
West Central Reporter

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Nov. 20

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A-C Central Community Unified School District 262 Board of Education met Nov. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


V. Todd Jokisch

Carissa Myers

Curtis Cosner

Dan Cuba

Deb Petefish

Jason Smith

Jennifer Fanning


Others present: Superintendent - Dr. Amy Zahm; Principal - Anthony Mansur; Technology Dustin Janssen; Maintenance - Rob Boston; A-CCEA - Mason Vincent, Maggie Allen, Donna Walters; Students - Addyson Smock; Parents - Dustin Smock, Jamie Smock, Jade Cave; Other - Robin Malloy, Blake Woodard; Media - Michael Kloppenburg; Unit Staff -- Sarah Campbell

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Recognition of Visitors and Guests

Todd Jokisch led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone to the board meeting.

Proposed Agenda

Cuba/Myers - Motion to approve the proposed agenda as presented. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Public Statements to the Board


Knight Lights

A. Accolades from the board

Deb Petefish said the Veteran's day assembly went well and the school play will be November 23rd. Carson Arthalony won the DAR Award and Camden Fanning was an Illinois State Scholar. FFA placed 4th in the section 14 agronomy contest and the FFA Raccoon Hunt will be November 30th. Anna Pherigo and Max Kesselring made the ILMEA all-district choir and middle school speech placed 1st and 2nd. Kade Parker had a new personal best in cross country state meet, placing 66th. Eighth grade girls' basketball team got 2nd place in the Ashland tournament and 7th grade got 3rd place. Alternative team members were Lydia Stice and Brynn Duncheon.

Special Presentations

A. Student of the Month

The 8th grade student of the month was awarded to Addyson Smock and the senior student of the month was awarded to Drew Marr.

B. District Audit - Robin Malloy from Pehlman & Dold

Robin Malloy, a partner at Pehlman & Dold, discussed the findings of this year's district audit. There was only one finding related to the Capital Projects Funding budget and the Education Fund was off due to how payroll was processed.

C. Bus Fleet Options - Blake Woodard from Midwest Transit Equipment

Dr. Zahm reviewed the bus lease proposal with the board, directing board questions to Mr. Woodard from Midwest Transit Equipment and Transportation Director Rob Boston as need. Dr. Zahm discussed which vehicles are owned or leased in our current bus fleet, mentioning three of our current buses are coming off the depreciation schedule and some of our older buses will be needing costly maintenance. Also, a handicap accessible van was recently purchased from Virginia to be used when only a few students need to be transported. Dr. Zahm recommended leasing two 2024 72- passenger buses on a 3-year lease, adding a 3-year body warranty and camera swap. Dr. Zahm also recommended purchasing a new, smaller 2025 Chevrolet Collins bus on a 5-year lease without a warranty, which isn't need for a new vehicle, and trading in the buses listed on the proposal. Dr. Zahm clarified that our current lease payment is $67,622.00, and the new lease payment would be $73,957 with an $80,000 trade in value.

Administrators and Committee Reports

Elementary Report - Ms. Roger's report listed the October students of the month and the 2nd quarter reward will be a bowling trip in Havana on December 12th. The Christmas Concert will be held on December 19th at 6:30 in the Chandlerville Gym and student Christmas parties will be held on December 20th. There will be no school November 27th. through 29th and December 21st through January 6th, Students will be released at 1:45pm on November 13th and 20th and December 4th, 11th, 18th and 20th.

MS/HS Report Mr. Mansur stated that Homecoming Week will be December 2nd through 6th with Homecoming on December 7th. The homecoming game will be girls' basketball on December 2nd, The Christmas Concert will be on December 11th Semester exams will take place in December and PBIS day will be December 20th. Mr. Mansur's report also includes holiday break and early dismissal dates.

Technology Report - Dustin provided an update on the ticket system. Out of the 105 tickets submitted since the beginning of the school year, 99 have been resolve. Rate of use of the ticket system has decreased, partially due to initial issues being resolved, but staff are being encouraged to continue using the ticket system for IT requests. The elementary school intercoms are still having intermittent issues. Some reconfigurations were done that Dustin hopes will resolve this. Unitrends, our server backup solution, recently installed a new unit that has been fully integrated, completing system backups nightly.

