
West Central Reporter

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Sept. 18

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Congratulations to the Lady Knights! 6th grade Virginia Tournament Champions! | A-C Central Middle & High School | Facebook

Congratulations to the Lady Knights! 6th grade Virginia Tournament Champions! | A-C Central Middle & High School | Facebook

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Sept. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


V. Todd Jokisch

Carissa Myers

Curtis Cosner

Dan Cuba

Deb Petefish

Jason Smith

Jennifer Fanning

Others present: Superintendent Dr. Amy Zahm; Principal - Anthony Mansur; Maintenance Rob Boston; A-CCEA - Mason Vincent; Students - Edgar Hernandez, Carson Arthalony, Adrianna Hernandez; Other - Dawn Cuba, Garett Savage, Jade Cave, Colin Arthalony, Chris Arthalony, Kristen Arthalony, Sarah Hernandez, Brian Rennicker, Robyn Pettit; Media - Michael Kloppenburg; Unit Staff - Sarah Campbell.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Recognition of Visitors and Guests

Todd Jokisch led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Proposed Agenda

Cuba/Myers - Motion to approve the proposed agenda as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Public Statements to the Board

Jade Cave addressed the board in favor of the A-C/PORTA co-op agreement. Cave stated she wouldn't have had the same opportunities as a student athlete at the high school and collegiate level if not for the co-op, as there wouldn't have been enough students for a volleyball or softball team. Since her participation over 20 years ago, enrollment has decreased and less students are participating in athletics and extracurricular activities at both the junior high and high school levels. Junior high students are participating in high school band, because there aren't enough high school students. Only one A-C 8th grader from last year's volleyball team continued on to play at the high school level. There are eight A-C students on the team who are 9th - 12th graders. In junior high, 5th grade students on the boys' basketball team are playing against 8th graders, since there aren't enough 6th-8th grade boys to make a team. Those numbers will continue to decrease at the high school level. Cave mentioned she wasn't against 5th graders playing 8th graders, but it doesn't increase their knowledge of the sport, confidence level, or skills when they are trying to keep up with other students who are three years older. As a parent of children in the district, Cave is concerned that if the co-op does not continue, her children won't have the option to play a sport or participate in extracurricular activities. Having helped on the AYA 8U softball team for the past two years, Cave states there were only seven players at one game and another game was canceled entirely due to lack of players. The number will not improve at the junior high and high school levels, as there are simply not enough students in the district. Cave believes former and current student athletes want the co-op to continue and many parents in the community agree. Cave requests the co-op continue for the benefit of current and future student athletes.

Knight Lights

A. Accolades from the board

Deb Petefish said junior high boys' baseball won 2nd in the Virginia tournament. The girls' volleyball team won the freshman/sophomore tournament at Cuba. Cross country is doing well with two wins for Kade Parker. Junior high girls' softball when regionals. Feed the Farmer is on October 11th and the date for the labor auction will soon be determined. Dan Cuba received a good report about some of our new teachers. The new agriculture teacher, Ms. Biehl, has cleaned up the shop after 12 years and the new band director, Mr. Willhite, found a new arrangement for the National Anthem which the students love. Mr. Mansur added that over two-thirds of our 5th grade has joined band and have been really enjoying it.

Special Presentations

A. Student of the Month

Mr. Mansur stated, "Student of the month at A-C Central is an individual who consistently displays attributes of the Knight Code of respect, responsibility and integrity in the integrated areas of extracurricular involvement, classroom conduct and academics, and leadership". For September, student of the month was awarded to 8th grader, Edgar Hernandez. "Edgar is described by his teachers as a hard worker, and an overall great student who comes prepared to participate in class, enjoying whatever subject he's in. Edgar has a pleasant demeanor and is courteous to students and adults alike. He is a dedicated musician becoming a valuable asset to the marching band, the musical, play and speech team, and Edgar will be there to support his fellow classmates or help out wherever needed. We're proud to call Edgar an A-C Central knight,” stated Mr. Mansur. The September senior student of the month was awarded to Carson Arthalony. Mr. Mansur stated, "Ms. Carson Arthalony is the daughter of Chris and Kristen Arthalony. She is described by her teachers as mature, responsible, and has a high level of goals. She is very active in the classroom as well as athletics. She respects her peers and teachers. It's always a pleasure to have Carson in class, and Carson is also a leader in the building, active in volleyball, basketball, beta club, student council, NHS, yearbook, STAR, and is the senior class president...We are proud to call Carson an A-C Central knight."

