
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Barry City Council met Aug. 5

Webp 13

Shawn Rennecker, Mayor | City of Barry Website

Shawn Rennecker, Mayor | City of Barry Website

City of Barry City Council met Aug. 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Rennecker called the regular meeting of the Barry City Council to order at 7 p.m. He then led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance. All elected officials were present except Scott Harris.

Bridget Cramsey made a motion to approve the minutes from the July meeting and Tyler Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve payment of the bills and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. Jeremy Walston, Public Works Director stated they have been working on the streets getting them ready for oil & chip. They have been having trouble getting oil mix. They have trimmed up a lot of brush and done some weed eating and mowing. Debbie Harshman asked if we could consider doing the alley by the Pharmacy next year out of TIF.

Jeff Hogge gave the City Administrator report. He sent out bid specifications for Property and Casualty Insurance to six insurance companies to see which gives the best price quote. He also attended the MFT bid opening. City wide clean- up has been scheduled for September 16th to September 22nd. A trash can in front of Milkey’s was destroyed by a motor vehicle. The cost to replace the trash can is $790 for the can and shipping is $439.79 for a total of $1229.79. We found out who was responsible for this and he came in and admitted and stated he would reimburse the City for it. Jeff also compiled and sent costs and legal description for demolition of building at 844 Bainbridge Street (Oitker building) to Attorney Dan Beard for lien to be put on property. Max Middendorf gave engineering report. He said they are still waiting on replacement quotes for the pool surge tank and we should be getting final disbursement from DCEO on the sewer lining grant.

Ryan Rouse from the Pike County Sheriff’s office gave the police report. He said there were 6 traffic warnings, 2 felonies – theft and 1 expired registration. Sandy Kirgan attended the Council meeting to ask for a donation for the City to be a sponsor for the Barry Apple Festival. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve $700 donation to be Jonathon Apple Sponsor and Tyler Patterson seconded the motion. Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent. Last year the City donated $500. Debbie Harshman said they have the following to help with the Barry Apple Festival parade: Clay and Jennifer Lister, April Stolte, Pam Utterback, Beth Erke and Sarah Gates. Emma Raferty will be over the Apple Fritter Booth.

Jeremy Walston said he is 99% sure the leak in the pool is coming somewhere below the gutters, it the pump doesn’t run over night the water will drop below the gutter. There could be a pipe broken towards the north end. Max Middendorf said there is small camera option, Keck in Quincy seals/coats pipe (new liner). Debbie Harshman asked if liner would decrease pressure and Max said yes but not enough to put it out of commission. Jeremy asked Max if there were any updates for SCADA. Max stated once we get grant agreement he will have updates.

Mayor Rennecker discussed the Tax Levy Ordinance and said its needs to be approved and recorded. Tyler Patterson made a motion to approve the Tax Levy Ordinance in the amount of $116,705 and Bridget Cramsey seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Tyler Patterson – yes

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – yes

Scott Harris – absent

Motion carried with 5 ayes, 0 nays and 1 absent to approve the Tax Levy Ordinance Mayor Rennecker stated we had some emergency pool repairs that needed to be done before we could open and they need to be approved. Steve Schultz made a motion to go ahead and approve emergency repairs for the pool and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Marynel Corton – yes

Tyler Patterson – yes

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Steve Schultz – yes

Debbie Harshman – absent

Scott Harris – absent

Motion carried to approve emergency pool repairs with 4 ayes, 0 nays and 2 absent. Mayor Rennecker discussed sidewalk repair. American Dirt Works from Liberty, IL sent a bid for the sidewalk on Bainbridge Street. The estimate was for $28,759.63. It includes new sidewalks and removing the old ones and came in under budget. He could start work on September 1st. The tree by Carson Killebrew and tree by lot on Bainbridge Street need to be removed. Steve Schultz made a motion to approve the bid and Marynel Corton seconded the motion. Roll call taken:

Tyler Patterson – yes

Bridget Cramsey – yes

Debbie Harshman – abstain

Scott Harris – absent

Steve Schultz – yes

Marynel Corton – yes

Motion carried with 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent and 1 abstain.

The Council had a discussion on peddlers since there have been several in town. Mayor Rennecker stated a permit is required for peddlers in the City. If they come to your door ask to see their peddlers permit.

Debbie Harshman suggested changing the verbage in the Golf Cart Ordinance to golf carts only.

Tyler Patterson stated his wife thinks we should ask for donations for the new diving board for the pool.

Bridget Cramsey made a motion at 8:22 p.m. to go into executive session. Debbie Harshman seconded the motion.

Council returned from executive session at 8:31 p.m.

No comments from executive session.

Debbie Harshman made a motion to adjourn and Tyler Patterson seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
