
West Central Reporter

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met May 28

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The Calhoun PreK For All program has been awarded the GOLD Circle Of Quality from ExceleRate Illinois! | Calhoun District 40

The Calhoun PreK For All program has been awarded the GOLD Circle Of Quality from ExceleRate Illinois! | Calhoun District 40

Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met May 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting, of the Board of Education in Calhoun Community Unit School District #40, consisting of Calhoun and portions of Greene Counties, Illinois was called to order by Board President Luke Fraley, Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in the Calhoun Elementary School Library.

Upon roll being called the following board members were present: Luke Fraley, Adam Gerson, Amanda Gress, Hannah Nelson (left at 7:02 p.m.) and Nate Sagez. Jackie Baalman and Angie Tepen were absent.

Others in attendance were: LeaAnn Klaas, Andrea Lee, Lori Young, Cheri Burris, Christie Lorsbach, Tara Smith, Pam Friedel, Rita Hagen, Illinois American Water representatives: Brendan St. Peters, Crystal Grant, Rachel Bretz, and Rich Stonebarger and Evan Stutz with SMS Engineers.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves the agenda inclusive of:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call of Members

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Approve Agenda

V. Recognition of Visitors, Guests & Public Comments

- To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, it is our public policy that each individual may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes unless prior arrangements have been made to speak longer.

o American Water – Water Easement

VI. Consent Items

a. Adoption of Consent Agenda

b. Previous Board Minutes

i. Reorganizational & Regular Meeting – April 16, 2024

c. Expenditures

d. Financial Reports

e. Activity Accounts Report

f. Transportation Report

VII. Committee and Administrative Reports

a. Calhoun Elementary School

b. Calhoun High School

c. Superintendent

i. District Services/Maintenance Report

VIII. First Reading of Press Plus Policy Update 114

a. 2:40 Board Member Qualifications

b. 2:50 Board Member Term of Office

c. 2:60 Board Member Removal from Office

d. 2:140 Communications To & From the Board

e. 2:140-E Exhibit Guidance for Board Member Communications, Including Email Use f. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

g. 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure

h. 2:270 Discrimination & Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color & National Origin Prohibited

i. 4:20 Fund Balances

j. 4:110 Transportation

k. 4:190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program

l. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity & Minority Recruitment

m. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited

n. 5:35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act

o. 5:40 Communicable & Chronic Infectious Disease

p. 5:100 Staff Development Program

q. 5:300 Schedules & Employment Year

r. 6:40 Curriculum Development

s. 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities

t. 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited

u. 7:180 Prevention of & Response to Bullying, Intimidation & Harassment

IX. Action Items Prior to Executive Session

a. Consider Approval of

i. 2024-25 Athletic & Registration Fees

ii. 2024 FFA Convention Trip

iii. Establish Class of ’28 Activity Fund

iv. Consolidated District Plan

v. 2024-2027 CEA Contract

vi. Changing Dean of Students title to Assistant Principal at CES

X. Executive Session – For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)

XI. Action Items Following Executive Session

a. Consider Approving Personnel Recommendations

i. Resignations

ii. Certified Staff

iii. ESP Hires

iv. Staff Reassignments

v. Coaches/Sponsors

b. Consider Approving Mentoring of new Superintendent

c. Water Easement for Poor Farm Hollow Road Project

XII. Other Business

XIII. Communication and Announcements

a. June 18 – School Board Meeting

b. Correspondence

XIV. Adjourn

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Amanda Gress, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education approves items on the consent agenda which includes:

I. Consent Items

a. Adoption of Consent Agenda

b. Previous Board Minutes

i. Reorganizational & Regular Meeting – April 16, 2024

c. Expenditures

d. Financial Reports

e. Activity Accounts Report

f. Transportation Report

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carried.

Reception of Visitors / Public Comment:

Illinois American Water was here to present improvements to sidewalk, parking lot and tennis courts that will be damaged during the water main instillation. The improvements will be of no cost to the district. Existing water lines are in conflict with the Poor Farm Hollow Road construction.

Principals Report:

Calhoun Elementary School Principal Christie Lorsbach Report

WOW Winners for April on the character trait of Perseverance were: Dayton, Keegan, Daisy, Leyton, Mrs. Wyatt, Olivia, Barrett, K.J., Konnor, Ruthann, and Nick. Congratulations to all our winners! Family Fun Night has been rescheduled for Wednesday, August 21st for a Welcome Back/Kickoff for the 2024-2025 school year.

Kindergarten Signing was a success with 18 students/families attending.

The CEJHS Summer Camps will run from May 20 – 24 and May 28 – 31. There will be a field trip on Monday, June 3rd for students to the Jerseyville Pool. Week 1 – 63 students currently signed up. Week 2 – 75 students currently signed up.

High School Summer school will run from May 28 – June 10 for ELA and Math credit recovery. High School Drivers Ed classes will be from May 20 – June 3.

Testing: IAR and end of the year MAP testing were completed.

IAR results are normally sent out in June or July. Results will be shared at that time.

MTSS results for the end of the year:

Tier 1 – Whole group class instruction from the general education teacher. This is our target for all students.

