Ryanne Jacoby, Principal - Carthage Primary School | LinkedIn
Ryanne Jacoby, Principal - Carthage Primary School | LinkedIn
Carthage Elementary School District 317 Board of Education met Nov. 15.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Carthage E.S.D. #317 Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Luke Burling.
Roll call: Stephanie Fitch/present; Jacob Murphy/present; Luke Burling/present; Linda Housewright/present; Dillon Darbyshire/present; Sean Dickerson/present; Derrick Nelson/present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
There were no additional agenda items.
Recognition of Student Athletes: The Cross-Country and Speech teams were recognized for their state tournament accomplishments.
Jennifer Edholm presented the Board with a list of contributions the Carthage School District Foundation has made to the district over the past.
Administrative Reports:
Mr. Day gave an oral board report discussing the tax levy, the school board conference, the new playground equipment at the primary school, a request from Illini West to paint a mural on the concession stand, and the need to repay an overpayment on the Title II Grant.
Mrs. Jacoby provided information about the mystery masked readers that will be part of the Family Reading night coming up soon.
Mr. VanCamp provided information about the use of a paraprofessional at the middle school that is performing interventions. He also noted that Ms. Schaeffer and Mrs. Baumann are also performing math interventions weekly. They also have students participating in a national math contest and are currently in first place. A prize of $300 will be awarded to the winners.
It was moved by Mr. Darbyshire and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve the consent agenda as presented. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
Board Conference: The Board Conference was discussed, and itineraries provided.
Board Meeting Minutes November 15, 2023 1
Radios: The Board discussed the possibility of purchasing radios to be used by the administration, teachers, custodial staff, etc. Mr. Day will request more information.
Advertising for Principal and Interventionists: The Board plans to advertise the Middle School Principal position, and Interventionist positions in December.
It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve the FY23 audit as previously presented. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Darbyshire and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve the preliminary levy and authorize the administration to publish the required notice of a Truth in Taxation Hearing to be held just prior to the regular CESD #317 board meeting in December. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Murphy to enter into executive session at 8:27 p.m. for the purpose of discussing personnel. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to exit executive session at 9:39 p.m. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve Katie Todd as a paraprofessional for the 2023-24 school year, according to the pay scale stated in the contract between Carthage Elementary School District #317 and the Service Employee’s International Union Local Number 73, pending completion of her paraprofessional certification. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Nelson to approve Paytanne Tripp as a paraprofessional for the 2023-24 school year, according to the pay scale stated in the contract between Carthage Elementary School District #317 and the Service Employee’s International Union Local Number 73, pending completion of her paraprofessional certification. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Nelson to approve Will Cunningham as 5th/6th Grade Boys Basketball Coach for the 2023-24 school year at the certified contract rate. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mr. Murphy to approve Jodi Burling as a teacher, at the certified contract rate, beginning second semester of the 2023-2024 school year, pending successful completion of her certified teaching credentials. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/abstain; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Mrs. Fitch and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to approve the resignation of Robert Duffy as bus driver and custodian, effective December 20, 2023. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Dickerson and seconded by Mrs. Housewright to approve the resignation of Laura Valnes (Barnett) as a paraprofessional, effective October 20, 2023. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.
It was moved by Mr. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Dickerson to adjourn the meeting at 9:44 p.m. Roll Call: Mrs. Fitch/yes; Mr. Murphy/yes; Mr. Burling/yes; Mrs. Housewright/yes; Mr. Darbyshire/yes; Mr. Dickerson/yes; Mr. Nelson/yes. Motion carried 7-0.