
West Central Reporter

Friday, February 7, 2025

City of Jacksonville Area Museum met Board Oct. 5

City of Jacksonville Area Museum met Board Oct. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The October board meeting was held at the Jacksonville Area Museum (Old Post Office) with a teleconferencing option available.  The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Allan Worrell, Chairman.  Those present included Dave Blanchette, Chad Boehlke, John Clancy, Lisa Hall, Diane Hollendonner, Rebecca Houston, Laura Marks, Jo Ann Nelson, James Pisell, and Allan Worrell.  Absent were Patsy Erickson (Emeritus), Kyla Hurt, Nick Little, Brittany Henry (Ex-Officio), and Judy Tighe (Ex-Officio).  Also present was Consultant Steve Varble.  Manager McKenna Servis has an evening class this semester.

The minutes of the September 7, 2023, board meeting were approved as distributed.

Treasurer Laura Marks distributed the financial report for September showing income of $11,183.61 which included $321.00 in visitor donations, $10,460.00 in memberships, and a $432.61 reimbursement from JAM Foundation for the printing of Night at the Museum items.  Expenses totaled $1,220.18 which included $275.01 for operational expenses, $133.76 for pizza for IC volunteers, $448.69 to Production Express for Night at the Museum materials, and $242.79 to Gaylord for collection preservation supplies.  There were approximately 113 visitors in September, which included family/class reunions.  Balance was $48,017.95 at the end of September.  It was voted to approve the treasurer’s report.


Administrative:  McKenna Servis emailed a report.  She recommended the purchase of a steamer to use on Mrs. Sibert’s WAC uniform and any other future fabric items.  It was voted to authorize the purchase of a steamer at a cost of not more than $100 from the collection preservation budget. The museum entry in the JHS, Routt, and Illinois College Homecoming parades promoted the upcoming LEGO exhibit.  Volunteers from Illinois College did a great job emptying the Phase 2 storage area and were rewarded with pizza. Jo Ann Nelson reported that the visiting German students at JHS would come to the museum for a tour on October 16.

RidAll submitted a bid to provide insect treatments at $150/quarter.  It was voted to accept that bid.  Allan will ask how much they would charge for a rodent option, and if they would install bird spikes at the front entrance.

Allan Worrell will give a program at JACIL October 24.  He spoke about the museum at AMBUCS.  First Baptist Church would like to come to the museum on Friday, October 20, 6-7 p.m., for date night.  Rebecca Houston mentioned that the Illinois College Society would like a tour of the museum sometime in November.  

The elm coffee table from Betty (Query) Smith was picked up by Allan, Nick, and McKenna.  

Exhibits:   Steve Varble reported that the Jacksonville Developmental Center exhibit layout will highlight four parts in the Center’s history.  He needs to make printed flats for the entrance columns and would like to find a piece of the original metal fence to display.  The target date for installing the exhibit is now late October.  He needs promotional information on the LEGO contest/exhibit.  Lisa Hall’s son will provide a few LEGO constructs for display during the Pilot Club Home Tour.

Fundraising:  Laura Marks reported that there has been good response to the membership letters mailed out, including several new individual/family memberships but not very many business memberships.

Laura reported that the JAM Foundation has added two new board members, Rabbi Rob Thomas and former state representative Tom Ryder.

Ticket reservations for Night at the Museum are going well.  She would like any boxes or furniture moved from in front of the electric outlets in the Phase 2 room and needs to designate areas for the different presentations. We may need to rent draping, perhaps from American Rental, to separate the areas.   Allan will check with Kiwanis and Fellowship of Christian Athletes to see if there are volunteers to help move furnishings around to make space.  Jo Ann Nelson, Audra Nelson, and Ginny Fanning will make and serve refreshments.  Laura handed out sign-up sheets for jobs that need coverage both nights.

Building and Grounds:  Jim Pisell is planning to trim the outside bushes soon.  The electrician hasn’t been able to schedule a visit yet, but with a major project completed he might have time.

Collections:  Nothing new to accession.

Promotion:  Steve Varble reported that the current list of podcasts has generated 837 total “plays” with the Bob Freesen podcast holding the #1 spot.  There is a new podcast featuring the first 30 minutes of the original September 1986 inaugural broadcast by WJVO radio station. 

OLD BUSINESS:  Dave Blanchette reported that the Phase 2 HVAC design package is 90% complete and should be ready to view by next week.

NEW BUSINESS:  The work/volunteer schedule should be adjusted to have two people present during hours the museum is open for security reasons.  It would also be desirable to have a volunteer coordinator to list tasks for the volunteers to help with if there aren’t many visitors.


The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 2, 5:15 p.m., at the Jacksonville Area Museum, 301 E. State Street.  A call-in option is available upon request.

With no further business or announcements to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
