
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

City of Barry City Council met May 1

City of Barry City Council met May 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Rennecker called the regular meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7 p.m. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were present except Justin Puterbaugh.

Bridget Cramsey made motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve payment of the bills and Scott Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent.

Marynel Corton gave the Tif Committee report. They met to discuss which businesses would receive grants from Tif Façade and Tif Interior programs for this year. The committee set a budget of $50,000 per program for this year. The committee would like to recommend the following for the Tif Façade and Tif Interior:

Tif Façade Program

Hugh Bailey (Volbract Building) Trim and window repair - $5,500.00

Back deck repair - $9,633.00

Barry Café – New front doors - $3,278.59

Trent Mountain 725 Bainbridge Street – Façade painting - $12,865.00

Phil Marshall – wrap doors and windows - $17,100.00

Total - $48,376.59

Interior Tif Program

Thrift Shop – 6 new lights - $421.34 and Paint - $380.00

Stroemer Foods – New credit card readers - $3,349.78

Trent Mountain 725 Bainbridge St. – Utility work, walls, HVAC - $20,000.00

Hugh Bailey (Volbract building) window tinting - $6298.00

Tiny’s Place – Air handlers - $5485.00

Barry Café – Flooring - $4800.00

Barry Pawn & Tactical – New HVAC - $7,555.12

Walter Scheibel/Joan Wellman - $3,000.00 offer towards HVAC parts.

Total - $51,289.24

Everyone that submitted an application for the Tif Façade and Tif Interior received something. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve the recommendations and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Bob Dieker – yes

Scott Harris – yes

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – absent

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent to approve the Tif Façade and Tif Interior grants.

Officer Ryan Rouse from the Pike County Sheriff’s office gave the police report. He said there were 5 warnings, 5 traffic tickets and 2 misdemeanors.

Robert Snyder gave the Public Works Director report. He said they filled 9 dumpsters during the city wide clean up. They have started getting the swimming pool ready for the season and metal doors for the pool are $1250 per door and wood doors were $348.00 each. Council discussed the doors and decided metal would hold up better. Steve Schultz made motion to approve purchase of two metal doors at a cost of $1250.00 per door and Bridget Cramsey seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent. The City planted 2 trees for Arbor Day at Holy Redeemer Park. Justin Puterbaugh arrived to meeting at 7:15 p.m. Robert said the cost of fill dirt for the volleyball court is $2750.00. Bob Dieker made motion to approve purchase of fill dirt and Bridget Cramsey seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent. He said he will also ask Troy Bradshaw if he has any extra dirt.

Jeff Hogge gave the City Administrators report. He sent all the ordinances off to the codifier and had an interview with WGEM. He met with University of IL efficiency team that came to do evaluation of sewer plant. He picked up trees for Arbor Day and Ascend donated one of the trees to be planted.

In new business the at large aldermen were sworn in: Bridget Cramsey, Steve Schultz and newly elected alderman Debbie Harshman were sworn in and the appointment of City Officers: Interim Mayor – Steve Schultz, City Administrator – Jeff Hogge, Public Works Director – Robert Snyder, Collector – Sandra Brown and City Attorney – Dan Beard. Bridget Cramsey made motion to approve the appointment of City Officers and Justin Puterbaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent. The following are the new committees for fiscal year 2023/2024.

Steve Schultz made a motion to approve the City Council Committees and Debbie Harshman seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent. Mayor Rennecker and Council discussed the trash franchise. Mayor Rennecker said he had the trash providers submit a bid if they were interested and had the people fill out a survey to see if there was an interest with going with one trash provider and everyone seemed to side with the carriers they were already with. Steve Schultz stated he was not in favor of changing now and need to leave the way we are doing. Marynel Corton made a motion to leave as is and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent to leave as it is now.

Mayor Rennecker reviewed the budget with council. Council approved to have prepared into an ordinance to be approved at June’s meeting.

Mayor Rennecker said he receive names from Pool manager for lifeguards. She would like to have recommendations to hire lifeguards for the 2023 season. Bridget Cramsey made motion to hire the lifeguards and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried with 6 ayes, 0 nays and 0 absent.

Bridget Cramsey made a motion to adjourn and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
