
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville Area Museum Board met March 2

City of Jacksonville Area Museum Board met March 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The March board meeting was held at the Jacksonville Area Museum (Old Post Office) with a teleconferencing option available. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Allan Worrell, Chairman.  Those present included David Blanchette, Chad Boehlke, John Clancy, Lisa Hall, Diane Hollendonner, Nick Little, Jo Ann Nelson, James Pisell, and Allan Worrell.  Absent were Patsy Erickson (Emeritus), Rebecca Houston, Kyla Hurt, Laura Marks, Brittany Henry (Ex-Officio), and Judy Tighe (Ex-Officio).   Also present were Manager McKenna Servis and Consultant Steve Varble.

The minutes of the February 2, 2023, board meeting were approved distributed.

In the absence of treasurer Laura Marks there was no formal treasurer’s report.  McKenna Servis reported that there were 381 visitors in January with $791 in donations and 179 visitors in February with $409 in donations.  There were 3 new memberships.  The JAM Foundation has received approximately $147,000 in donations.  It was noted that any donation above $1000 is deposited in the Foundation account unless designated elsewhere by the donor.  Donations of less than $1000 will be directed to operating expenses at the museum unless designated elsewhere by the donor.


Administrative:  There were no new requests for museum use.

In her report, manager McKenna Servis displayed copies of title abstracts donated by Marjorie Blair dating back to 1869 on a property at 522 W. Oak in Jacksonville.  It was voted to accept the abstracts into the museum’s collection, as well as two programs from the Mound Woman’s Country Club dated 1967 and 1968.  McKenna requested $150 for a large flatbed scanner for better photo resolution and proposed that a designated scanning station be set up in the basement.  It was voted to approve the purchase with funds coming from the office rehabilitation line in the budget.

Arrangements have been made to dig up the Jacksonville Developmental Center time capsule and remove the metal lettering from the sign at W. Morton/S. Diamond on Friday, March 24.  Dave Blanchette suggested that we plan to remove the metal plaque from the rock, re-bury the time capsule at the museum, and arrange for participation by area children with additional messages for the future.

Steve Varble reported that ID Signs of Springfield is working on the museum sign but he has had no response to his communications with them.  He is still trying to hang the vinyl sign out front but cold weather and strong winds have delayed the installation.

Exhibits:  Nick Little reported that the State Hospital exhibit is progressing.  The topper from the Nichols Park gazebo is now in the south storage area and received a lot of publicity in local news media and social media postings.  McKenna will consult with the State Museum for recommendations on repainting the topper or preserving it in the current state of flaking paint.  It was suggested that the medical exhibits be moved to accommodate a Nichols Park exhibit featuring the topper, the photo of the gazebo, a cut-out of Sammy Nichols, and a painting of Nichols Park. 

The Dominican Sisters’ exhibit will be arriving soon so the display cases need to be moved and that area prepared for their display.  In addition to moving the framed portraits, Nick Little shared several blue paint samples and suggested painting the walls.  It was voted to purchase enough paint for the walls by the restrooms extending to MAC Hall with a cost not to exceed $300.  A television capable of accepting a USB loaded with a video on the Dominican exhibit is needed.  One will be borrowed that will fit the exhibit.

Fundraising:  David Blanchette reported that the ferris wheel seat is being manufactured and the rug for children’s programs has arrived.  The museum stickers are in design stage.

The Benton & Associates proposal on Phase II heat/air conditioning, ductwork, electrical system skylights, etc. will cost $33,000 which the JAM Foundation will pay.  It was voted to proceed with the proposal.  Blanchette will talk to the Morgan County Historical Society about the proposed renovations to the building.

NOTE:  At 6:15 p.m., Allan Worrell left the meeting for a previous engagement and Vice-Chairman Jim Pisell took over the meeting.

Jim reported that he is still working on the basement space and hopes to have the offices on the west side completed by June.  It will need deep cleaning and additional paint before items from the MacMurray records are moved down there.  McKenna and JoAnn Nelson will ask the MAC Foundation for funds to help with the basement work.

Collections:  It was voted to accept the topper from the Nichols Park gazebo and the photo that accompanied into the museum’s collection.  (In addition to other items listed above.)

Promotion:  Steve Varble reported that response to posts on social media about the Nichols Park topper was strong and the area news outlets covered the story.  The LEGO posts continue to reach the largest numbers of viewers, with strong interest in the Morgan County Bicentennial.  Blanchette has a new podcast featuring Sonnie Heyer and her experiences as “Miss Pipeline.”

OLD BUSINESS:  McKenna is still negotiating with Loren Hamilton and Troy Taylor on details of the ghost investigation.  The proposed date would be sometime in June/July and take approximately 6 hours.  There is still uncertainty about how many people would be involved.

Any clothing items to be embroidered with the museum logo need to be at the museum by Thursday, March 9.  Ten items are needed to place an order.  Preferred color is black.



The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 6, 5:15 p.m., at the Jacksonville Area Museum, 301 E. State Street.  Social distancing rules will be observed and call-in option is available upon request.

With no further business or announcements to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m.
