
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Jacksonville City Council met June 10


Lenny Curry / City of Jacksonville Mayor | City of Jacksonville

Lenny Curry / City of Jacksonville Mayor | City of Jacksonville

City of Jacksonville City Council met June 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Members of the public have the option to attend the in-person City Council meeting or watch the live City Council meeting via live video located on the City of Jacksonville’s website jacksonvilleil.gov

The Jacksonville City Council Meeting was called to order at 6:24 p.m. by Mayor Andy Ezard in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building. The meeting was publicly announced by posting and by written notice to the local newspaper and radio stations.

ROLL CALL: The following answered present: Aldermen Don Cook, Kent Hannant, Lori Large Oldenettel, Darcella Speed, Mary Watts; Mayor Andy Ezard; City Attorney Dan Beard; City Clerk Angela Salyer. Absent from the meeting were Aldermen Brett Henry, Joe Lockman, Alison Rubin de Celis, Aaron Scott and Eren Williams. A quorum was not met. There was no action taken on any items due to lack of a quorum.

MINUTES: No discussion.

PETITIONS: No discussion.

COMMUNICATIONS: CC Salyer read a request from the House of Worship to block the street off on South Fayette by the High School Apartments from West State to Jordan Street. This is for their 14th Annual Community Block Party on June 15, 2024. This was originally scheduled for June 1, 2024, but cancelled due to the weather. The council approved this request.




Police Chief Adam Mefford opened the ceremony by stating that this year the police department wanted to come before the council more regularly when the officers have promotions or appointments so that the council and the public can meet the officers. Brennan McMillen has been appointed to Detective and Wesley McKinney has completed his field training and is moving on to a patrolman status.

Deputy Chief Doug Thompson told the council how Brennan McMillen started his career with the Greene County Sheriff’s Office where he was employed for two years and being a dispatcher for Greene County. He was hired by the Jacksonville Police Department on July 5, 2015 and was appointed to a Detective on May 13, 2024. Mr. McMillan received his badge from his wife, Emily and daughter Saylor.

DC Thompson told the council that Wesley McKinney worked for one year at Brown County Sheriff’s Office. He was hired at the Jacksonville Police Department December 27, 2023, completed his Field Training, and was promoted to patrol on May 6, 2024 and is currently assigned to the day shift with Lt. Matt Martin.



1. Community Development Department Report – May 31, 2024.

2. City Clerk’s Cash Receipts Report – May 31, 2024.

3. City Clerk’s General Fund – Budget Report – May 31, 2024.

4. City Clerk’s General Fund – Revenue Analysis Report – May 31, 2024.

Public Comment: No discussion.


CONSENT AGENDA: (Items addressed under the Consent Agenda are routine or are brought forward at the direction of the Council and are enacted with one motion. If discussions were desired, that item would be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately under the Committee Reports.) No action was taken on any of the Consent Agenda items due to lack of a quorum.


1. Resolution authorizing payments from the Capital Improvement Fund for certain projects.

2. Resolution authorizing payments from the General Fund for Services rendered.



1. Resolution authorizing the waiver of advertisement for bids and accepting proposal for the purchase of a hydraulic trailer for the Jacksonville Cemeteries Department.

2. Resolution approving professional services agreement with PGAV Planners LLC. for the update of the Jacksonville Zoning Ordinance.

3. Resolution authorizing the transfer of liens to the Two Rivers Land Bank.




1. Resolution authorizing payment to Gano Electric for partial payment estimate 4 for the North CSO Pump Station Electrical and Control System Upgrades.

2. Resolution authorizing payment to Plocher Construction Company, Inc. for partial payment estimate 10 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase 1 Improvements – Headworks Project.

3. Resolution authorizing various payments from the Waterworks and Sewerage Projects fund for services rendered/improvement projects.

4. Resolution approving Change Order #2 with Gano Electrical Contracting for the North CSO Pump Station and CSO Effluent Pump Station Electrical and Control System Upgrades.



PARKS & LAKES: No discussion.


1. First Reading of an ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning map for property located at 321 Finley Street from R-2 to R-2 with Special Use.

2. First Reading of an ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning map for property located at 610 North Prairie Street from B-1 to B-1 with Special Use.

3. First Reading of an ordinance amending the Jacksonville Zoning map for property located at 523 West State Street from B-1 to R-1.


SPECIAL STUDIES: No discussion.



Mayor Ezard wanted to discuss renewing the 4th of July fireworks contract with J & M display. Fireworks will be on Thursday, July 4, 2024. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. The cost is the same as last year.


Alderman Hannant passed out pictures and discussed the state of some of the City’s properties. Hannant suggested bringing in the department heads to figure out how this problem can be solved. He said Dunlap Court and State Street are overgrown with weeds in the public parking lots. Hannant mentioned there are properties all over town that need to be taken care of. Mayor Ezard is hoping the extra summer help will help with the downtown properties and will address this with Supt. Green.

CA Beard advised that the petitions for rezoning will be on the next agenda with an E mergency clause at the next council meeting on June 24, 2024.

ADJOURNMENT: With no further discussion, motion was made by Cook, seconded by Oldenettel, to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 p.m.
