
West Central Reporter

Friday, February 7, 2025

City of Jacksonville Area Museum Board met Nov. 2

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The Jacksonville Area Museum | Jacksonville Area Museum | Facebook

City of Jacksonville Area Museum Board met Nov. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The November board meeting was held at the Jacksonville Area Museum (Old Post Office) with a teleconferencing option available. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by Allan Worrell, Chairman. Those present included Dave Blanchette, Chad Boehlke, John Clancy, Lisa Hall, Diane Hollendonner, Rebecca Houston, Kyla Hurt, Laura Marks, Jo Ann Nelson, James Pisell, and Allan Worrell. Absent were Patsy Erickson (Emeritus), Nick Little, Brittany Henry (Ex-Officio), and Judy Tighe (Ex-Officio). Also present was Consultant Steven Varble. Manager McKenna Servis has an evening class this semester.

Laura Marks presented a list of tasks that need to be completed in preparation for the Living Wax Legends on November 8 and 15. Board members jumped up to move ladders, shelving, and display cases out of the way. 140 tickets have been purchased for the membership night, but sales for the public event are slow taking off. Volunteers should plan to arrive by 3:30 p.m. and wear museum logo shirts or black shirts. Allan thanked the IC women’s basketball team for moving items in the Phase 2 room downstairs to the basement to make way for the fundraiser.

The minutes of the October 5, 2023, board meeting were approved as distributed.

Treasurer Laura Marks distributed the financial report for October showing income of $2,289.00 which included $247.00 in visitor donations, $1,990.00 in memberships, and a $52.00 donation. Expenses totaled $7,128.52 which included $1,157.23 for operational expenses, and $5,971.29 for salary/benefits. There were approximately 129 visitors in October, which included family/class reunions. Donations and number of visitors remain slightly ahead of 2022 totals. Balance was $43,208.43 at the end of October. The new credit card machine has been tested and it works. It was voted to approve the treasurer’s report as presented.


Administrative: There was no manager’s report. “Event” visitors (family and class reunions, German students, First Baptist Church Date Nite) have drawn good numbers and good reviews. The steamer was purchased for use on textile and clothing items.

Discussion continued on safety/security precautions, including having more than one person working at the museum during hours that it is open to the public. It may be necessary to plan to install security cameras inside and outside the building. Concerning insurance coverage, the Morgan County Historical Society carries coverage for the building and grounds while the contents are covered by the City of Jacksonville’s policy. However, it is difficult to appraise/document the value of artifacts included in the museum collection. Allan will investigate this further.

Exhibits: It has been announced publicly that the plan to move the time capsule from the Jacksonville Developmental Center grounds has been put on hold indefinitely due to the logistics of digging it up and transporting it. The LEGO exhibit/contest will be on display from December 2 through February. There will be five categories including one on Jacksonville history, with $500 in gift cards as prizes. The Jacksonville Developmental Center exhibit will open in the spring. Steven Varble reported that the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired will be observing its 175th anniversary in 2024 and he is working with Dan Thompson on an exhibit.

Fundraising: Laura Marks reported that the next JAM Foundation meeting would be on Thursday, November 9. Initial donations to the Phase 2 project total around $310,000 (before the Living Wax Legends events).

Building and Grounds: Jim Pisell said that the I3 cable is buried and secured to the building to avoid future weedeater cuts. He is planning to do some caulking around cracks in the rooms in the basement. Allan Worrell reported that the RidAll contract was signed and paid. Kyla Hurt contacted the local fire department and they would be willing to assist in the installation of bird spikes using a ladder truck. Electrician Scott Jess was called to set up a time for electrical projects and will schedule a visit in December.

The bid package for the HVAC installation should be ready to review at the December board meeting.

David Blanchette and Steven Varble met with Taylor Studios Inc. in Champaign for an initial review of the proposed design of Phase 2 exhibit space. They were very complimentary concerning the amount of planning already accomplished. They pointed out the need for more interactive components, with sound and entertainment, and less text information on the exhibits.

Collections: It was voted to add the following items to the museum collection: two tubs of Portuguese immigration history (to be sorted) from the family of Cornell and Mari Kane, doll furniture made by a JDC patient, a collection of books about ISVI plus Dan Thompson’s 2-volume life story, and a book about Laura Marks’ grandfather (former mayor). Chade Boehlke announced that the theme for the 2024 Chautauqua would be about the Portuguese immigrants.

Promotion: Steve Varble added a podcast about the Jones Meat Locker 80th anniversary and will add the Soapbox Derby interview on November 12. The Bob Freesen podcast is still #1. We are currently at 921 total “plays” and should reach 1000 “plays” by the end of the year. Promotions on the LEGO exhibit are going out. Members are encouraged to share on Facebook or other social media. We have 1905 followers on Facebook, and 265 on Instagram.

OLD BUSINESS: Laura Marks reported that Rich McCoy will be scheduling rehearsals for the Living Wax Legends actors soon. Steve Tankersley has offered to donate his services to set up lighting for the event.

The post light in front of the museum is still broken.

NEW BUSINESS: Laura Marks will have a 2024 budget to present at the December meeting (and may send it out by email ahead of time).

It was voted to de-accession an old piano which has been used as a prop for exhibits years ago and allow Nick Little to sell it at his antique shop, with the proceeds to return to the museum.


The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 7, 5:15 p.m., at the Jacksonville Area Museum, 301 E. State Street. A call-in option is available upon request.

With no further business or announcements to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
