
West Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education will meet June 25

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Congratulations to the Lady Knights! 6th grade Virginia Tournament Champions! | A-C Central Middle & High School | Facebook

Congratulations to the Lady Knights! 6th grade Virginia Tournament Champions! | A-C Central Middle & High School | Facebook

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education will meet June 25.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

I. Preliminaries

A. Call to Order-Roll Call

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Approval of Proposed Agenda (action expected)

II. Recognition of Visitors, Guests & Public Comments

III. Knight Lights

A. Accolades from the Board

IV. Special Presentations

A. Jim Lovelace: Transportation & Residency Specialists, LLC Presentation

V. Administrative and Committee Reports

A. Elementary Principal - Mrs. Ashley Trueblood

B. MS/HS Principal - Mr. Anthony Mansur

C. Technology Administrator – Dustin Janssen

D. Director of Maintenance/Grounds - Rob Boston

E. Committees - Board Members

F. Superintendent - Dr. Amy Zahm

VI. Executive Session (exceptions 1 & 2)

Adjournment to Executive Session for the purpose of: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057.

Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2 © (2)

VII. Action from Executive Session

A. Ratification of the A-CCEA Union Collective Bargaining Agreement

B. Approval of Non-Union Administrative Support Staff raises

C. Approval of District Treasurer raise

D. Approval of the Superintendent Contract

E. Approval of the Middle and High School Principal Contract

F. Approval of the Director of Buildings and Grounds Contract

G. Approval of the Director of Technology Contract

VIII. Approval of Consent Agenda (action expected)

A. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on May 15, 2024

B. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Regular Meeting on May 15, 2024

C. Approval of Treasurer's Report

D. Approval of Activity Reports

E. Approval of Bills Payable

F. Approval of Journal Entries

IX. Personnel Report (action expected)

A. Employment of Certified Staff

B. Employment of Non-Certified Staff

C. Resignations

X. Old Business (discussion only)

A. Joint Annual Conference November 22-24

B. Nate's Park transfering to AYA

XI. Old Business (action expected)

A. Approval of Amended District Budget for FY 2024

B. Approval of W.W Timbers, Inc Proposal

XII. New Business (discussion only)

A. First reading of Press Policy Issue 115

XIII. New Business (action expected)

A. Approval of K. Privia Tuition Reimbursement Request

B. Approval of 3-year contract with Bushue at an annual rate of $6,720

C. Approval of a $500 donation from Cass Com for a picnic table(s) D. Approval of the donation of a 2003 trotter Trailer from Bayer-Crop Science (estimated value $2,500)

E. Approval of the Consolidated District Plan for 2024-2025

F. Approval of Board of Education Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025

G. Approval of Jim Lovelace: Transportation & Residency Specialists, LLC.

H. Approval of district creating and managing the Mildred Leahy Memorial Scholarship and transferring the management from the United Methodist Church.

XIV. Board Member or Visitor Requests for Future Business Items (info/discussion)

XV. Adjournment (action expected)

We welcome the participation of persons with disabilities at all Board of Education meetings. If auxiliary aid or service is required for effective participation and communication, please notify the Superintendent's Office at 217-476-8112 no later than 48 hours prior
