
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Greenville City Council met Aug. 13

Webp 7

George Barber, Mayor | City of Greenville Website

George Barber, Mayor | City of Greenville Website

City of Greenville City Council met Aug. 13.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:






5.1. Thank you everyone for your patience as we move through this very lengthy agenda. We have moved items to the top that might have public in attendance that would like to leave immediately following their item of interest. But we are very happy for everyone to also stay for the whole meeting.



7.1. Milano & Grunloh Report:

∙ SRTS (Phase 2) The City was successful on this application receiving $250,000. A public meeting was held on July 2nd. The topographic survey is complete, and design has started.

∙ The IEPA has funded the project in the amount of

$21,404,770.96 at an interest rate of 0.93% with $1,250,000.00 in loan forgiveness. The city also applied for a DCEO RIPI grant which was announced and the City received a 2 million dollar grant. See attached layout and bid tabulation. The City also received a state legislative grant from Rodney Davis which is being worked through. Bids were opened on May 5th. The City awarded the All Service Contract for Filter Installation for $119,995.00 and Contract for Filter Supply for $2,043,820.00. The pre-construction conference meeting was held on September 5th. Construction began the last week of September. The contractor has completed site work, vessel foundations, head tank, claricone, clearwell and foundations. They are now working on above grade piping, the building, etc. Additional trades (electrical, plumbing, brick layers, etc.) have remobilized with the building erection almost complete. See the attached construction minutes for more information. Pay Estimate #11 for $843,653.59 from Grunloh Building is presented for approval.

∙ DCEO Applications were due January 19, 2023. Attached is a project exhibit and budget. The project was funded at $1.5 million. The project area is surveyed, and design is 95% complete. A walk through of the project area was completed with Jim Sutton. We have the IDOT and Railroad Permits. There is a potential gap in Right-of-Way between the Railroad and the Highway for which easements have been prepared. The bid opening is on September 5th at 2:00 p.m.

∙ ITEP A new project area is being evaluated. See new exhibit. Preliminary Engineering for this area has started. The NOFO is out with applications due September 30th. A public meeting was held this evening for public input. The application is in process.

∙ OSLAD (Open Space Land Acquisition and Development) The application has been submitted. The City of Greenville received a $600,000 grant. See the attachments. The grant agreement has been received. The grant agreement has been executed and design can begin. The project area has been surveyed and design has started.

∙ Downtown Grant – The City received $1.9 million for these improvements. Milano & Grunloh will assist with Administration. Plans are complete by Studio ARQ with a bid opening on August 15th at City Hall. The City has received reimbursements for $167,635 for Design/Engineering and $25,318.75 in contingenies.

∙ There are items at the Waste Water Treatment Plant that will need addressed in the next five years. These are being evaluated to develop a plan for a timeline and budget. One clarifier was taken offline and inspected. It was in good shape, but will need work completed or deterioration will escalate. A funding application to the IEPA for a $3 million project was submitted. Preliminary, the City is eligible for 45% principal forgiveness. See the attached exhibit and plan. Milano & Grunloh has submitted the paperwork to the IEPA. Construction for this Phase I project should be in 2025. The project plan has been approved. IEPA If has published the intended use plan. Greenville was on the funded list, but past the available funding. There is the possibility to receive bypass funding. An RFQ was completed for engineering. Milano & Grunloh was selected. An agreement is on the agenda for approval. If bypass funding is approved, construction should begin in 2025. Phase 2 is being planned to improve the intake and other items.

∙ Bond Madison Interconnect – An interconnection with Bond/Madison is being completed. Plans and permits have been sent to the IEPA. This was reduced to a basic connection.

∙ Box Culvert – There is an existing box culvert on Main Street that has failed. Options for repairing it are being evaluated. The plan is to proceed with an arch type box. The City is going to bid the this out in the next fiscal year.

∙ DG Market Water Main Extension – The permit has been received from the IEPA.

∙ 319 Grant – The Notice of Funding Opportunity is out. The City is not applying.

