
West Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met June 25

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Congratulations Bluejays! Fresh/Soph Edinburgh Tournament Champions!! | A-C Central Middle & High School | Facebook

Congratulations Bluejays! Fresh/Soph Edinburgh Tournament Champions!! | A-C Central Middle & High School | Facebook

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met June 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


V. Todd Jokisch

Jennifer Fanning Deb Petefish

Jason Smith Carissa Myers

Curtis Cosner


Dan Cuba

Others present: Superintendent Dr. Amy Zahm; Principals -Anthony Mansur,; Technology; Maintenance - Rob Boston A-CCEA - Lisa Doyle, Jenna Surratt,Jenifer Hornbeek, Colin Arthalony, Lori Critchelow; Parents - Students –, Citizen -; Other - ; Media-; Unit Staff-Nicole Moore.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Recognition of Visitors and Guests

Todd Jokisch led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Proposed Agenda

Myers/Cosner - Motion to approve the proposed agenda as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Knight Lights

A. Accolades from the board

Deb Petefish named a few A-C Central highlights. STAR did a blood drive, which had a great turn out. Tara Taft received her Illinois State FFA Degree, she also placed 11th in the State Job interview. Hunter Roberts got honorable mention at the Sangamo Baseball All-Conference in baseball. Isaac Rennecker placed 9th in the State Triple Jump. Kade Parker was on the 4x800 relay they placed 11th. Dr. Zahm read a Thank you note which was addressed to the board from Mrs. Sieving's for her retirement.

Special Presentations

A. Jim Lovelace: Transportation & Residency Specialist, LLC Presentation

Mr. Lovelace has a consulting service, Transportation & Residency Specialist, LLC., that helps school districts find additional revenues through various avenues. transportation department. He provided assistance to school administrative staff in helping guide them through the process of finding additional claimable expenses for the State of Illinois Transportation claim. He will evaluate expenditures, funding mechanisms and accounting procedures to help increase the overall State claim. Mr. Lovelace has/is working with many local districts.

Administrators and Committee Reports

Elementary Report –

Sumer School - There were 39 students involved in our summer school program.

Summer Work - The maintenance staff has begun cleaning, waxing, painting and organizing. They have also moved some classrooms around to make the transitions flow better and create better opportunities for students with disabilities.

Testing Data MAP testing data aligns closely with the IAR data. We are looking at some changes in the scope and sequence of the math and reading curriculums based on commonalities of the MAP data.

MS/HS Report -

PSAT and the SAT overall the high school students did better at a younger age, which is when kids decide what kind of pathway they want to take. Overall the 9th & 10th met in one of the benchmarks, we had about 10 to 15% meet in both benchmarks for math and reading. There was a good improvement overall across the building from 5th-11th grade. Next year the State of Illinois is dropping the SAT and the PSAT again and going back to the ACT, which hasn't been done in 8 years. Which takes away on extra science test for 11th graders, they will just count the ACT science portion as the science test.

Technology Report -

Summer Cleanup - The cleaning and organizing the tech room as been nearly completed. We have taken stuff out and are sorting through it, then putting stuff back in a more organized way keeping in mind how we use it in the future. We have added quite a few things to our recycling pile that are no longer in working order or have reached the end of the service life. The new UPS was installed in the server room at the MS/HS that will be replacing both of the ones that were being used for the switches and servers. Previously, we had one for the servers and a separate one for the switches. The UPS for the switches started to fail and caused network issues. The new UPS is big enough to put both the servers and switches on to keep them running even when we have power outages, or give us enough time to shut things down if the power goes out for the extended period of time. The estimated time that it will keep the servers and switches on is estimated to be around an hour and a half.

Maintenance and Grounds ·

Double doors (back of stage) as well as the lower boy's locker room outside doors - We are still waiting for bids to come in for the replacement of the doors.

Lamar/Hager finished the removal of the panels & insulation in the Ag shop. More damage was discovered, and we are currently waiting for an engineer for the final design on rebuild.

Remodeling bids for the Boys' and girls' bathrooms' work has begun and will be completed before 8/18/24.

