
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bushnell-Prairie City Community Unit School District 170 Board of Education met Nov. 15

Webp 4

John McCleery - President | Bushnell-Prairie City CUSD #170

John McCleery - President | Bushnell-Prairie City CUSD #170

Bushnell-Prairie City Community Unit School District 170 Board of Education met Nov. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education met in a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School LRC with the following members present: McCleery, Miller, Croxton, Webb, Thompson, McGrew and Spangler Absent: None

The Board of Education recognized John White's Retirement. He was employed for 17 years as a Bus Driver.

Public Comments: Amber Johnson requested busing to and from school for students who live at Greenbriar apartments.

The Board reviewed the Consent Agenda.

Motion by Member Spangler, seconded by Member Webb to approve the Consent Agenda which contained the following: Minutes of the October 18, 2023, Regular and Executive Session Meetings, Payment of Bills, Treasurer's Report and Investments, Student Activity Accounts, Manual and Void Checks and Imprest Ledgers. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Miller, Webb, Thompson, McGrew and Spangler. Abstain: Croxton Nay: None

Bob Gound, Superintendent, reported on: Teacher Institute Day on October 30th. He attended US Rural School Safety Project held at WIU.

The Board reviewed the Personnel Report.

Motion by Member Miller, seconded by Member Thompson to approve the Personnel Report as follows: Resignations: Tori Fosdyck as Elementary Program Assistant effective November 1, 2023, John White as School Bus Driver effective November 15, 2023. New Employment: Angela Kline as High School Math Teacher beginning October 23, 2023 for the remainder of the 2023-24 School Year, Cindy Reische as Elementary Program Assistant beginning November 6, 2023 for the remainder of the 2023-24 School Year. Lance Sloan as J.H. Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2023-24 Season. Devin Yocum as H.S. Assistant Boys Basketball Coach for the 2023-24 Season. Change of Placement: Sarah Hood from Elementary Program Assistant to K-2 Special Education Resource Teacher beginning October 6, 2023 for the remainder of the 2023-24 School Year. William Walker as J.H. Assistant Boys Basketball Coach to J.H. Head Boys Basketball Coach for the 2023-24 Season. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Miller, Croxton, Webb, Thompson, McGrew and Spangler. Nay: None

First Reading of the following Board Polices:

2:20 - Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification

2:110 - Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

2:120 - Board Member Development

2:200 Types of School Board Meetings

2:220 - School Board Meeting Procedure

3:50 - Administrative Personnel other than the Superintendent

4:10 - Fiscal and Business Management

4:30 Revenue and Investments

4:60 Purchases and Contracts

4:90- Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds

4:130 Free and Reduced Price Food Services

4:160 - Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds

4:170 Safety

5:30 - Hiring Process and Criteria

5:50 - Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco and Cannabis Prohibition

5:90 - Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:120 Employee Ethics, Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

5:150-Personnel Records

5:190-Teacher Qualifications

5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

5:210- Resignations

5:220 - Substitute Teachers

5:250- Leaves of Absence

5:330 - Sick Days, Vacations, Holidays and Leaves

6:15 - School Accountability

6:20 - School Year Calendar and Day

6:30 - Organization of Instruction

6:50 - School Wellness

6:60 - Curriculum Content

6:65 - Student Social and Emotional Development

6:230 - Library Media Program

6:270 - Guidance and Counseling Program

6:280 - Grading Promotion

7:60 - Residence

7:70 - Attendance and Truancy

7:160 - Student Appearance

7:165-School Uniform

7:190 - Student Behavior

7:250 - Student Support Services

7:270 - Administering Medicines to Students

7:285 - Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program

7:290 - Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention

7:345 - Use of Educational Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security

8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

Superintendent, Bob Gound, reviewed the 2023 Tentative Tax Levy.

Motion by Member Miller, seconded by Member Spangler to approve the 2023 Tentative Tax Levy. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Miller, Croxton, Webb, Thompson, McGrew and Spangler. Nay: None

Superintendent, Bob Gound, reported on attending the Bushnell Chamber of Commerce Meeting. He discussed High School Auditorium usage and Transportation requests.

Correspondence was reviewed.

Motion by Member Croxton, seconded by Member Spangler to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees, probable litigation against District and student discipline. After a roll call vote motion carried as follows: Aye: McCleery, Miller, Croxton, Webb, Thompson, McGrew and Spangler Nay: None

Motion by Member Miller, seconded by Member Croxton to adjourn Executive Session and return to Open Session. After a voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

Motion by Member McGrew, seconded by Member Miller to adjourn the Meeting. After a voice vote, all in favor, motion carried.

The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School LRC.