∙ Completed Projects:

∙ Energy Efficiency Grant

∙ Sunset Point

∙ Traffic Study

∙ Anthony Supply Storm Sewer

∙ Elm Street Overlay

∙ Source Water Protection Plan

∙ Idler Lane Water Main Replacement

∙ Buzzard Bay Sidewalk

∙ Survey on Spring Street

∙ Easements for Lights on College Avenue

∙ Survey on Pecan Street

∙ Patio at 102 N Second Street

∙ School Streets

∙ Chemical Feed Modifications

∙ SRTS Phase 1

7.2. HMG Report:

∙ Beaumont Avenue resurfacing is completed. HMG has walked the project with Greenville (Jason) and provided a punch list to the contractor. We are currently waiting for the contractor to complete the punch list before we notify IDOT for their final inspection. The first pay request was prepared by HMG, approved by Jason and submitted to IDOT. A second/final pay request will be prepared after the final punch list items are completed. IDOT will pay the contractor directly for the full contract and then invoice the City for their portion of the cost. It may be 3-6 months after the final pay request is approved before the City sees anything from IDOT for payment.

∙ Dewey Street’s design is complete, and HMG is currently working on preparing plans sheets for a prefinal review of the project with the City within the next month.


8.1 Minutes of previous meeting

8.2 Financial Statements for the Month

8.3. Approval of Unpaid Bills

A) Monthly payables

Accounts Payable Report for Council

B) Additional Payables

Additional Payables for Council corrected

8.4. Administrative Reports

A) Treasurer's Report for FY 24

FY24 Annual Treasurer's Report

B) Police Department

July 2024 Police Report

C) Public Works Department

July 2024 Public Works Report

D) Sewer Department

July 2024 Wastewater Report

E) Water Department

July 2024 Water Report

F) Building Permits

July 2024 Building Permits

G) Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer

July 2024 Code Enforcement Report

8.5. Other Items:

A) Appointment of Ryan Thomason to the Municipal Band Board as the Band Director (non-voting).

B) Appointment of Chris Woods to the Municipal Band Board term is five years. He will be replacing Dale Martin who resigned.

C) Appointment of Paul Merrifield to Police Pension Board.

D) Appointment of Katie Perkins to the Tourism Committee.

E) Appointment of Scott Darnel to the Planning Commission.

F) Ratification of auto flushers for Red Ball & Mt. Moriah and 140 for Mulberry and Smithboro in the amount of $12,111.24 payable to Midwest Municipal Supply. This is a budgeted item. Three quotes were obtained, this is the lowest of the three.

G) Consideration of Pay Estimate #11 for the Water Treatment upgrades payable to Grunloh Builders in the amount of $843,653.59.

H) Renewal of Metro-Ag Inc. contract for water plant residuals at a rate of $0.825 per gallon. Previous rate was $0.775 per gallon.

This is a two year agreement.

8.6 Approval of consent items

Motion to approve Consent Items 8.1 - 8.5.


9.1. Consideration of Resolution in support of the ITEP Grant application.

Motion to approve resolution in support of the ITEP Grant application.

9.2. Consideration of Ordinance 3332 for IEPA Loan for the wastewater treatment plant improvement in the amount of $3,045,000.00.

Loan Debt Ordinance #3332

Motion to approve Ordinance 3332 for IEPA Loan for the wastewater treatment plant improvements in the amount of $3,045,000.

9.3. Consideration of the Globe Theatre Business District Agreement

Motion to approve the Mergners' request for the business district grant.

9.4. Consideration of the Globe Theatre Revolving Loan.

Motion to approve the revolving loan application with Andrew and Aundi Mergner in the amount of $154,646.

9.5. Consideration to recind the previous motion to move the small section of sidewalk on Walnut Street to the west side versus the east side contingent upon approval by IDOT and contingent that there are no IDOT safety concerns and the City will take care of moving the electric fence at 1404 Killarney.

This was voted on at the July Council Meeting,

Motion to be determined after discussion. Choices are:

Take no action that is different than the July vote - No motion is necessary because the vote stands.

Motion to eliminate the small section of sidewalk at Walnut Street (Killarney).


Motion to recind previous motion to move the sidewalk to the west side of Walnut Street (Killarney) and to place the sidewalk in the original proposed location per the grant application.

9.6. Consideration of Lake Committee's recommendation:

A wake enhancing device will be defined as: Any device that increases the wake of a boat beyond that caused by the boat’s normal movement of the water. These devices include but are not limited to ballasts, bladders, fat sacks, tabs, and fins. These devices will be allowed use for producing enhanced wakes in the established Enhanced Wake Activity Zone and prohibited use in areas of the reservoir outside of established Enhanced Wake Activity Zone.

Motion to be determined after discussion. Motion could be to approve the recommendation or amend the Lake Committee's recommendation or reject the recommendation entirely.

