Reaching Across Illinois Library System Board met July 22.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Tom Stagg, RAILS Board President called the meeting to order at 9:02 am.
Palmisano called the roll of the Board members
Burr Ridge: Monica Caldicott, Alice Creason, Dianne Hollister, Rene Leyva, Julie Milavec, Becky Spratford (arrived at 11:30), Tom Stagg, Beth Tepen, Alex Vancina, Karen Voitik
Zoom: Rosie Camargo, Juanita Harrell
Absent: Robin Helenthal, Jennifer McIntosh
Guests in Burr Ridge: Deirdre Brennan, Monica Harris, Ryan Hebel, Karen Goyer, Stacy Palmisano (note taker), Grant Halter, Janette Derucki, Mark Hatch, Sharon Swanson
Guests in Zoom: Leila Heath, Joe Filapek, Dan Bostrom, Anne Slaughter
No public comments.
2. Welcome and Introductions
Brennan welcomed everyone to the orientation. Each board member introduced themselves and gave the name of the library they represent.
3. Introduction to Library Systems and RAILS PowerPoint
Numerous RAILS staff members participated in a PowerPoint presentation that gave an overview of RAILS. There was a focus on the 2022-2025 strategic plan, highlighting RAILS’ programs and services that fall under the four strategic goals.
4. Break
A break was taken from 11:00 am to 11:15 am.
5. RAILS Board Meetings 101
5.1 Where to Attend I would add that this is not the current situation because of governor emergency proclamations
Brennan and Palmisano reviewed where a RAILS Board member can attend a meeting. Currently, due to the Governor’s emergency proclamation, board meetings and committee meetings can be attended virtually. In the future when the disaster proclamation ends, board and committee meetings will be in - person. The preferred in-person attendance is at one of the RAILS service centers. Attending at a public location that is accessible to the public is also acceptable. The least preferred choice is attending from an office or private location, as the attendance will not count towards a quorum.
5.2 Travel Reimbursement Form
All RAILS related events, including travel to board and committee meetings can be reimbursed to board members. Emily Fister, Executive Assistant, will provide each board member an electronic, prepopulated form to be completed and returned.
5.3 How to Participate and Contribute to Board Meetings
Palmisano reviewed how a board member can respond to a motion. Asking questions is always encouraged at all meetings. An annotated agenda, much like a script, is created for the Board President and committee chairpersons for RAILS board and committee meetings.
5.4 Videoconference Locations and Sensitive Microphones
RAILS meeting rooms are equipped with video and audio, and when the microphone green light is on, everything said will be picked up and recorded. Sidebar discussions are discouraged and may violate the Open Meetings Act. All board and committee meetings will now include closed captioning.
6. Email Accounts for RAILS Board Members
6.1 Why a Separate Account is needed
All email exchanges related to board service are subject to FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) disclosure. Using a personal or work email address would be included in a FOIA request.
6.2 Importance of Checking Email Regularly and Responding Promptly
Brennan expressed the importance of having board members check their RAILS Board email addresses regularly. Important information that may be time sensitive can be included in an email as well as links to meeting packets and Zoom information.
6.3 Adhering to Open Meetings Act – Don’t “Reply All”
6.3.1 Open Meetings Act Certification
To avoid violations of the Open Meetings Act (OMA), do not “reply all” to any email sent from RAILS staff or fellow board members. Information can be sent to all board members by Emily Fister, or any member of the admin team.
7. Q&A/Open Discussion
Brennan reviewed the contents of the board orientation packet page by page. Board members had the opportunity to ask questions and get clarification.
8. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 11:58 am.