Administrators and Committee Reports

Elementary Report - Ms. Roger's report stated picture day was Friday, September 13th for Pre-K through 4th grade students. All student pictures will be part of the composite and elementary yearbook. Teacher evaluations begin next week for on-cycle and non- tenured teachers. Non-tenured teachers will be evaluated again in the second semester. The Chandlerville Halloween Parade will be held in the elementary school gym on Sunday, October 27th, Dinner will be served in the cafeteria from 4:00-8:00pm. Costumes will be judged for different age groups and categories, and afterwards there will be a Trunk-or-Treat event downtown. Parent- teacher conferences will be held Wednesday, October 9th from 3:00-6:00 and Thursday, October 10th from 4:00-7:00. Sign-up sheets were posted during open house last month. Friday, October 11th will be early dismissal at 11:00, and there is no school on October 14th for Columbus Day. Thursday, October 31st will be

MS/HS Report - Mr. Mansur said students are officially back in the wood/welding shop. An overview of the 2024 Fall MAP testing scores are listed on the report. Middle and high school parent-teacher conferences will be the same nights as the elementary school,

Wednesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 10th, at approximately the same times. The middle school Halloween Dance will be on Friday, October 25th,

Technology Report - Dustin's report reviews the IT ticket system, which is functioning well. Since the teachers have returned, Dustin and his assistant, Cody have been able to resolve 61 of the 67 tickets submitted. The remaining six are in progress. Though the ticket system is not being fully utilized by all staff yet, Dustin feels more teachers are using it now and continues to encourage it's use through reminders and link distribution. Dustin's report also reviews the intercom issues that were occurring at the elementary school. Reaching out to the system installers, MMC informed Dustin one had not been properly installed, two had loose connections, and one had a defective internal component. All of these have been corrected except the defective component, which will be repaired when the new part arrives.

Maintenance and Grounds – Rob stated the doors on the back of the stage, in the boy's locker room, and the exit door out of the boiler room have all been replaced. The masonry project to finish the Ag shop will be starting in the next few days and materials are on site. Overall, everything is running smoothly both at the middle and high school and the elementary school. Bus 1-17, which was down for electrical issues, has been repaired and back on the road. Bus 1-18 has a transmission issue. Because the bus is leased, Rob is working with the manufacturer to resolve the issue.

Jennifer Fanning commended the new cement parking curbs that were installed to prevent parking on the sidewalk. Rob stated Pleasant Plains kindly donated them, as they were no longer needed after their remodel. Mr. Mansur mentioned Pleasant Plains also donated some classroom tables and standing desks for the art room.

Superintendent - Dr. Zahm stated the new treasurer, Mary Gross, is working hard to finish the July reports and has started working on the August reports. We are working on the required paperwork to add her to our accounts, so more reports will be available next month. The current openings, after approval of the meeting's personnel report, are non-certified and we are only advertising for substitutes. We are still advertising for an elementary principal, and the same positions are still posted for the middle and high school including middle and high school guidance counselor, 6-8th grade reading teacher, high school science teacher, K-12 music teacher, middle and high school foreign language teacher, and elementary math RTI. Dr. Zahm signed a student teaching agreement with IC and we may be working with a mid-term graduate student soon. Due to amount of FOIA request that have been received, Dr. Zahm will be adding them to the agenda to be discussed following her report. We received a commercial records request from SmartProcure, which is requested every month or two, and requires us to send a report. A list of staff, teachers, school name, title and salary was requested from Owen Wang, West Central Reporter. Another commercial records report was requested by NationGraph Research Team. All requests have received a response.

Executive Session (Exceptions 1)

Myers/Cuba - Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:19 p.m. in accordance with State Statute to discuss the following:

Exception 1. Adjournment to Executive Session for the purpose of The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057.

Exception 2. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)

Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Return to Open Session

Myers/Petefish - Motion to come out of executive session at 7:53 p.m. and to approve and seal the minutes of this executive session. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on August 21, 2024.

B. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Regular Meeting on August 21, 2024.

C. Approval of Treasurer's Report

D. Approval of Activity Reports

E. Approval of Bills Payable

F. Approval of Journal Entries

Myers/Cuba - Motion for approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on August 21, 2024, Closed Session Minutes for August 21, 2024, Treasurer's Report, Activity Reports, Bills Payable for an amount of $366,510.03 Journal Entries. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Personnel Report


Julianna Allen - .5 day Pre-K Aide Jennifer Guillou - Bus Route Driver

Roxanne Hampton - Bus Route Driver Dianne Linker - Bus Monitor


Kim Webster - Vocal MS/HS

Brandi King - MS Cheerleading Coach


Jennifer Guillou - Morning Supervisor (Cafeteria)


Motion to approve the personnel report as presented. Roll call: All

members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Old Business (discussion only)


Old Business (action expected)

A. Approval of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Certain Athletics and Extracurricular Activities - PORTA CUSD #202 - A-C CENTRAL CUSD #262