9.7. Consideration of Lake Committee recommendation: Establish a designated area where wake enhancing devices may be used. The designated area will be located in the South Basin approximately 800 feet shore line set back from the dam and approximately 535 feet shore line set back from the east and west shore. The Enhanced Wake Activity Zone (course) will be 100’ wide and 1000’ feet long. Using wake enhancing devices on the reservoir will not be allowed on Memorial Day, July 4, 5, and 6, and Labor Day. The use of wake enhancing devices will only be allowed on the reservoir between the hours of 10am to 6pm.

Motion to be determined after discussion. Motion could be to approve the recommendation or amend the Lake Committee's recommendation or reject the recommendation entirely.

9.8. Consideration of Engineering Agreement with Milano & Grunloh for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement project. Design Engineering not to exceed $160,000 and Construction Engineering not to exceed $140,000.

Motion to approve the Engineering Agreement with Milano & Grunloh for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement project. Design Engineering not to exceed $160,000 and Construction Engineering not to exceed $140,000.

9.9. Discussion of 4th Fest bunting - should it be installed on private property - should we provide the bunting for private installation - should we purchase new bunting?

Motion to be determined after discussion.

9.10. Consideration of easements with Jacquline Kelsey this is for the Elm Street Water Main.

Motion to approve the ordinance for an easement with Jacquine Kelsey.

9.11. Consideration of easements with Anthony Supply Company, Inc.this is for the Elm Street Water Main.

Motion to approve the ordinance for an easement with Anthony Supply.

9.12. Consideration of construction easement with Leo Mannino in order to build the new wall.

Motion to approve the ordinance for a construction easement with Leo Mannino in order to build the new wall.

9.13. Consideration of easement with Leo Mannino for a future handicap ramp to access Mario's Resturaunt.

Motion to approve the ordinance for the easement with Leo Mannino for a future handicap ramp to access Mario's Resturaunt.

9.14. Consideration of easement with Nelson LLC for the construction of the outside patio which was approved by the city council as part of the TIF /Business District agreement.

Motion to approve the ordinance for an easement with Nelson LLC for the construction of the outside patio.

9.15. Consideration to award demolition contract to Precision Excavating and Construction for the demolition of the old Dollar General building and the old Fusion Dance building in the amount of $79,900. Contractor will be signing a PLA per the bid specs.

Bids were opened on July 25th at 2pm. There were four bidders and the bids were as follows:

Precision $79,900

Shafer $92,900

Slattons $99,9350

Groundworks $127,000

Motion to award demolition contract to Precision for the demolition of the old Dollar General building and the old Fusion Dance building in the amount of $79,900. Contractor will be signing a PLA per the bid specs.

9.16. Consideration of Ordinance to amend the Use Matrix Table 153.0202(A) of the Unified Development Code, to make bars, taverns, and nightclubs a permitted use in the (CN) Commercial Neighborhood and (CG) Commercial General zones. And to also remove the word "nightclubs" from the Use Matrix Table in its entirety.

This change was suggested because bars and taverns are a permitted use in the Downtown Zone, but a conditional use in CN and CG. The alcohol licenses would still need council approval.

Motion to approvethe Ordinance amending the Use Matrix Table 153.0202(A) of the Unified Development Code, to make bars, taverns, and nightclubs a permitted use in the (CN) Commercial Neighborhood and (CG) Commercial General zones. And to also remove the word "nightclubs" from the Use Matrix Table in its entirety.

9.17. Consideration of Ordinance amending the liquor code to add a class "I" bar or tavern license to High Octane Bar & Lounge LLC.

Motion to approve the ordinance amending the liquor code to add a class "I" bar or tavern license and issue said license to High Octane Bar & Lounge LLC.

9.18. Consideration of DG Market Development Agreement

Motion to approve the agreement with DG Market Development Agreement

9.19. Consideration of creating a cost share program for residents for new/replacement of sidewalks. This program would be budgeted each year, beginning in the next fiscal budget amount to be determined. The sidewalk work would be contracted out and the cost would be split 50/50 between the property owner and the City.

9.20. Consideration of Patrol Sergeants joining the patrol unit and being represented by the IL FOP Labor Council. This would not result in any pay or benefit changes. Sergeants are requesting this change for more legal coverage from the union in case of a claim against an officer. Also, the union would handle most legal questions thereby saving the City money. I do not have an objection to the change nor does Michelle L. who is in charge of HR.

Motion to add Patrol Sergeants to the Illinois FOP Labor Contract.


10.1. Move into executive session for Personnel 5ILCS 2(c)(1).

Motion to move into executive session for Personnel 5ILCS 2(c)(1).


11.1. Personnel

11.2. Move back into open session

Motion to move back into open session.


