
West Central Reporter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met Aug. 20

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The Calhoun PreK For All program has been awarded the GOLD Circle Of Quality from ExceleRate Illinois! | Calhoun District 40

The Calhoun PreK For All program has been awarded the GOLD Circle Of Quality from ExceleRate Illinois! | Calhoun District 40

Calhoun Community Unit School District 40 Board of Education met Aug. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting, of the Board of Education in Calhoun Community Unit School District #40, consisting of Calhoun and portions of Greene Counties, Illinois was called to order by Board President Luke Fraley, Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 5:32 p.m. in the Calhoun Elementary Library.

Upon roll being called the following board members were present: Luke Fraley, Amanda Gress, Hannah Nelson, Nate Sagez and Angie Tepen. Jackie Baalman and Adam Gerson were absent.

Others in attendance were: LeaAnn Klaas, Lori Young, Christie Lorsbach, Pam Friedel, Mary Pluester, Jolene Fanning, Wanda Retzer-Deffenbaugh, Abby McCasland, Grace Sagez and Tara Smith.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Angie Tepen that the Board of Education approves the agenda inclusive of:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call of Members

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Approve Agenda

V. Recognition of Visitors, Guests & Public Comments

- To preserve sufficient time for the Board to conduct its business, it is our public policy that each individual may speak for a maximum of 5 minutes unless prior arrangements have been made to speak longer.

VI. Consent Items

a. Adoption of Consent Agenda

b. Previous Board Minutes

i. Regular Meeting – July 16, 2024

c. Expenditures

d. Financial Reports

e. Activity Accounts Report

f. Transportation Report

VII. Committee and Administrative Reports

a. Calhoun Elementary School

b. Calhoun High School

c. Superintendent

i. District Services/Maintenance Report

VIII. Second & Final Reading of Press Plus Policy Update 115

a. 2:70 Vacancies on the Board of Education – Filling Vacancies

b. 2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses

c. 2:160 Board Attorney

d. 4:15 Identity Protection

e. 4:70 Resource Conservation

f. 4:80 Accounting & Audits

g. 5:130 Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information

h. 5:180 Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity

i. 5:200 Terms & Conditions of Employment & Dismissal

j. 5:290 Employment Termination & Suspensions

k. 5:310 Compensatory Time-Off

l. 6:110 Programs for Students at Risk of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School & Graduation Incentives Program

m. 6:150 Home & Hospital Instruction

n. 6:140 Education of Homeless Children

o. 7:170 Vandalism

IX. Action Items Prior to Executive Session

a. Consider Approval of

i. Intergovernmental Agreement with Carrollton School Transportation

ii. Mentoring Program

iii. EIS Report

iv. Electric Contract with NextEra Energy

v. Natural Gas Contract with Mansfield Energy

vi. CES School Improvement Plan

vii. Establish CHS Activity Fund Account

X. Executive Session – For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)

XI. Action Items Following Executive Session

a. Consider Approving Personnel Recommendations

i. Aides

ii. Transportation

iii. Band Club

iv. Substitutes

XII. Other Business

XIII. Communication and Announcements

a. September 2 – No School: Labor Day

b. September 17 – School Board Meeting/Budget Hearing

c. September 18 – SIP 11:30 Dismissal

d. Correspondence

XIV. Adjourn

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carried.

A motion was made by Jackie Baalman, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves items on the consent agenda which includes:

XV. Consent Items

a. Adoption of Consent Agenda

b. Previous Board Minutes

i. Regular Meeting – July 16, 2024

c. Expenditures

d. Financial Reports

e. Activity Accounts Report

f. Transportation Report

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carried.

Reception of Visitors / Public Comment:

Senior Class presented their class trip proposal to Kissimmee, FL on March 15-19, 2025.

Principals Report:

Calhoun Elementary School Principal Jean Heil Report

We’ve had an amazing first week back!

Teachers have been working hard getting classrooms ready for our students. Custodians have been working hard cleaning and organizing our space.

Our school theme for the year is “Let the good things GROW!”

We have 6 teachers who are participating as mentees in our mentoring program and 4 teachers who are serving as their mentors. This will help teachers build confidence and have support during their first year here at Calhoun.

We had various training sessions during our teacher institute days: main session with the Superintendent, IXL, iReady, team meetings.

Open House was successful and we had lots of excited students and parents attend.

Calhoun High School Principal Christie Lorsbach Report

The building is quickly coming together and looking great! The AC in the gym is excellent! The new LED lights in the cafeteria and gym look amazing.

There are some HVAC programing issues that GRP are still working out. They will continue to work on this throughout next week.

I would like to propose a new activity fund be made for the Warrior Club at the high school level. This would take in money from the profits of the soda/vending machines. It would allow extra funds for building purchases for students, staff, social emotional learning, etc. A similar account was established when the Warrior Fan Club was established at CEJHS.

The HS office was painted and looks fantastic, please stop by to see it. Big thanks to the Vogel Brothers painting crew!

Freshman orientation was well attended and went very smoothly.

Fundraiser Calendar is finished for the school year.

Jostens will be here in September to meet with the seniors.

Mrs. Lorsbach will be sending information to parents bi-weekly through Skyward.

Tutoring sessions will begin next week.

Spanish II class has been very accommodating in meeting our students at their level.

HVAC has a small leak in Mrs. Fiene’s room.

