
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Barry City Council met Jan. 9

City of Barry City Council met Jan. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Rennecker called the meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7 p.m. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were present except Scott Harris.

Bob Dieker made a motion to approve the minutes from the December meeting and Justin Puterbaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve the payment of bills and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. Terry Epley from ABNG accounting gave the audit report for fiscal year 2021-2022. He stated everything looks good and the report has been filed with the State. Officer Rouse from the Pike County Sheriff’s department gave the police report. He said things had been a little slow. Officer Rouse said there were 7 traffic stops, 1 DUI here in town, motor vehicle theft by a juvenile and a couple of thefts at the Barry Travel Plaza. They were told not to return.

Jeff Hogge gave the City Administrator Report. He worked on renewing Sam’s registration and received confirmation that it is registered. We have new workman comp insurance and have an app on phone and will be able to send claim in by phone. There will be an open house and ribbon cutting ceremony at the new flower shop (Poppy’s Flower Patch) at 4 p.m. on Thursday January 12th. The HVAC system for the library is missing some parts and cannot get them and we can get two 24,000 units in place of the 48,000 unit which would be more efficient. The Council agreed to change to the ones we could get parts for.

Robert Snyder gave the Public Works Director report. He said it has been a busy month, had some curb stand issues that had to be dug by hand. The Christmas decorations are down and put up. Got the lights fixed in the park and got some sidewalks raised but the ones that were cracked didn’t work. We will need to saw them off to make them level. There is one piece of iron pipe left to put in and a vent for the Library sewer. The Baptist Church water line froze up and had to be replaced.

Mayor and Council discussed the P.C.W.D. interconnection agreement. Max Middendorf provided costs which will be the City’s costs. The City has been working on revising the language in the proposed agreement with Pike County Water District. The contact with the Pike County Animal Control was not received so has been tabled to later meeting.

Mayor Rennecker discussed with Council TIF roof project. Trent Mountain is in process of purchasing the building on Bainbridge Street and the roof is in need of repair. Council discussed giving a $20,000 grant to repair roof on the building. Bob Dieker made motion to go ahead with $20,000 grant to repair roof and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Bob Dieker – yes

Scott Harris – absent

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – yes

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Motion carried wit 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent to approve $20,000 TIF grant to repair roof on building soon to be owned by Trent Mountain.

Mayor Rennecker discussed the MFT Resolution. Total cost for resurfacing and repairing streets is $88,474.20. Steve Schultz said vote for it and Bob Dieker was for it and Justin Puterbaugh said move forward with resolution for maintenance fees and maintenance engineering. Roll call taken:

Scott Harris – absent

Steve Schultz - yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – yes

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Bob Dieker – yes

Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent to approve the MFT Resolution # R1- 2023.

Marynel Corton said we are now living 3-4 miles from a National Park, New Philadelphia. Process for finalizing New Philadelphia as a National Park will be two to three years.

Bob Dieker made a motion to go into executive session and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Council went into executive session at 8:25 p.m.

Council returned to regular session at 9:35 p.m.

Mayor Rennecker said Phil Marshall called and said he has an apartment rented out but there is an outstanding water bill in amount of $767.87 from when Micah White had it. Can he get water turned on and test it to see if he has any leaks. Council agreed and that back bill goes to Micah White and need to file a lien on it.

Steve Schultz made a motion to adjourn and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
