
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met Aug. 15

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met Aug. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Brown County Board of Education was held at 6:00 p.m. in the Brown County Middle School Library. The meeting was called to order by Heath Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, 6:42 p.m.; Blakeley, 6:10 p.m.; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, 6:02 p.m.; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Attendance: Lan Eberle, Pollee Craven, Alex Ebbing, Lisa Hannel, Kris Gallaher, McKenzie Taute, Steve Schuwerk, Andrew Wagner, Dave Phelps.

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to approve the Consent Agenda.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yes; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Correspondence: Fullerton thanked Brown County State Bank for their monthly Affinity Card donation in the amount of $559.31.

Reports: Mrs. Craven mentioned that the Gold Star Mission will be traveling through Mt. Sterling on September 20, 2022, around 2:00 p.m. Craven went on to say the participants in the 500-mile journey are veterans, retired military, and police officers, riding to honoring fallen heroes.

ISBE Sexual Education Survey: Eberle discussed a recent survey sent out to all districts in the state regarding sex education standards. The district was able to opt out of providing this type of instruction to its students.

Playground Update: Eberle gave an update about the progress on the playground at the middle school. Eberle said that several of the slides have complicated connections requiring professional installation. Eberle went on to say that he hoped an install date could be scheduled before Labor Day.

SEL Educator: Eberle discussed the three main goals within the social emotional learning standards. • Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success • Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships • Demonstrate decision-making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Boylen, to set the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Hearing for September 19, 2022, at 5:45 p.m.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Koch, to enter closed session at 6:09 p.m. for items a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School Districts; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to exit closed session at 7:14 p.m.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Boylen, to approve the minutes of closed session.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the creation of a District Lighting and Sound Position

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

The account opening for the purpose of fundraising for a new all-weather track was tabled until further information is obtained.

The district’s in-kind contribution towards the potential all-weather track was tabled until further information is obtained.

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Brown County Community Unit School District No. 1 and Brown County Education Association, IEA-NEA.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

The tuition reimbursement for Gabrielle Rigg upon the completion of the special education and elementary education dual license program was tabled and will be reviewed at a later date.

Eberle explained that the short-term substitute agreement allows individuals with an associate degree to substitute in the classroom while completing monthly trainings offered by the Regional Office of Education.

Motion by Koch, seconded by Blaesing, to approve the Short-Term Substitute Agreement.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Eberle discussed the bid from Blue Cross Blue Shield originally came in with a 7% renewal increase. Kepple Company, the district’s insurance consulting company, was able to negotiate that increase down to just over 1%. Eberle went on to say that the end goal will still be to make application to become a part of the Central Illinois Educators Cooperative in the fall.

Motion by Blaesing, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the Renewal of Health and Ancillary Coverage for District Employees through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Elementary School Principal Contract.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Koch, to approve the following amended personnel action.

Personnel Listing – August 15, 2022


Jenna Harrelson – Middle School Science Teacher – effective beginning of 2022-2023 School Year

Benjamin Yingling – High School Biology Teacher - effective beginning of 2022-2023 School Year

Susan Roegge – Special Education Coordinator – effective beginning of 2022-2023 School Year

Cynthia McNeff – Elementary School Paraprofessional – effective 8/17/2022

Aldo Ossa- High School Spanish Teacher - effective beginning of 2022-2023 School Year

Stacy Demaree – High School Paraprofessional – effective 8/17/2022

Eric Jones – Middle School Softball – effective 7/26/2022

Danielle Bunge – Bus Driver – effective 8/17/2022

William Mitchell – Bus Driver – pending completion of required courses and background check

Ethan Sefton – Substitute Bus Driver – pending completion of required courses and background check


Jolene Hall – Middle School Teacher – effective end of 2021-2022 School Year

Sally Ruble – Elementary School Principal – effective 8/26/2022

Ivan Miranda – High School Spanish Teacher – effective 8/15/2022

Sandra Barr – Elementary School Paraprofessional – effective 7/28/2022


Sandar Barr – Regular Route Drive to Jacksonville Route Driver


Ganell Luthy – Bus Driver – effective 6/30/2022.

Roll Call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yes; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, yea; Boylen, yea.

Motion Carried

Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Fullerton, to adjourn at 7:26 p.m.

Motion Carried by Acclamation