Superintendents Report:

Strategic Plan Focus #3 Engaged Workforce - New Staff Mentoring Program. The goal of the mentoring program is to provide support for new teachers (1st year teachers, 2nd year teachers needing support, and long term substitutes) and allow them to have an opportunity to meet with a mentor to discuss/share district and building expectations, classroom successes and concerns, and pinpoint areas for growth. There is a list of expectations & monthly talking points. A small stipend will be given to the Mentors $400. There are (7) Elem.

Mentors and (4) HS Mentors. Total Stipends: $4400 ($2800 will be paid from the Elem. School Improvement Grant. $1600 will be paid from the carryover ESSER III funds.)

Tentative Budget on Display - Tentative Budget on display prior to the Budget Hearing in September. Calhoun is looking at a slight increase in funding from the previous tax levy of about $100,000 and a decrease in predicted CPPRT of about 15%. Other increases in EBF ($200,000) and the 1% sales tax will help offset the increases in salary and products and services. A specific breakdown of the budget will be provided at the hearing on September 17th.

Grant Update - ESSER III carry over has been extended until September 30. We will have $105,132 to obligate and payout by the end of January.

ROE #40 ACE Agreement - Currently, we do not have any students attending ACE. If we would, the following rates would apply. $175/ full time student (quarterly). $75/ part time student (quarterly). After March 1 for late enrollments it would be $50/ day per student.

Construction Updates - Road work is being completed. HS Work - GRP is finishing up punch list items and windows. The painter will be finishing up some outside items.

E-Learning Plan - The plan will continue into the 24-25 school year. Students will receive 5 clock hours of instruction in the event of an emergency closure. Teacher - Post assignments 8-8:30 and remain available to answer questions until 1:30. Students - Check in at 8:30 through Google Classroom or Class Dojo. Complete daily assignments. Artifact and completed work will be used to support attendance. Non-cert. Staff - May choose to support student tutoring or take a benefit day.

PEBT Data Security Incident (ISBE) - 207 student files were affected by the ISBE data publication glitch. As recommended by ISBE, a letter will be placed in each student’s file. The local superintendent group has been discussing this issue. The majority of districts are not notifying families since it did not include highly sensitive information and they feel it is ISBE’s responsibility as it was through them. ISBE stated, “The information that was made public did not include any financial, health, or other highly sensitive information. With regard to the primary data security incident, the information published on ISBE’s website was not downloadable and was accessed by fewer than 10 unique visitors to the webpage, which included internal ISBE staff who were working on the program and authorized to access the information. With regard to the secondary disclosure, the information was only viewable to school and district administrators working within IWAS.”

District Services/Maintenance Report: N/A

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves the Intergovernmental Agreement with Carrollton CUSD #1 for transportation to Jacksonville, at the rate of $75 per day for each student per day. Effective August 15, 2024 through the last student attendance day.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Angie Tepen, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education approves the Mentoring Program as presented.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Angie Tepen that the Board of Education approves the EIS Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report for the school year 2024.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Amanda Gress, seconded by Hannah Nelson that the Board of Education approves the Electric Contract with NextEra Energy.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Angie Tepen that the Board of Education approves the Natural Gas Contract with Mansfield Energy.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Angie Tepen, seconded by Nate Sagez that the Board of Education approves the Calhoun Elementary School Targeted School Improvement Plan.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Nate Sagez, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education approves to establish CHS Activity Fund Account for vending machine funds.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

Executive Session:

A motion was made at 6:32 p.m. by Nate Sagez, seconded by Angie Tepen that the Board of Education enters into executive session.

For the purpose of discussion regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employee(s); legal counsel, collective negotiating matters or deliberations; board vacancies; evidence or testimony presented in a hearing where authorized by law; purchase or lease of real property; sale or purchase of securities, investments or investment contracts; security procedures; student disciplinary cases or any matter involving an individual student; litigation; self-evaluation, practices and procedures, or professional ethics; minutes of meetings lawfully closed; internal control weaknesses, potential fraud risk areas; establishment of reserves, settlement or discussion of claims, loss or risk management information, records, data, advice or communications from or with respect to any insurer of the District. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made at 6:38 p.m. by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Angie Tepen that the Board of Education returns to Open Session to continue meeting and take any appropriate action.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

A motion was made by Hannah Nelson, seconded by Angie Tepen that the Board of Education approves personnel recommendations as presented for the 2024-25 school year.

Resignations: Jim Herkert - Volunteer Assistant Coach for JH & HS Softball Programs ESP: Kary Baalman - Part Time St. Norbert Title Aide, Chloe Landis - Special Ed. Classroom Aide Reassignments: Emalie Shoemaker - .75 transportation & .25 paraprofessional

Coaching/Sponsor Hires: Madeline Heberling - Band Club

Substitutes: Austin Stepanek - Substitute Teacher

*All new hires are subject to completion of background check, EHR (Faith’s Law) check, fingerprinting and any other required classes and/or trainings.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.

Informational Items:

September 2 – No School: Labor Day

September 17 – School Board Meeting/Budget Hearing

September 18 – SIP 11:30 Dismissal


With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Nate Sagez, seconded by Amanda Gress that the Board of Education adjourns the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

Board polled:

Baalman – absent Nelson – yes

Fraley – yes Sagez – yes

Gerson – absent Tepen – yes

Gress – yes

Motion carries.



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