
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met Feb. 27

Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met Feb. 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A special board meeting was held on February 27, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. in the Brown County Middle School library. The meeting was called to order by Heath Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, absent; Boylen, yea.

Attendance: Lan Eberle, Alex Ebbing, Lisa Hannel, Kris Gallaher, McKenzie Taute, Jessica Robertson, Dan Long, David Garrett.

Eberle facilitated the hearing where witnesses Alex Ebbing and Heath Fullerton gave testimony about the events that took place on February 13, 2023. Ebbing noted that the behavior by David Garrett was a direct violation of district policy 8:30. Garrett also spoke about the events that took place. Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Eichelberger, to approve the denial of admission of Citizen David Garrett to school events for one year, pursuant to Board Policy 8:30.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, abstain; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blaesing, seconded by Boylen, to adjourn at 5:40 p.m.

Motion Carried by Acclamation

Regular Board Meeting

The regular Board of Education meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Heath Fullerton. The minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Koch, absent; Boylen, yea.

Attendance: Lan Eberle, Pollee Craven, Alex Ebbing, Lisa Hannel, Kris Gallaher, McKenzie Taute, Jessica Robertson, Dan Long, Gene Mackey, Robert Dulaney, Shaun Bauerle, Lucas Harris, Nichole Miller, Jenny Zimmerman, Amy Ham, Whitley Walters, Tyler Walters, Kinley Walters, Kolby Walters, Lisa Foster, Emily Foster, Gail Gallaher.


Mr. Ebbing recognized Brown County Middle School Student of the Month, Kinley Walters. Ebbing said Walters was nominated by Mr. Moran who noted Kinley was a hard worker, polite, respectful, and committed to being her very best.

Mrs. Craven recognized Brown County High School Student of the Month, Emily Foster. Craven said Foster was nominated by Mrs. Gallaher who noted Emily was a pleasure to have in class, always volunteered to help other students, and has gained great confidence in math over the last four years.

Ameresco: Eberle introduced Gene Mackey and his team from Ameresco. Eberle explained to the board that Ameresco is a turnkey company that provides design and construction services to many public sector entities. Mackey mentioned that Ameresco specialized in restoring structures. Eberle went on to say that when the district was approached about building a track earlier last year, there was concern with investing money in the track when the high school campus has so many issues that need to be addressed. Eberle put together a group of stakeholders which included teachers, administrators, maintenance, board members on the Building and Grounds Committee and community members. Ameresco met with the committee and listened to concerns that included safety/security, asbestos, water lines, electrical issues, ADA compliance, undersized classrooms, deteriorating/undersized bus garage, and lack of storage. Mackey explained that his team had worked with the district to create designs that address concerns, optimized space, and add additional space with and addition to the high school building. Mackey also mentioned an additional building that would house an appropriately-sized bus garage, maintenance shop, district office, meeting space, locker rooms, concessions, and restrooms for outdoor events. Eberle discussed the financing options that included utilizing the one percent sales tax dollars. Eberle explained that bonds can be taken out on the anticipated sales tax funding the district already receives, in turn, not asking for any additional property tax dollars to finance the majority of these projects.

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Hughes, to approve the Consent Agenda.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried


Fullerton thanked Brown County State Bank for their monthly Affinity Card donation in the amount of $581.80.

James Blakeley thanked the Conservation Police Lodge #146 for their donation to the Brown County Trap League in the amount of $250.00.


Mrs. Craven thanked the Class of 1957 for their donation that was split between the class accounts.

Discussion Items:

Revenue & Expenditure Update: Eberle explained that the district was 65% of the way through the school year and had received 95% of expected revenue and disbursed 69% of expected expenditures.


Eberle told the board that both unions submitted requests for documents in preparation of the upcoming contract negotiations.

Meeting Reminder:

Fullerton reminded the board that the next regular meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m.

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Blakeley, to enter closed session at 7:03 p.m. for items a) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the School District; b) collective negotiating matters between the School District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Boylen, seconded by Blaesing, to exit closed session at 7:42 p.m.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Fullerton, seconded by Boylen, to approve the minutes of closed session. Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Blaesing, to approve the Certified and Educational Support Staff Seniority Lists.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Hughes, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Contract Extension for Elementary School Principal.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the Employment of Brooke Williams – Temporary Part-Time Paraprofessional - January 18, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the Employment of Nikki Boyce – Bus Driver– pending successful completion of licensure and background check – effective February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the Employment of Brent Wood – Substitute Teacher – effective February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Hughes, to approve the Employment of Scott Leenerts – Substitute Teacher – effective February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Employment of Christian Kennedy – 5th & 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher – effective beginning of 2023-2024 school year.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Employment of Sandy Prather – High School Girls Track Coach – effective – February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Hughes, to approve the Employment of Ethan Sefton – Junior High Assistant Track Coach – effective February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Transfer of Tom Little – Junior High Boys Track Coach to High School Boys Track Coach – effective February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Fullerton, to approve the Transfer of Trenton Harrelson – Junior High Assistant Track Coach to Junior High Boys Track Coach – effective February 27, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Resignation of Nevin Kenlon-Travers – Elementary School Custodian – effective February 23, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Resignation of Rob Tynan – Long Term Substitute Chorus Teacher – effective March 3, 2023.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blakeley, seconded by Boylen, to approve the Resignation of Ashley Behymer – Pre-K Teacher – effective end of 2022 – 2023 school year.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Blaesing, seconded by Eichelberger, to approve the Resignation of Kris McCaskill – Part-Time Modern Business Practices Teacher – effective end of 2022 -2023 school year.

Roll call: Fullerton, yea; Blaesing, yea; Blakeley, yea; Hughes, yea; Eichelberger, yea; Boylen, yea. Motion Carried

Motion by Eichelberger, seconded by Fullerton, to adjourn at 7:49 p.m.

Motion Carried by Acclamation