All building mechanicals are up and running properly. Scheduling indoor preventive maintenance on all mini-split systems the work is about 75% complete we will be finishing them up over the next week.

95% of classrooms have been cleaned for the upcoming school year and restored to normal. We will be finishing the rest up in the next week. The double doors leaving the gym going to the lower playground in Chandlerville, the doors just came in should be installing them in the next few weeks.

Septic System has been installed and up and running.

o Cass Communications donated $500 for some picnic tables and they are also going to put in a Wi-Fi hotspot for people to use for that area. Still receiving quotes for the leak in the gym ceiling. Will be able to have an update at the next meeting received 1 bid.

Bus 1/18 EDU brake module has been repair the bus at the shop.

Bus 2/17 EDU - brake modules dropped off part yesterday scheduled for repair on June 21st

High School gym floor will be done the 17th-19th.

Committees - Board Members

Some financials have been received for some projects in Chandlerville, to add classrooms in Ashland, and to revamp the Chandlerville building.

Preliminary financials show it's cheaper to spend money in both buildings and redo what needs to be done to get both back up to code. New construction over remodeling the old buildings is significantly higher than just remodeling.

There are possibilities for creating a few more classrooms with the space we currently have, that are not being utilized at the moment.

Todd would like a building layout (blueprint) labeled with what each room is currently being used for.

Solar has been discussed for each building.

There have been discussions about learning more about how the use of leveraging bonds to help with projects, which can be prioritized. (Bathrooms, HVAC, Secure Vestibules)

Superintendent –

Dr. Zahm would like to Thank everyone for their positive and being solution focused on the negotiating team. Many hours were spent away from home and families.

Treasurers next month report will have all the year-end, FY24 year end balances. Virginia accepted our bus bid for their small bus. 13-passenger bus, gives us a smaller vehicle to transport small groups.

We have been busy writing, amending, and submitting grants for FY25 for the ones that are open.

We did receive the clean school bus rebate; it's not looking promising that we will be identified as a priority district. Because we are not a priority it's only a 50/50 match. For example, if we are awarded $420,000 but an electric bus is $400,000, and this is for (2) buses. Unless Dr. Zahm is told differently by the board, or she can get us to be priority, she is not going to pursue it.

We received $57,500 for a Hardship Funding Grant for Pre-K, we were approved for everything expect some curriculum. This grant is a hardship.

Job Vacancies --

o Substitute Bus Drivers, Teachers, One-on-one aides, Pre-K Classroom Teaching Assistant Chandlerville, Kitchen Cook - Ashland Certified, Elementary Principal - Chandlerville, Middle School/High School Guidance Counselor, 6th - 8th Grade Reading Teacher, High School Science, Spanish/Foreign Language

Executive Session (Exceptions 1 & 2)

Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:38 p.m. in accordance with State Statute to discuss the following:

Exception 1. Adjournment to Executive Session for the purpose of: The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057.

Exception 2. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, 5 ILCS 120/2 © (2)

Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Return to Open Session

Petefish/Cosner - Motion to come out of executive session at 9:37 p.m. and to approve and seal the minutes of this executive session. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Action from Executive Session

A. Myers/Smith - Motion to approve the ratification of the A-CCEA Union Collective Bargaining Agreement as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

B. Smith/Cosner - Motion to approve Non-Union Administrative Support Staff raises as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

C. Petefish/Smith - Motion to approve the District Treasurer raise as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

D. Smith/Myers - Motion to table the Superintendent contract until next board meeting. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

E. Myers/Cosner Motion to approve the Middle and High School Principal contract. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

F. Myers/Smith - Motion to approve the Director of Buildings and Grounds contract. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

G. Myers/Petefish - Motion to approve the Director of Technology contract. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on May 15, 2024

B. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Regular Meeting on May 15, 2024

C. Approval of Treasurer's Report

D. Approval of Activity Reports

E. Approval of Bills Payable $442,267.37

F. Approval of Journal Entries

Myers/Cosner - Motion to approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on May 15, 2024, approval of Closed Session Minutes for May 15, 2024, Treasurer's Report, Activity Reports, Board Bills for an amount of, Journal Entries. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Personnel Report-

Motion to approve the Personnel Report as presented.