Maintenance and Grounds Rob stated they are working with contractors to schedule completion of the Ag shop. Dr. Zahm stated that are looking at Christmas break for this, so it is closed to students for as little as possible. Rob is working to get the Ashland roof leak fixed. The Chandlerville playground doors are being installed by Savage over Thanksgiving break. Also, insulation will be added in Chandlerville to keep rooms warner for the winter. Buses are being prepared for winter and heating is working.

Superintendent - Dr. Zahm stated the treasurer has completed all the financial reports through October. District vacancies have not changed since the last meeting. Dr. Zahm reviewed important areas of the school report card and how scores are calculated with the board. All our schools are rated as commendable. Areas of improvement include math and chronic absenteeism, students who miss more than 10 days per year. The high school was very close to being rated as exemplary, excelling in science. The graduation rate was 100%, the highest since 2019 and higher than the state average of 88%, up 7% from last year. The freshman on-track rate was 95%, the highest since 2019 and higher than the 88% state average, up 5% from last year. The district attendance rate, barring chronic absenteeism, is 93%, which is 1% higher than the state and up 0.4% since last year. Teacher retention is steady at 82%, the highest since 2018.

Dr. Zahm stated that we will have a report regarding HVAC updates for the next meeting.

Executive Session (Exceptions 1 & 11)

Cosner/Cuba - Motion to go into Executive Session at 7:58 p.m. in accordance with State Statute to discuss the following:

Exception 1. Adjournment to Executive Session for the purpose of The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057.

Exception 11. Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular District has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the District finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the closed meeting minutes. 5 ILCS 120/2(e)(11).

Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Return to Open Session

Cosner/Myers - Motion to come out of executive session at 8:26 p.m. and to approve and seal the minutes of this executive session. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A. Approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on October 16, 2024.

B. Approval of Closed Session Minutes for Regular Meeting on October 16, 2024.

C. Approval of Treasurer's Report

D. Approval of Activity Reports

E. Approval of Bills Payable

F. Approval of Journal Entries

Myers/Fanning - Motion for approval of Minutes of Regular Meeting on October 16, 2024, Closed Session Minutes for October 16, 2024, Treasurer's Report, Activity Reports, Bills Payable for an amount of $261,865.17 Journal Entries. Roll call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Personnel Report






Linda Doggett - Elementary 1-on-1 Aide

Petefish/Fanning - Motion to approve the personnel report as presented. Voice Vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Old Business (discussion only)

A. CEO Program

Mr. Mansur stated the student CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities) program has been working on obtaining the 35 donors needed for a 3-year investment. The program allows students to see the day to day processes in different workplace environments to make better informed career choices. Mr. Mansur clarified that this is different than the work program, where students are actively employed. This would be a for-credit class available to a few students from each school in the county. The investors would be the companies the students are working with. How students are selected will be part of the next phase. They hope to implement the program by next school year.

B. Joint Annual Conference

Board members discussed coordinating workshop schedules.

Old Business (action expected)


New Business (discussion only)

A. First Reading of Press Policy Issue 117

Dr. Zahm stated there were only minor changes to this issue.

B. District Tax Levy

Dr. Zahm stated the district tax levy is a critical component of our district's finances, and is based on assessed property values in Cass, Morgan, Menard, and Sangamon Counties. The estimated 2024 EAV was $80,753,685.00, an increase that allowed Dr. Zahm to lower taxes about $0.08. The tort risk management plan was redone to be more easily spent, saving resources in other funds. A truth in taxation hearing is not required because the amount was not more than 105% of the prior year.

New Business (action expected)

A. Approval of the Henson Robinson Bill for $8,135.97

Cuba/Cosner - Motion to approve the Henson Robinson Bill for $8,135.97. Roll Call: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

B. Approval of the District FY24 Audit

Cuba/Cosner - Motion to approve the District FY24 Audit. Voice Vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

C. Approval of the Midwest Transit Proposals

Board members discussed the proposal and asked Dr. Zahm additional questions before voting.

Cuba/Smith - Motion to approve the Midwest Transit Proposals

Roll Call: Dan Cuba, Jason Smith, Curtis Cosner, and Carissa Myers voted aye. Todd Jokisch, Deb Petefish, and Jennifer Fanning voted nay. Motion carried.

Board Member or Visitor Requests for Future Business Items (info/discussion)

Curtis Cosner requested that the Co-op be discussed at the next meeting.

Adjournment (action expected)

Cuba/Petefish - Motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 pm. Voice vote: All members present voted aye. Motion carried
