
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Barry City Council met Nov. 6

Webp 13

Shawn Rennecker, Mayor | City of Barry Website

Shawn Rennecker, Mayor | City of Barry Website

City of Barry City Council met Nov. 6.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Mayor Rennecker called the regular meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7 p.m. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were present except: Debbie Harshman, Justin Puterbaugh and Debbie Dell.

Mayor Rennecker recognized Robert Snyder (past Public Works Director) who retired in October for his 31 years of service to the City of Barry and presented him with a plaque.

Bridget Cramsey made motion to approve the minutes from the October meeting and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent. Steve Schultz made motion to approve payment of bills and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Jeff Hogge gave report for Jeremy Walston who is the new Public Works Director. They replaced chemical pump at the wells and got the part for the lift station and used the leaf suction to pick up leaves.

Jeff Hogge gave the City Administrator report. He ordered the chemical pumps for the lift station and the transducer for the lift station. He and Shawn had a phone conference with FEMA about reimbursement of expenses for the storm damage in June. What used to be a simple process is no longer so decided to drop and not go for it. The only damage we had was some trees down and limbs around town. We have always allowed Public Works Director a vehicle, Jeremy has had to come in at night and asked if everyone would allow him to take pickup home with him. Scott Harris said he has no issue with this. Jeff stated that he; Jeremy and Rusty have City cell phones, only he has a smart phone. Jeremy and Rusty have been using their own smart phones because the little phones don’t work for a lot of things. Jeff asked if everyone could start using personal phones instead of city phones. If we give up city cell phones we could reimburse them $52 a month for use of their personal phone which is cheaper than paying for the city phones. Scott Harris asked if everyone has a warranty on their phones. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve and to reimburse $52 a month for use of their personal cell phone. Scott Harris seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker said that Terry Leahr is our licensed operator of record for the systems and has been doing our water/wastewater reports. He is getting ready to retire from his current job and offered to help us out more. He would be here daily to check the numbers, run and maintain plant systems, as well as sampling and reporting. Mayor Rennecker asked Councils approval to raise his salary from $400 a month to $900 a month since he will be doing more. Steve Schultz made motion to hire Terry Leahr at that price when he is available and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker discussed the Tax Levy Ordinance with Council. Steve Schultz made motion to approve Tax Levy Ordinance and Scott Harris seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Scott Harris – yes

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – absent

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – absent

Tax Levy Ordinance approved with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker said they purchased a six foot tiller for $3000 to condition the sand filters at the wastewater plant and need council approval for the purchase. Steve Schultz mad a motion to approve the purchase and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker and Council discussed the Solar Ordinance. There was question on grass height and weed and grass control. The solar farm needs to be enclosed with a fence and weed and grass less than 18 inches high inside fence area and 20 feet around the fence area. Steve Schultz said we need to know that they are going to plant grass. Steve Schultz made motion to amend the ordinance in reference to fencing and grass control. Bridget Cramsey seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Steve Schultz -0 yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – absent

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – absent

Scott Harris – yes

Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent to amend the Solar Farm Ordinance. 

Mayor Rennecker discussed the Solar Farm – Special Use Permit. He said at the special meeting they had a good discussion on the project. It should have a fence around the project site and no more than 8 foot in height. Steve Schultz sated he would like to see statement of agreement. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve agreement dependent upon getting surety bond and insurance listed in ordinance. Bridget Cramsey seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – absent

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – absent

Scott Harris – yes

Steve Schultz – yes

Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker and Council discussed the comp/vacation buyback. In the past if the employees have extra time they haven’t used they have been allowed to buyback up to 2 weeks comp/vacation time. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve up to 2 weeks buyback for comp/vacation and Bridget Cramsey seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker discussed change order for sewer lining project. The original cost was $240,000 and the change order reduced the cost to $209919.30 which is more in line with the original budget of $210000.00. Bridget Cramsey made motion to approve the change order to adjust the budget and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – absent

Scott Harris – yes

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – absent

Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Mayor Rennecker stated we have around $80,000 in our Rebuild IL account that has been received from State Rebuild IL program to help with streets. He said Decatur Street needs to be oil and chipped and Scott Harris said do from Hwy 106 to Main Street. Mayor Rennecker and Council discussed purchase of 2 trucks. They discussed buying two small 4-wheel drive dump trucks to use for plowing snow. It’s getting harder to find someone with a CDL license and the price has increased in getting one. This way it would allow new employees to plow snow and spread salt & sand without a CDL. Scott Harris made a motion to buy 2 trucks up to $100,000 and will also use funds from sale of small 2-wheel drive dump truck. Steve Schultz seconded the motion.

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – absent

Scott Harris – yes

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Justin Puterbaugh – absent

Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent to purchase 2 small 4-wheel drive dump trucks up to $100,000.

Mayor Rennecker said we have someone interested in the 7 acres behind Jones Poultry and we need to get an appraisal to be able to sell the land. Steve Schultz made a motion to get appraisal to be able to sell and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent.

Bridget Cramsey made a motion to adjourn and Steve Schultz seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
