
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Waverly City Council met Feb. 7

City of Waverly City Council met Feb. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

City of Waverly City Council met Feb. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Comments from the Floor

John Bostic – liquor license issue, pending application by designated manager.

Emily Copelin & Tammy Good to discuss the beer tent during the Waverly Community Picnic.

Stu Good to discuss the Waverly Community Picnic.

CDS Office Technologies Angela Kirby and Josh Ditto regarding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and continuation of proposal presented in January.

4. Approve Open Meeting Minutes from the January 3, 2022 Meeting

5. Approve the Reports of Clerk, Collector, Bookkeeper and Treasurer

6. Pay January Bills Due in February 2023

7. Municipal

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Department of Transportation, State Route 104 Project. On-going discussion. As of August 2022, IDOT is responsible securing easement signatures. UPDATE: see memorandum from Benton & Associates for Drinking Water Construction Permit sent on 01/09/23 and Utility Easement Agreement between Franklin and Waverly.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) and Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant process.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the IDOT 2024 Truck Access Route Program (TARP) for possible road improvement on Harker Street. The application has been presented to IDOT and is pending approval.

8. Finance

9. Parks, Lakes, and Recreation

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding Salter Park: bathrooms and pavilion.

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible approval of the 391 Grant for the Waverly Lake TMDL & Watershed Plan Implementation. Paperwork has been submitted David Souther, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Mr. Souther is monitoring.

10. Police

Chief Johnson monthly reports.

Discussion and possible approval of Golf Cart Permits for 2023/24. Current cost is $75.00.

Initial discussion concerning purchase of a new squad car.

11. Streets and Alleys

12. Utilities

13. Zoning

Russell Walls regarding property on East State Street. Public Hearing set for Monday, February 20 at 7:00 pm.

14. Committee Reports

15. Old Business:

On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding utilization of the State of Illinois Non-Entitlement Units (NEU) funds from ARPA’s Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery (“CLFR”) funds.

16. New Business

Discussion and possible approval of filing a foreclosure lawsuit for the properties at 129 & 143 North Pearl. The Lien request has been submitted. This is the second step.

Discussion and possible approval of utilizing COVID money for lost City revenue.

Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance 23-01 Amending General Code Chapter 19, Section 19-8 – Quorum.

Discussion and possible approval to put up for bid the properties at 338 East State and 398 West Tremont.

Discussion and approval of Boat Permits for 2023/24. Current cost is $25.00

17. Executive Session:

The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel of the public body to determine its validity.

18. Adjourn:
