
West Central Reporter

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met March 15

Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met March 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Luke Burling.

Roll call: Jason Gunning/present; Amy Graham/present; Jacob Murphy/present; Luke Burling/present; Robert Menn/present; Dillon Darbyshire/present; Drew Dickerson/present via conference call.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Additional agenda items: Mr. Burling asked to have discussion item 9B added to discuss the recent visit to the area by Governor Pritzker.

Recognition of individuals wishing to speak: Danielle White addressed the board regarding issues she’s seen happening within the district. Kadee Shutwell was not allowed to speak in open session regarding personnel issues, but was allowed to submit a letter to board members. Hallie Jacob, Josie Moore, Peyton Blue, and Payslee Carle each spoke about their positive experiences with 5th and 6th grade volleyball this year.

Presentation by Fortress Bank: Mike Bavery and Troy McCrery were present. Mr. McCrery presented a program they offer which could generate more interest revenue for the school district.

Administrative Reports:

Mr. Day presented a hand-out regarding the Illinois County Schools Facility Sales Tax and discussed new legislation regarding Faith’s Law and Erin’s Law and how those will affect the school district.

Mrs. Jacoby: Did not have anything to add to her report

Mr. Scott: Noted the date for 8th grade recognition is Thursday, May 18th.

It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mr. Gunning to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

Discussion of staff luncheon: Will be held on Friday, May 26th. Retirees being recognized will be John Edris, 30 years and Julie Weber, 6 years.

Discussion of Governor Pritzker’s recent visit to the area: It was discussed whether there should be board policy written that would ban government officials from being present during school hours. No action was taken.

It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Gunning to approve the agreement with Bushue HR, Inc. to provide Human Resources, Risk Management and Insurance Consulting on a retainer basis at a cost of, $560 Per Month (Annually - $6,720) for the period beginning April 1, 2023 and ending March 31, 2024; $565 Per Month (Annually - $6,780) for the period beginning April 1, 2024 and ending March 31, 2025; $570 Per Month (Annually - $6,840) for the period beginning April 1, 2025 and ending March 31, 2026. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Gunning to enter into executive session at 8:55 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel and negotiations. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Darbyshire and seconded by Mrs. Graham to exit executive session at 10:39 p.m. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Gunning to adopt the Resolution Reference the Dismissal of Professional Educator Licensed (“PEL”) Employee, Katy Krieg, at the end of the 2022-2023 school year as presented, and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the Notice to the employee as specified in the Resolution. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Menn to adopt the Resolution Reference the Dismissal of Professional Educator Licensed (“PEL”) Employee Allison Baumann, at the end of the 2022-2023 school year as presented, and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the Notice to the employee as specified in the Resolution. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mrs. Graham to adopt the Resolution Reference the Dismissal of Professional Educator Licensed (“PEL”) Employee, Megan Brink, at the end of the 2022-2023 school year as presented, and that the Superintendent be authorized and directed to deliver or cause to be delivered the Notice to the employee as specified in the Resolution. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr.

Board Meeting Minutes March 15, 2023 2

Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Menn to approve the resignation of Amanda Staats as assistant cook, effective February 23, 2023. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve Jacob Rowland as assistant cook, for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year, at the non-certified support staff contract rate effective immediately, and as head cook starting with the 2023-24 school year. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mrs. Graham and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve Robbie Middle as a paraprofessional according to the pay scale stated in the contract between Carthage Elementary School District #317 and the Service Employee’s International Union Local Number 73. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.

It was moved by Mr. Menn and seconded by Mrs. Graham to adjourn the meeting at 10:43 p.m. Roll call: Mr. Gunning/yes; Mrs. Graham/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mr. Menn/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
