
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met July 11

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met July 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Brown County Board of Education was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Brown County Middle School Library. The meeting was called to order by Heath Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Blakeley, absent; Blaesing, absent; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Attendance: Lan Eberle, Pollee Craven, Alex Ebbing, Kris Gallaher, McKenzie Taute, Dave Phelps, Sara Parn, Andrew Wagner, Ben Lerch, Emily Lerch.

Visitors: Sara Parn addressed the board regarding the design and installation of a new track. Parn explained that this spring Brown County had 71 student athletes participating in track. Parn said she has reached out to multiple potential donors to help fund the project but looked to the district to help fund the estimated 1.6-million-dollar project. Parn also asked the district to assist her with setting up a bank account to hold collected donations.

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Koch, to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried 

Discussion Items: 

Eberle discussed opportunities to add additional extra-curricular activities for the district. Eberle mentioned the possibility of golf and scholastic bowl at the junior high level and bass fishing and trap shooting teams at the high school.

The board discussed the unchanged IESA policy on travel teams during regular season play. Athletic Director, Dave Phelps, explained that prior to Covid the IESA had a rule regarding athletes participating in travel teams during regular season play. Last year the IESA amended their language to allow athletes to participate in travel teams but left it up to each district to make the decision at the local level. Last year the board agreed to follow IESA polices, allowing travel teams. The board will not make any changes at this time.

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Koch, to approve the following handbooks for the 2022- 2023 school year. 

• Brown County Elementary School 

• Brown County Middle School 

• Brown County School District – Includes High School 

• Staff 

• Substitute 

• Coaches 

• Hornet Code 

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea

Motion Carried

Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Hughes, to approve the destruction of closed meeting recordings over 18 months old. 

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried 

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the 1st Agency Student Insurance Plan. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried 

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Koch, to approve the IHSA HeadStrong Concussion Plan. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried 

Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Hughes, to approve Superintendent to hire BCSD Staff as needed until the August 15, 2022, meeting. 

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried 

Eberle discussed the addition of health and ancillary benefits to the district’s risk management plan. Motion by Koch, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the amended Fiscal Year 2023 Risk Management Plan 

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried 

Eberle discussed the discrepancy between the current quote for roof replacement from Peters and the insurance estimated cost. Eberle mentioned recent conversations with the insurance agent, insurance adjuster and architect. Eberle suggested the district reject the current bid and rebid the project late fall, noting that the insurance agent had several companies interested in taking out the bid specs and bidding the project.

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to reject the bid from Peters for roof repair at the middle school/high school campus. 

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea

Motion Carried 

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to enter closed session at 6:43 p.m. for items a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School Districts; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea

Motion Carried 

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to exit closed session at 7:27 p.m. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea

Motion Carried

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Boylen, to approve the minutes of closed session. Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea

Motion Carried 

Motion by Koch, seconded by Boylen, to approve the following amended personnel action: Personnel Listing – July 11, 2022 


Morgan Waterkotte – Elementary School Special Education – effective beginning of 2022-2023 school year

Jeremy Flynn – Junior High Assistant Baseball Coach – effective 2022-2023 season Sandy Prather – Junior High Softball Coach – effective 2022-2023 season

Presented but NOT Approved:  

Mat Loehr – Junior High Softball Coach – effective 2022-2023 season


Kelsey Jones – Speech Language Pathologist – effective July 5, 2022

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea

Motion Carried 

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Eichelberger, to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. 

Motion Carried by Acclamation
