
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bushnell-Prairie City Community Unit School District 170 Board of Education met Nov. 16

Bushnell-Prairie City Community Unit School District 170 Board of Education met Nov. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education met in a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School LRC with the following members present: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Absent: Miller

Public Comments: None

The Board reviewed the Consent Agenda.

Motion by Member Mendenhall seconded by Member Oakman to approve the Consent Agenda which contained the following: Minutes of the October 19, 2022 Regular Meeting, Executive Session and Special Meeting of November 3, 2022. Payment of Bills, Treasurer's Report and Investments, Student Activity Accounts, Manual and Void Checks and Imprest Ledgers. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

Building Principals reported on happenings in their buildings.

Motion by Member Miller, seconded by Member Croxton to approve the submission of the School Maintenance Project Grant. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Miller, Mendenhall, Croxton and Kozicki. Nay: None.

Superintendent, Dr. Dinger discussed the Portrait or Profile of a Graduate that supports efforts of continuous improvement.

Motion by Member Mendenhall, seconded by Member Webb to approve the Second Reading of the following Board Policies. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meeting and Petitions to the Board.

3:70 Succession of Authority

4:10 Fiscal and Business Management

4:70 Resource Conservation

4:180 Pandemic Preparedness; Management; and Recovery

5:40 Communicable and Chronic Infectious Desease

5:70 Religious Holidays

5:80 Court Duty

5:110 Recognition for Service

5:140 Solicitations by, or from staff

5:240 Suspension

6:70 Teaching about Religions

6:80 Teaching about Controversial Issues

6:140 Education of Homeless Children

6:290 Homework

6:330 Achievement and Awards

7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights

7:270 Administering medicines to students

7:285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response and Food Allergy Management Program

The Board reviewed the Custodian Evaluation form.

Motion by Member Oakman, seconded by Member Kozicki to approve the Custodian Evaluation form. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

Dr. Dinger reviewed the Tentative Tax Levy with the Board.

Motion by Member Croxton, seconded by Member Mendenhall to approve the Tentative Tax Levy as presented. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

Dr. Dinger reviewed the revised Head Coach Evaluation form.

Motion by Member Kozicki, seconded by Member Webb to approve the Head Coach Evaluation Form with additions as instructed. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

Dr. Dinger reviewed the FY22 Audit with the Board.

Motion by Member Oakman, seconded by Member Croxton to accepted the FY22 Audit ,conducted by Wipfli, as presented. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

Dr. Dinger reviewed information regarding possible upcoming projects and costs for the Track resurfacing, adding a Softball Field and window replacement at the High School.

Dr. Dinger reviewed "Portrait of a B-PC Graduate" with the Board. January 11, 2023 will be a planning session.

Motion by Member Kozicki, seconded by Member Croxton to adjourn to Executive to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees and/or student discipline. After a voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Member Mendenhall, seconded by Member Kozicki to adjourn Executive Session and return to Open Session. After a voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

The Board reviewed the Personnel Report.

Motion by Member Mendenhall, seconded by Member Kozicki to approve the following Personnel recommendations: New Employment: Paige Sargeant as Elementary Interventionist effective January 2, 2023. Change in Status: Melissa Swartzbaugh from Full- time Substitute to 5th Grade Teacher effective immediately. Retirement: Carol Jones at the end of the 2024-25 School Year. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Mendenhall, Oakman, Croxton, Kozicki and Webb. Nay: None

Motion by Member Oakman, seconded by Member Mendenhall to adjourn the Meeting. After a voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School LRC