Lori Pahde - HS English teacher

Derek Schnapp - HS Girls Basketball Coach

Holly Meteer - 4th Grade teacher

Andrew Willmore- 5th Grade teacher


Annette Davis - Part-time Cook

Amanda Harris - Pre-K One on One Aid

Ashley Trueblood -- Elementary Principal

Kathy Pratt - Assistant Cook

Extra Curriculars 2024-2025 School Year-

8th Grade Class Sponsor - Robyn Lovekamp

Freshman Class Sponsor - Jennifer May

Sophomore Class Sponsor- Mason Vincent

Junior Class Sponsor - Tracy Taft

Spelling Bee - Kim Hill

MS Yearbook - Stephanie Lindsey

Instrumental JH/HS - Sinclair Roechner Vocal JH/HS- Liz Klauzer

History Club - Darren Cummins

Marching Band - Sinclair Roechner NHS - Tracy Taft

STAR Mason Vincent

Yearbook/Social Media - Stephanie Lindsey

FFA (not in contract) - Mason Vincent/Sophia Biehl Athletic Director - Colin Arthalony

MS Softball Head Coach - Doug McClure

MS Asst Softball Coach - Allen Bright

MS Baseball Head Coach - Tony Karrick

MS Asst Baseball Coach - Doug Blakeman

MS Girls Basketball Head Coach - Doug McClure

MS Volleyball Head Coach - Stephanie Lindsey

MS Asst/5th6th Volleyball Coach - Jade Cave

HS Bass Fishing - Kim Webster

Morning Supervisor - Cafeteria - Jennifer Guillou

Myers/Cosner Motion to approve the personnel report are amended. Roll call: Smith, Jokisch, Fanning voted aye. Petefish stated abstained. Motion carried.

Old Business (discussion only)

A. Joint Annual Conference November 22-24

Jennifer Fanning states she needs Amtrak tickets.

B. Nate's Park transferring to AYA

Curtis Cosner met with the City of Chandlerville to discuss if the contract between A-C Central School District and them had a first right of refusal if the City wanted to sell it. There was nothing stating that.

Old Business (action expected)

Petefish/Cosner Motion to approve the Amended District Budget for FY 2024, as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Myers/Fanning Motion to approve the W.W. Timbers, Inc. for the MS/HS Truss repair, as presented. Voice vote: Cosner, Jokisch, Smith vote aye. Petefish voted nay. Motion carried.

New Business (discussion only)

A. First reading of Press Policy Issue 115

No questions or concerns at this time.

New Business (action expected)

A. Petefish/Cosner Motion to approve the K. Privia Tuition Reimbursement Request. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

B. Myers/Cosner Motion to approve the 3-year contract with Bushue as presented. Voice vote: All members presented voted aye. Motion carried.

C. Myer/Cosner Motion to approve the $500 donation from Cass Comm. for a picnic table(s). Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

D. Myers/Fanning Motion to the donation of a 2003 trotter trailer from Bayer-Crop Science (estimated value $2,500) Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

E. Myers/Cosner Motion to approve the Consolidated District Plan for 2024-2025. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried,

F. Myers/Cosner Motion to approve the Board of Education Meeting Schedule for 2024-2025. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

G. Myers/Smith Motion to approve the Jim Lovelace: Transportation & Residency Specialist, LLC. Amended: Not to exceed $2,000 for hourly wages. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

H. Petefish/Myers Motion to approve the district creating & managing the Mildred Leahy Memorial Scholarship & transferring the management from the United Methodist as presented. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Board Member of Visitor Request for Future Business Items

Jennifer Fanning went to the Two Rivers Division meeting, during the fall meeting they are planning on having all the representatives from different districts to be able to ask questions.

Curtis Cosner asked for Nate's Park to be added.

Adjournment (action expected)

Petefish/Myers- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:58pm. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
