
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

City of Bushnell City Council met Dec. 2

Webp 6

Robin Wilt - Mayor | City of Bushnell Website

Robin Wilt - Mayor | City of Bushnell Website

City of Bushnell City Council met Dec. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Wilt called the meeting to order

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.

Roll Call

Ald. Carla Promisson-P    Ald. Greg Yocum -P 

Ald. Lisa Webb -P             Ald. Stacey Allen –P 

Ald. Kim Havens –P          Ald. Mike Burkholder –P 

Mayor Robin Wilt -P 

City Clerk Teresa Ebbert - P 

Police Chief Justin Hood-P

Treasurer Betsy Rench –P 

City Attorney Nick Tinsman-A

Utility Manager Joe Fosdyck - P

Street Superintendent David Raymond-P

Shaun Ellis was sworn in as Aldermen for the 3rd Ward to replace Mike Baker who moved out of town.


*City Treasurer Betsy Rench & Mayor Wilt met with the Auditor, there were minor transactions that needed to be made, but overall, the audit went well.

Consent Agenda

Ald. Yocum made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes.

1. Approval of Minutes from November 18, 2024

2. Approve October Financial Report

3. Approve & Pay November bills

Ald. Havens seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Promisson “aye”   Ald. Yocum “aye”

Ald. Webb “aye”          Ald. Allen “aye”

Ald. Havens “aye”       Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Ald. Norton “aye”        Ald. Ellis “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Ad hoc (Mayor’s Report)

*Christmas Light parade 12/7/2024 @ 6:00

*Craft show @ the VFW on 12/8/2024, along with Santa and Ernie train rides & No tax Sunday


*New Insurance rates- look to be about a 4% increase.

Public Works

*The Street Sweeper has not yet been repaired, it will cost around $4,000

*New ADA ramps and sidewalk were completed for the 400 Corner block of Rile And Hail.


*Nothing to report

Real Estate/Parks/Recreation

*Ald. Webb stated that she is following up with Batson’s on the plumbing project at the Rec. Center

Engineering Report

*IMEG has submitted a preliminary Source Water Protection Plan to the Illinois EPA

Economic Development

*Ald. Allen reported that the Depot was all decorated and ready for Santa.

*Next meeting December 12th 4:30 @ the Depot


*Dairy Queen has been sold to Don Archibald of Fulton County, it will be Archies hopefully

Opening the 1st quarter of next year.

*MAEDCO mtg. December 10th.

Attorney’s Report/ Ordinances & Resolutions

*Nothing to report

Ald. Allen made a motion to adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 5:53
