Waverly High School Building | City of Waverly Websitre
Waverly High School Building | City of Waverly Websitre
City of Waverly City Council met Dec. 3.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Duewer at 7:00 pm. Present were: Alderman Baines, Alderman Campbell, Alderman Lyons, Alderman Nagel and Alderwoman Robinette. Alderman Smith was absent.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Comments from the Floor
Dave Melosi – Waverly Gas Mart video gaming - Mr. Melosi did not appear.
Curt Reznicek/Kyle Shell – Insurance – Mr. Reznicek and Mr. Shell were in attendance to present highlights concerning the insurance coverage for City property and equipment. An appraisal is completed every five (5) years and after the most current appraisal, there is a 4 percent increase in insurance costs. The total; cost increase is $8000 (12 percent increase). The Council could consider raising the deductible amount to help bring down costs and to that end, Mr. Shell will provided a spreadsheet of all that is covered. Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Nagl to approve the insurance as presented. All present voted aye.
4. Approve Open Meeting Minutes from the November 6, 2024 Regular Meeting
Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Nagel to approve the minutes as presented. All present voted aye.
5. Approve the Reports of Clerk, Collector, Bookkeeper and Treasurer
Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to approve all reports as presented, All present voted aye.
6. Pay November Bills Due in December 2024
Aldman Campbell moved, second by Alderman Lyons to approve and paid all bills as presented. All present voted aye.
7. Municipal
On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the Illinois Department of Transportation, State Route 104 Project. On-going discussion. As of August 2022, IDOT is responsible securing easement signatures. UPDATE: the City has reached out to State Senators and the Governor’s Office to get funding assistance. NO NEW MOVEMENT.
Alderman Lyons moved, second by Alderman Nagel to approve Ordinance 24-08, Amending Chapter 107 (Alcoholic Beverages) of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Waverly, Morgan County, Illinois. All present voted aye,
8. Finance
Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Nagel to approve Ordinance 24-07 for the FY2025 Tax Level for the City of Waverly, Morgan County, Illinois. All present voted aye.
9. Parks, Lakes, and Recreation
On-going discussion. Discussion and possible action regarding the IDNR, Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant process. Benton and Associates were approved to begin the OSLAD Grant Application in July 2023. This is an on-going project for one (1) to nine (9) years.
**NOTE: Greg Hillis, Benton and Associates submitted our grant application on September 15, 2023. The City of Waverly was NOT awarded the OSLAD grant for this year (2024)
On-going discussion. Discussion and possible approval of the 319 Grant for the Waverly Lake TMDL & Watershed Plan Implementation. Paperwork has been submitted David Souther, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). We have been approved to received $90,000. The process has begun, the Clerk will provide updates as they are received. The project is moving forward.
The Clerk reported that all expected funds have been paid to the City
10. Utilities, Streets and Alleys
John Lyons – has had a busy month with continued work on gas valves and routine, as well as unexpected maintenance issues. The Christmas Parade in Sunday, December 8th.
11. Police
Chief Berola - monthly report. Assistant Chief Divjak reported that the previous month was quiet and the Department had a good month,
12. Committee Reports
13. Zoning
Discussion and possible approval of new Zoning Board member(s). Mr. Houchins presented Russ Walls to the Council for consideration to become a member of the Zoning Committee. After much discussion, Mr. Houchins stated that he would place Mr. Walls on a three (3) month probationary period, at which time he would “re-present” Mr. Walls for consideration. Alderman Lyons moved, second by Alderwoman Robinette to appoint with the three (3) month provision. Of the Alderman/Alderwoman present for the vote: 4 voted aye and one voted no.
14. Executive Session: (i) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the City; and (ii) Pending or threatened litigation affecting the City.
Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderman Lyons to enter Executive Session at 7:42 pm to discuss personnel issues and pending litigation. All present voted aye.
Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderman Campbell to re-enter Open Session at 7:55 pm. All present voted aye,
15. Old Business
On-going discussion. Continuing discussion regarding the safe operation of E-Bikes, All-Terrain Vehicles, Scooters, Off Highway Motorcycles, etc. This remans as a work in progress.
Discussion and possible approval of a dumpster for “Metal Only” pick up. The Council decided to remove this item from further consideration. No voted was needed.
16. New Business
Alderman Baines moved, second by Alderman Campbell to approve Blue Cross / Blue Shield as the medical insurance company for City employees. All present voted aye.
Alderman Nagel moved, second by Alderman Baines to oppose the sale of City property at Waverly Lake. All present voted aye.
Alderman Lyons moved, second by Alderman Nagel to approve of employe bonuses as discussed. All present voted aye.
Discussion and possible approval of amendment fees in Ordinance 24-01. This issue is tabled until the January 2025 meeting.
17. Adjourn
Alderman Baines moved, Alderman Lyons second to adjourn at 8:05 pm. All present voted aye.