Macomb City Council | City of Macomb / Facebook
Macomb City Council | City of Macomb / Facebook
The Macomb City Council recently approved two new liquor licenses for businesses in the city.
During the Feb. 21 Macomb City Council meeting, officials were presented with a couple of requests for liquor licenses. The first was an application from Gurman Mart, LLC, a convenience store that will be located at 342 West Jackson St. The owner, who's been running another business on West Jackson street for about 12 years, wants to create a convenience store that sells wine, beer, and liquor, and has gaming consoles in it. He says his planned hours of operation would be from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., seven days a week, though that is subject to any possible regulations and traffic in the store. He told council he is also working on some renovations for the building, which has not been used in a while, and hopes to have the store open by late April or early May.
Council asked a few questions about his business, and he informed them that he would have chips, candy, and soda available for purchase. He's also planning to install security cameras as part of his renovations to deal with traffic and safety measures. Council approved the first reading of this and approved him to move forward with the plan.
Council also approved creating a new class of liquor license for the Western Illinois Museum located at 201 West Lafayette St. The museum is looking to sell alcoholic beverages on the premises. The council already conducted a public hearing, at which no opposition was raised.
"I would indicate I did get a phone call from one resident in the neighborhood that got a notice by mail. The nature of their questions were just information about the application. Nothing negative against the operation," Macomb city attorney Lisa Scalf said at the meeting.
The council approved the liquor license for the business and created the new classification within the city code.