IL 9 and IL 96 intersect in downtown Dallas City | WikipediA
IL 9 and IL 96 intersect in downtown Dallas City | WikipediA
City of Dallas City Council met July 10.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The Dallas City City Council held its regular meeting on July 10, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Kevin Six called the meeting to order with the following commissioners present: Carole McDowell, Peggy Newberry, and Greg Olson. Harold Northup Jr. was absent.
Others attending the meeting were Anne Thompson, Doug Erickson, and Gary Smith.
Commissioner Olson discussed the “NO DUMPING” signs that were discussed at the June 26, 2024, meeting. It appears that Elm Street is not the only location where they need to be placed. Therefore, they have not been ordered yet, and they will be ordered as soon as it is determined how many signs are needed.
A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by McDowell to accept the the minutes, with the above correction, of the June 26, 2024, meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSENT.
A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Olson to pay bills. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSENT.
Police Chief Gary Smith gave his report for the month of June 2024. He mailed 8 First Warning and 2 Final Warning letters for nuisance ordinance violations. He will contact the city attorney regarding the new Abatement Ordinance that she is working on. He participated in a webinar on June 20 regarding a grant for body worn cameras. It was determined that we do not qualify for this BJA camera grant. The police department's Firearms Qualification will be conducted on July 17, 2024, at the Hancock County Gun Club.
It was reported that due to the recent flooding some extra barricades are being ordered.
Mayor Six reported that the city's annual dues of $1,332.45 with the Hancock County Economic Development Association are due. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by Newberry to pay the Hancock County Economic Development Association dues of $1,332.45. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSENT.
Doug Erickson discussed the Application & Certificate for Payment to MB Construction, LLC, for the Lead Service Line Inventory work that they performed. Due to the fact that there were not as many lines to check as originally thought there would be, the amount of the bill is $31,800, instead of the bid price of $45,000. There were 53 lines that had to be checked, and it was determined that 19 of them are lead. A motion was made by Olson, and 2nd by McDowell to pay MB Construction, LLC, $31,800 for the Lead Service Line Inventory work that they performed. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSENT.
Discussed the motion that was made at the June 26, 2024, meeting to pursue purchasing a vacant lot next to city property for up to $850. The city clerk reported that after doing some research this vacant lot is only the 50' X 50' portion at the east end, and not the entire lot. A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Olson to rescind the motion from the June 26, 2024, meeting to pursue purchasing this vacant lot. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSENT.
It was reported that the portion of fence along the north side of the cemetery that was in bad condition has been removed.
Discussed the flowmeter that needs replaced at the sewer lagoon. A 2nd estimate has been received from Hydro-Kinetics Corporation. Their estimate is $9,673. Tracy Markey is working on getting a third estimate from another company.
Mayor Six read a “Thank You” from the John Shoemate Memorial Kid's Fishing Tournament. They had 41 participants this year.
A motion was made by McDowell, and 2nd by Olson to adjourn the meeting. McDowell, Newberry, Olson, and Six AYE. Northup ABSENT.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m.