Pike County Courthouse | WikipediA
Pike County Courthouse | WikipediA
City of Pittsfield City Council met Dec. 17.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Room at the Pittsfield City all at 215 N Monroe Street. The following officers were present: Mayor Gary Mendenhall, City Clerk Ann Moffit, anacd Alderperson Bill Grimsley, Kevin Ketchum, Paul Lennon, Robert Ritchart, Beth White, Robert Wilson, and Kevin Wombles. Alderperson Chris Little was absent.
Alderperson Ketchum moved to approve the December 03, 2024, city council minutes. Alderperson Grimsley seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Ritchart moved to approve the November 2024 Treasurer’s Report. Alderperson Ketchum seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Mayor’s Announcements:
Mayor Mendenhall met with a potential daycare provider in search of possible properties. Mayor Mendenhall attended the police department staff meeting.
A meeting was held with Hutchison Engineering in reference to the Downtown revitalization project.
Mayor Mendenhall and the Economic Development Director met with Looking for Lincoln Executive Director Kathy Zimmerman.
A public hearing was held December 16 to review the NARP as presented by Northwater Consulting. Minimum Wage will increase to $15 per hour January 1.
Mayor wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Public Safety Committee met tonight. Chief Starman stated that Officer Chance Stamper is doing very well on field training and also that wards have been divided and assigned to officers for determination for possible ordinance violations.
Alderperson Ketchum noted that the Ordinance Committee met and discussed the model 1% Grocery Tax Ordinance and the annexation Ordinance.
Alderman Wombles stated that the Street and Alley Committee met on December 9 and discussed the Jill Street – Honey Creek Project.
Alderperson Wombles moved to offer a 75% rebate of the total cost of the project for each resident on Jill Street that has been identified as having sewer backup issues, up to $5,000.00. Alderperson Lennon seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Ketchum moved to direct Attorney Morris to prepare an Annexation Ordinance as requested from Damon Properties for the annexation of Parcel No. 54-023-10, located at the east end of Kellogg Street.
Alderperson Ritchart seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson White moved to accept the quote from JW Scott Company to upgrade the current Fuel Master fueling system at the Pittsfield Penstone Airport in the amount of $16,860.55. Alderperson Wilson seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Ritchart moved to pay bills as stated by City Clerk.
Alderperson Grimsley seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, White, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
New Business:
Alderman Grimsley noted that the Street and Alley committee has been removing trees and commended them on their safety practices
Alderperson White, Ketchum, and Wombles wished everyone Happ Holidays.
Tom Reinhardt stated that he would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the street repairs that need to be accomplished in the upcoming year. Alderperson White recommended that we review the Street and Alley budget closely at the next finance meeting.
Tom Reinhardt stated that there have been two water main breaks recently.
Alderperson Whtie moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:27 p.m.