
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Bushnell City Council met Dec. 16

Webp 8

Nick Tinsman - City Attorney | City of Bushnell Website

Nick Tinsman - City Attorney | City of Bushnell Website

City of Bushnell City Council met Dec. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Wilt called the meeting to order

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.

Roll Call

Ald. Carla Promisson -P    Ald. Greg Yocum -A 

Ald. Lisa Webb -P             Ald. Stacey Allen –A 

Ald. Kim Havens -P           Ald. Mike Burkholder –P 

Ald. David Norton -P         Ald. Shaun Ellis -P 

Mayor Robin Wilt -P

 Utility Manager Joe Fosdyck - P

City Clerk Teresa Ebbert - P 

Police Chief Justin Hood-P

Treasurer Betsy Rench –P 

Street Superintendent David Raymond-P

City Attorney Nick Tinsman-P


*City Treasurer Betsy Rench stated the Levy and the audit have been filed

Ald. Allen came in at 5:33

Consent Agenda

Ald. Norton made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes.

  1. Approval of Minutes from December 2, 2024
  2. Accept November Financial Report
Ald. Havens seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Promisson absent Ald. Yocum “aye”

Ald. Webb “aye” Ald. Allen “aye”

Ald. Havens “aye” Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Baker absent

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Ad hoc (Mayor’s Report)

*Mayor Wilt presented Donna Coates with 2024 Citizen of the Year Award.

*Mayor Wilt appointed Bruce Lorton to the Police Commissioners vacancy

*Park, Recreation and Real Estate Committee has a new chair – Carla Promission

*Police and Liquor Chair will be Lisa Webb

*Thank you to those who participated in the Light Parade – what a great night!

*Mayor Wilt and Chief Hood listened to a presentation on cameras from Flock Safety.

*Megan Crook will be back as our engineer as Greg Ryckaert is retiring.


Ald. Norton made a motion to approve the Health insurance with the new rates for 2025. Ald. Allen seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Webb “aye” Ald. Allen “aye”

Ald. Havens “aye” Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Ellis “aye”

Ald. Yocum absent Ald. Promisson “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Public Works

Ald. Havens made a motion to pass the Resolution for Improvement by Municipality for $31,300. Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Havens “aye” Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Ellis “aye”

Ald. Yocum absent Ald. Promisson “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye” Ald. Webb “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Ald. Havens made a motion to pass the Estimate of Maintenance Costs to cover the seal coat work. Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Norton “aye” Ald. Ellis “aye”

Ald. Yocum absent Ald. Promisson “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye” Ald. Webb “aye”

Ald. Burkholder “aye” Ald. Havens “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Ald. Havens made a motion to approve the Intergovernmental Agreements between City of Bushnell and the Township for seal coat work. Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Yocum absent Ald. Promisson “aye”

Ald. Allen “aye” Ald. Webb “aye”

Ald. Burkholder “aye” Ald. Havens “aye”

Ald. Ellis “aye” Ald. Norton “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

*The City go the notice of the State Award on the Washington Street Sanitary Sewer project,

Now they can go out for bids.


*The police department needs 2 more body cams to complete the fleet.

* Next meeting will be 1/13/2025 4:30 at the complex

*Jeff Rench with ESDA stated he has the Disaster plan updated

Parks/Recreation/Real Estate

Ald. Webb made a motion to approve the bid from Brock Waller for the Industrial Park farm ground

For $490.00/acre. Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Allen “aye” Ald. Webb “aye”

Ald. Burkholder “aye” Ald. Havens “aye”

Ald. Ellis “aye” Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Promisson “aye” Ald. Yocum absent

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Engineering Report

*The city will be taking bids for the Sledge removal at the West plant this winter.

Economic Development

*Next meeting January 8, 2024 4:30 at the Depot

Attorney’s Report/Ordinances & Resolutions

*Nothing to report

Ald. Norton made a motion at 6:00 to go into Executive Session for Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal o an employee of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, pursuant to Sec. 2 © (1) of the Open Meetings Act. Ald. Webb seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Burkholder “aye” Ald. Havens “aye”

Ald. Ellis “aye” Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Promisson “aye” Ald. Yocum absent

Ald. Webb “aye” Ald. Allen “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried

Ald. Norton made a motion at 6:03 to return to regular session. Ald. Webb seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Ellis “aye” Ald. Norton “aye”

Ald. Promisson “aye” Ald. Yocum absent

Ald. Webb “aye” Ald. Allen “aye”

Ald. Havens “aye” Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Ald. Allen made a motion to adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 6:05