Tier 2 – Total of 88 kids, 27 students moved to be on grade-level target (30.6%) Small group instruction from the general education teacher and/or interventionist/paraprofessional.

Tier 3 – Total of 27 kids, 1 student moved to be on grade-level target (3%) and 14 students increased to Tier 2 (51.8%) – direct small group/individual instruction either in the general education setting or being pulled out of the classroom for interventions.

MAP Results:

Kindergarten – 32 students: 22 met or exceeded in Math (68.75%), 22 met or exceeded in Reading (68.75%)

1st Grade – 28 students: 9 met or exceeded in Math (32%), 10 met or exceeded in Reading (35.7%)

2nd Grade – 29 students: 22 met or exceeded in Math (75.86%), 20 met or exceeded in Reading (68.96%)

3rd Grade – 36 students: 29 met or exceeded in Math (80.55%), 20 met or exceeded in Reading (55.55%), 20 met or exceeded in Language (55.55%)

4th Grade – 31 students: 24 met or exceeded in Math (77.4%), 21 met or exceeded in Reading (67.74%), 16 met or exceeded in Language (51.61%)

5th Grade – 24 students: 12 met or exceeded in Math (50%), 14 met or exceeded in Reading (58.33%), 14 met or exceeded in Language (58.33%), 17 met or exceeded in Science (70.83%)

6th Grade – 42 students: 16 met or exceeded in Math (38%), 16 met or exceeded in Reading (38%), 15 met or exceeded in Language (35.71%), 22 met or exceeded in Science (52.38%)

7th Grade – 39 students: 14 met or exceeded in Math (35.89%), 13 met or exceeded in Reading (33.33%), 19 met or exceeded in Language (48.71%), 22 met or exceeded in Science (56.41%)

8th Grade – 38 students: 12 met or exceeded in Math (31.57%), 15 met or exceeded in Reading (39.47%), 17 met or exceeded in Language (44.73%), 18 met or exceeded in Science (47.36%)

Calhoun High School Principal Cheri Burris Report

We had 28 Seniors graduate: 25 % will go into the Trades, 14% will go into Education, 10% will go into Business/Accounting, 21% will go into the medical field, 3% will go into the computer field, 3% will go into the engineering field, 25% are undecided. One Senior dropped out.

We recognized all seniors who received scholarships at graduation, not just those scholarships given at graduation.

Mrs. Lorsbach and I have been working on the 24-25 Student Handbook.

Summer school for CHS begins May 28th. We are offering credit recovery in Math and English. Mrs. Heberling has applied for the Yearbook sponsorship.

Construction update: Floor covering has been laid at CHS to protect flooring during construction. Several of the HVAC units have been removed already. Old lighting has been removed from the cafeteria.

Superintendents Report: Ended the school year with 502 students in enrollment. GRP is currently working at the high school.

District Services/Maintenance Report: N/A

A motion was made by Adam Gerson, seconded by Hannah Nelson that the Board of Education approves the athletic and registration fees as presented for the 2024-25 school year.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Nate Sagez, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves FFA to attend the State Convention in Springfield, IL June 11-13.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Adam Gerson that the Board of Education approves to establish an activity fund account for the Class of 2028.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Amanda Gress, seconded by Hannah Nelson that the Board of Education approves the Consolidated District Plan as presented.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Amanda Gress, seconded by Adam Gerson that the Board of Education approves the 2024-2027 CEA Contract as presented.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education approves to change the Dean of Students title to Assistant Principal at Calhoun Elementary School.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

Executive Session:

A motion was made at 6:24 p.m. by Adam Gerson, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education enters into executive session.

For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made at 7:02 p.m. by Adam Gerson, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education returns to Open Session to continue meeting and take any appropriate action.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Jackie Baalman, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education approves personnel recommendations as presented for the 2024-25 school year.

Resignations: Emily McBride; Paraprofessional & Skyler Ufer; Paraprofessional

Certified Staff: Amy Lowis; CJHS PBL/CTE & Karen Fesler; Special Education

ESP: Emily Shoemaker; Summer Custodial

Reassignments: Meghan Murphy; 4th grade to 1st grade & Lauren Eilerman; 1st grade to 4th grade Coaching/Sponsor Hires: JD Lorton; CHS Assistant Football Coach & Madeleine Heberling; CHS Yearbook Sponsor

Substitutes: Jessica Modene; Paraprofessional

*All new hires are subject to completion of background check, EHR (Faith’s Law) check, fingerprinting and any other required classes and/or trainings.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Nate Sagez, seconded by Adam Gerson that the Board of Education approves for Andrea Lee to mentor Lori Young for the 2024-25 school year.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – Absent

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Adam Gerson, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves the Water Easement for the Poor Farm Hollow Road Project as presented pending attorney review.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – Absent

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – yes          Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

Informational Items:

June 18 – School Board Meeting


With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Nate Sagez, seconded by Adam Gerson that the Board of Education adjourns the meeting at 7:05 p.m.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent   Nelson – Absent

Fraley – yes            Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent     Tepen – absent

Gress – yes

Motion carries.



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