-tenured staff. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the following personnel action:

Personnel Listing – June 20, 2022

Seasonal Approval:

Lathan Hester – Summer Custodial Help – effective 6/2/2022

Jonathan Barfield – Summer Custodial Help – effective 6/7/2022


Kathleen MacGregor – Middle School 5th/6th Grade Teacher – effective beginning of 2022-2023 School Year

April Swagger – Middle School Evening Custodian – effective 6/21/2022

Justin Volk - Assistant Middle School Boys Basketball Coach (split stipend)

Darian Drake – Volunteer Middle School Boys Basketball Coach

Jami Schuwerk – Social Emotional Counselor/Educator – effective beginning of 2022-2023 School Year


Erin Sinnett – Bus Driver


Bryce Park – Custodian – effective 6/1/2022

Darian Drake – Assistant Middle School Boys Basketball Coach (split stipend)

Eric Jones – Assistant Middle School Softball Coach – effective end of 2021-2022 School Year

Dave Woodruff – Middle School Softball Coach – effective end of 2021-2022 School Year

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to adjourn at 8:05 pm

Motion Carried by Acclamation