Dan Cuba addressed the board with a public statement. Cuba referenced when he first ran for the board 12 years ago, stating that Chandlerville had been sabotaged by the superintendent and the board from spending as little as possible on the campus. Three years after he took office, the necessary upgrades were finally completed. At that time, there was a push for consolidation with PORTA, and Cuba and others ran for the board to oppose this consolidation. The two current board members who supported the consolidation at that time were not re-elected to the board, and the board voted on the potential consolidation the following year. The acronym PORTA stands for five towns which used to have schools. Even 12 years ago, visiting these towns showed the consequences of merging with Petersburg. Tallulah was the last school that closed prior to the consolidation vote and it hasn't improved in the last 12 years. If A-C merged with these schools, it is clear what will happen. Tallulah was closed due to operating costs. Twelve years ago, PORTA's finances were poor from living beyond their means. This still has not changed. Cuba states PORTA addresses this by absorbing students from other towns. This has not worked well for the four towns that have consolidated. Cuba states that the new PORTA superintendent isn't addressing the issues and only seeks more students. The last consolidation study was poorly conducted, and individuals from Ashland and Chandlerville found errors in the data justifying consolidation. After the errors were documented, the author of the study corrected the information. However, a year later at the public meeting, presided over by the Lincoln superintendent, the erroneous plan was the one presented. Cuba attempted to address this issue with her afterwards via the supporting documentation, but was told they were null and void because the hearing had concluded. After, Cuba sent the corrections to the superintendent and the lawyers, clearing his conscience on the issue. Because the seven board members supported the citizens of Ashland and Chandlerville, the push for consolidation was defeated. Petersburg, the unethical author of the study, and the corrupt superintendent were defeated by the voters. The voters recognized the errors, falsehood, and deceit by Petersburg in addressing their issues. Cuba states that we have an opportunity to improve the co-op agreement that's been successful for 12 years or to succumb to PORTA's stipulations.

Carissa Myers asked if A-C had a vote in who conducted the previous survey, as the current proposal states both superintendents will work together to find someone to conduct the study. Dan Cuba responded that a method already exists for this in Public Act in Illinois. Voters of either district can petition for a say in the study by obtaining 50-100 signatures. However, over the last 12 years, no voters have done so. Cuba stated that is why this shouldn't be included in the agreement. Deb Petefish replied to Carissa Myers, stating she didn't know who completed the previous study. Dr. Zahm also replied that, as the language is written, we would have a say in who conducted the study. Deb Petefish asked if there were any questions for herself, Curtis Cosner, or Dr. Zahm, who attended the meeting with PORTA. Jason Smith asked if the coop-agreement was from PORTA's board or from the joint committee. Deb Petefish stated that the document was from the committee but that PORTA's board inserted line #9 regarding the study. Deb Petefish stated that those in attendance at the meeting didn't see why that had been included, as it wasn't related to the co-op. Dr. Zahm clarified that all the other language was collaborative. Dan Cuba asked when the current agreement will expire to which Deb Petefish replied June of 2025. Dr. Zahm clarified that it expires at the end of this school year. Todd Jokisch asked if there was any indication as to their future trustworthiness. Dr. Zahm replied that with, her and Principal Mansur's frequent communication and changing some of this language, yes. However, Dan Cuba replied that, in the last nine months that Dr. Zahm and Principal Mansur have been in their post, PORTA has apologized for doing the same thing three times. Jason Smith asked if the board was allowed to amend the document, vote on it, and await a response. Dan Cuba asked why we couldn't negotiate further if the agreement doesn't expire until June. Todd Jokisch replied that PORTA keeps changing the terms of the agreement each time. Deb Petefish stated she was really surprised when line #9 was mentioned in the original meeting and Curtis Cosner stated he would address it with the board, but also didn't know it was going to be included in the language. A citizen attending the meeting then stated that A-C wouldn't get a sports schedule if they waited until June. Todd Jokisch replied saying the agreement has been in progress since February, but that PORTA continues to change the parameters. Curtis Cosner said his understanding was that if the agreement was not approved with line 9 included, they would possibly consider a two-year agreement. Deb Petefish said her indication was that if PORTA's stipulations are meant, they won't sign the co- op agreement. Dr. Zahm clarified that it is a non-binding feasibility study. Dan Cuba stated that A-C is not the only school PORTA co-ops with, Jennifer Fanning then asked if the other schools are receiving the same co-op agreement. Deb Petefish replied that she doesn't know, however, but she believes they are only asking this of A-C. However, she has voiced that A-C wants the co-op to continue, as it has been successful over the years, but that we didn't care for the study stipulation. Todd Jokisch stated the agreement should pertain strictly to sports. An attending citizen made a statement about the need for coaches, to which Todd Jokisch replied the protocol agreed on by both parties was not followed and decisions were released to the press before the A-C board was notified. Deb Petefish emphasized the need to relay to PORTA our desire to continue the co-op, but is concerned that their board may not relent on this point. She also clarified that, if this issue cannot be resolved, a plan needs to be in place to move forward for the students and, with our numbers, she doesn't believe it's feasible alone. Todd Jokisch suggested tabling this discussion until the next meeting to conduct an exhaustive search of options. Jason Smith stated that he doesn't want our students to lose the opportunity to play sports. Though he would like A-C to have better representation, the co-op has worked. He suggested we amend the agreement, with line #9 stricken, and if refused the A-C board can reevaluate. Carissa Myers asked if this amendment was discussed at the last meeting, to which Deb Petefish replied yes. Curtis Cosner then asked how the board would proceed if the amended agreement was accepted, but only as a two-year agreement. Jason Smith replied that was not ideal, but was preferred to tabling the agreement. Deb Petefish stated she didn't like the idea of tabling the agreement indefinitely, to which Todd Jokisch clarified it would only be tabled long enough to explore our options. An attending citizen asked if there is a cutoff date for scheduling games if the agreement was tabled. Athletic Director Colin Arthalony replied that there is a deadline to apply to co-op with someone else, but not in regards to the schedule. However, the more time you have, the easier it is to get a schedule. Todd Jokisch said he would consider the notion of approving the amended agreement with line #9 stricken. He then asked if any other points of the agreement needed to be discussed, but they did not. Curtis Cosner mentioned that financials would be updated at a later time. Deb Petefish said they discussed the net expenses for both A-C and PORTA at the meeting and divided them according to student population, which was about 28% for A-C, which Deb considered fair. Todd Jokisch asked if this incorporated the junior high sports as well. Dr. Zahm replied that yes, athletic expenses cover the totality of the athletic program. Carissa Myers asked why we were considering amending the agreement with line #9 stricken if it had already been voiced to PORTA that A-C doesn't want to complete the study. Dan Cuba replied that it would come down to a public vote. Deb Petefish stated the A-C board would be approving the agreement, either with or without line #9, and when the PORTA board meets, they would approve it, either with or without line #9. Then, if an agreement is not made, there would be another meeting with PORTA to determine if an agreement can be reached or not. Jason Smith asked, if the agreement was motioned as read, would it pass with the A-C board. Carissa Myers stated that the study does not force us to consolidate. An attending citizen asked what the study would cost. Dr. Zahm stated the cost would probably be $15,000 - $20,000, but that ISBE had grants available that could cover the cost.

