
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Bushnell City Council met Jan. 6

Webp 6

Robin Wilt - Mayor | City of Bushnell Website

Robin Wilt - Mayor | City of Bushnell Website

City of Bushnell City Council met Jan. 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Wilt called the meeting to order

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given.

Roll Call

Ald. Carla Promisson-P   Ald. Greg Yocum -P 

Ald. Lisa Webb -P           Ald. Stacey Allen –P 

Ald. Kim Havens –P        Ald. Mike Burkholder –P 

Ald. David Norton -P       Ald. Shaun Ellis - P 

Mayor Robin Wilt -P

Utility Manager Joe Fosdyck - P

City Clerk Teresa Ebbert - P 

Police Chief Justin Hood-P

Treasurer Betsy Rench –P 

Street Superintendent David Raymond-P

City Attorney Nick Tinsman-P


*Nothing to report

Consent Agenda

Ald. Yocum made a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes.

1. Approval of Minutes from December 16, 2024

2. Approve November Financial Report

3. Approve & Pay December bills

Ald. Norton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Promisson “aye”   Ald. Yocum “aye”

Ald. Webb “aye”          Ald. Allen “aye”

Ald. Havens “aye”       Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Ald. Norton “aye”        Ald. Ellis “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried.

Ad hoc (Mayor’s Report)

*Music Trivia fundraiser for the Bushnell Pool, 1/11/2025


*Nothing to report

Public Works

*Santa’s old house has been removed

*Tree trimming to begin by city crew

Ald. Yocum made a motion to replace the Blended Flow Meter at a cost of $4800.00 for the Water Plant

On Dean Street. Ald. Norton seconded it. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:

Ald. Webb “aye”          Ald. Allen “aye”

Ald. Havens “aye”       Ald. Burkholder “aye”

Ald. Norton “aye”        Ald. Ellis “aye”

Ald. Yocum “aye”        Ald. Promisson “aye”

Where upon Mayor Wilt declared the motion carried


*Next meeting will be Monday, January 13th at 4:30

*Chief Hood set up a demo for the camera system that will be shown at the 13th meeting.

*Jeff Rench with ESDA checked on all the cold weather supplies for the Rec. Center

Real Estate/Parks/Recreation

*Nothing to report

Engineering Report

*Megan Crook will be starting with IMEG on 1/14/2025 and will be the new engineer for the City.

Economic Development

*Next meeting Jan. 8th, 2025, 4:30 @ the Depot.


*Enterprise Meeting on the 16th.

*TJ Maxx and Hobby Lobby should be opening around the first of March

*No bidders on the old Dollar General.

Attorney’s Report/ Ordinances & Resolutions

*City Attorney Nick Tinsman stated that he is waiting on an ordinance from Ameren, for The Ameren Connection Agreement

*Tinsman is also working on the lease for Brock Waller

Ald. Allen made a motion to adjourn

Meeting was adjourned at 6.00
