
West Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Sept. 18

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A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



V. Todd Jokisch

Carissa Myers

Curtis Cosner

Dan Cuba

Deb Petefish

Jason Smith

Jennifer Fanning


Others present: Superintendent Dr. Amy Zahm; Principal - Anthony Mansur; Maintenance - Rob Boston; A~CCEA – Mason Vincent; Students -- Edgar Hernandez, Carson Arthalony, Adrianna Hernandez; Other - Dawn Cuba, Garett Savage, Jade Cave, Colin Arthalony, Chris Arthalony, Kristen Arthalony, Sarah Hernandez, Brian Rennicker; Media - Michael Kloppenburg; Unit Staff - Sarah Campbell,

The meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m.

Presentation of Budget for FY 2024-2025

Dr. Zahm stated the budget contains a summary of transactions, cash transactions, and estimated receipts and revenues (monies coming into the district from levy, taxpayers, grants and other expected sources). The budget also contains estimated disbursements and expenditures, including everything from grants, payroll, and purchases, to facility upgrades, bus maintenance, etc. We are not required to file a deficit reduction plan. Estimated limitation of administrative costs, vendor contracts, and the balancing sheet are also included in the budget. Fund 10, the Educational Fund, includes anything related to classrooms, supplies, curriculum, teacher salaries, aides, operations and maintenance, building and grounds, equipment, etc. Fund 30 is Debt Service, Fund 40 is Transportation, Fund 50 is IMRF, and Fund 51 is Social Security. Fund 60, Capital Projects, is where School Facility Sales Tax goes, Fund 70 is Working Cash, Fund 80 is Tort, and Fund 90 is Fire Prevention and Safety. Under the new tort plan, we will be able to spend tort funds according to plan specifications. Dr. Zahm refers to line 22 as showing revenue verses expenditures. These items are red, meaning we are spending more than we are taking in, but we are not negative. This was expected since the levy was lowered and had excess funds in IMRF, Social Security and Tort. Dr. Zahm estimates that more will be spent out of the Tort Fund, saving money in the other funds. Dr. Zahm clarifies that the levy decrease was about a 30 cent savings for taxpayers. The septic and trust bill was paid out of Fund 90. Line 81 shows the estimated fund balance at the end of fiscal year 2025 and line 80 shows the transfer of 1.5 million in working cash bond money to be spent on Capital Projects, which can be adjusted based on board approval of a resolution. Estimated expenditures include salary, benefits, consideration of new contracts, etc. Revenue estimates included levies and grants, specifically the maintenance grant that was approved. Evidence based funding received was similar to last year's amount. PPRT was down about 30%. Dr. Zahm included a statement explaining the decrease over the last two years occurred because we are in a correction period expected to level out. There were no findings in the error checks. A budget amendment will be required if there is more than a 10% line-item change. The yearly administrative cost worksheet, requires a hearing if you exceed the 5%, but the district did not.

Public Comments Regarding Budget

There were no public comments regarding the budget.

Adjournment of Budget Hearing

Cuba/Cosner - Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:53 pm. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