Cuba/Smith - Motion to approve the amended agreement with removal of line #9. Roll Call: Curtis Cosner and Carissa Myers voted nay. All other member present voted aye. Motion carried.

New Business (discussion only)

A. First Reading of Press Policy Issue 116

New Business (action expected)

A. Approval of FFA to attend the National Convention 10/23/24 -10/26/24

Cuba/Myers - Motion to approve the FFA to attend the National Convention 10/23/24-10/26/24. Voice Vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

B. Approval of FFA to attend the Build Conference 11/25/24-11/26/24

Cuba/Fanning Motion to approve the FFA to attend the Build Conference 11/25/24 - 11/26/24. Voice Vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

C. Approval of Worker's Compensation Insurance Renewal for $16,313.00

Dr. Zahm stated this is the renewal quote for district worker's compensation insurance and it is a 20.96% decrease, a savings of $4,326.00.

Cuba/Myers - Motion to approve the Worker's Compensation Insurance Renewal for $16,313.00. Roll Call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

D. Approval of the purchase of three Promethean Boards for $7,011.00

Myers/Fanning -- Motion to approve the purchase of three Promethean Boards for $7,011.00. Roll Call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

E. Approval of Lamar-Hager Quote for Ceiling Repairs for the Ag Shop for $29,944.80

Petefish/Cosner - Motion to approve the Lamar-Hager Quote for Ceiling Repairs for the Ag Shop for $29,944.80. Roll Call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

F. Approval of the Hilltop Electric Quote for the Ag Shop for $7,500.00

Fanning/Myers -- Motion to approve the Hilltop Electric Quote for the Ag Shop for $7,500.00. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

G. Approval for Artistic Drywall Design Quote for the Ag Shop for $9,270.48

Petefish/Cosner - Motion to approve the Artistic Drywall Design Quote for the Ag Shop for $9,270.48. Roll Call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

H. Approval of CDW-G Quote for 6 Chromebooks for $5,160.90

Dr. Zahm stated that these devices were for teachers whose students already have Chromebooks and one for use in the unit office.

Myers/Fanning - Motion to approve the CDW-G Quote for 6 Chromebooks for $5,160.90. Roll Call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

I. Approval of IDOT Hazardous Transportation Bus Routes

Dr. Zahm stated this is an annual requirement and routes have not changed.

Cuba/Fanning Motion to approve the IDOT Hazardous Transportation Bus Routes. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Board Member or Visitor Requests for Future Business Items (info/discussion)

Adjournment (action expected)

Cuba/Petefish - Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.
