Pike County Courthouse | WikipediA
Pike County Courthouse | WikipediA
City of Pittsfield City Council met Jan. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, was held on Tuesday, January 07, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Council Room at the Pittsfield City all at 215 N Monroe Street. The following officers were present: Mayor Gary Mendenhall, City Clerk Ann Moffit, and Alderperson Bill Grimsley, Kevin Ketchum, Chris Little, Paul Lennon, Robert Ritchart, Robert Wilson, and Kevin Wombles. Beth White was absent.
Alderperson Ketchum moved to approve the December 17, 2024, city council minutes. Alderperson Grimsley seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (6)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: Little (1)
The motion carried.
Mayor’s Announcements:
Mayor Mendenhall thanked Todd Scranton, the Street and Alley department as well as all other departments for snow removal.
A meeting was held with two different electrical companies regarding a sound system for downtown and possibly installing an electric vehicle charging system.
Discussion ensued in reference to the sewer line extension to Industrial Park West for Legends Holding LLC.
Economic Development Director, Brittney Emerick is working with the Abe Lincoln Project to assist with restructuring.
A snow removal truck at the airport was lost today due to a fire.
Our employee Christmas Party will be held on January 11, at 6 pm at the Moose Lodge. A meeting was held with the Economic Development Director, Mayor, and Hometown Consulting. Alderperson Little stated that the Finance Committee met today and reviewed the budget.
Alderperson Wilson stated that the Utilities Committee met today and Terry Leahr learned that a gas line extension is being completed at Kellogg & Industrial Park and water service is being added on Oklahoma Street. Mayor Mendenhall recommends that we extend the sewer main north on Knapp Lane approximately 400 feet. Terry Leahr recommends that we budget for replacement lift station pumps.
Alderperson Wombles stated that the Street and Alley Committee met tonight and Mayor Mendenhall stated that there was a discussion about the Damon’s Plumbing quotes in reference to the Jill Street homes.
Alderperson Wombles moved to approve Ordinance No. 1742 An Ordinance Approving the annexation of certain territory contiguous to the City of Pittsfield, Pike County, Illinois, on its first reading by title only.
Alderman Wilson seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Ketchum moved to suspend the rules and have the second reading of Ordinance No. 1743 An Ordinance Implementing a Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers’ Occupation Tax and a Non-Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax, on its first reading by title only.
Alderperson Wombles seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (8)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Lennon moved to approve the Ty Rylander 5k Run/Walk on March 15, 2025 with the route being the same as previous years.
Alderperson Ketchum seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
A copy of the agreement drafted by Attorney Morris for the Jill Street property owner backup prevention rebate program was distributed.
Alderperson Ketchum moved to direct Attorney Morris to draft a new version of the building code ordinance to reflect that the City of Pittsfield adopts the current International Building Code. Alderperson Wombles seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Little moved to approve the installation of a sound system on the square during the downtown revitalization.
Alderperson Lennon seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Ritchart, Wilson (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Lennon moved to approve the research of cost and details of installing an Electric Vehicle Charging System.
Alderperson Wilson seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little, Wilson (6)
Nay: Ritchart (1)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
Alderperson Ritchart moved to pay bills as stated by City Clerk.
Alderperson Ketchum seconded the motion.
Roll Call: Yea: Grimsley, Ketchum, Lennon, Little Ritchart, Wilson, Wombles (7)
Nay: NONE (0)
Present: NONE (0)
The motion carried.
New Business:
Alderperson Grimsley thank the employees for their hard work during the snow removal process. Chief Starman distributed the 2024 Pittsfield Police Department Summary
Public Works Director Tom Reinhardt stated that he was pleased with the snow blower that we purchased. In addition to the sidewalks on the square it was used on the walking paths at King Park and Lowry Park.
Economic Development Director Brittney Emerick stated that she has been working with the Abe Lincoln Project and the organization is seeking volunteers.
Ed Knight stated the installation of the elevator in the City Hall expansion is complete.
Mayor Mendenhall presented a Bench Board Annual report submitted for the advertisement benches around town.
Alderperson Wombles moved to adjourn this meeting at 6:46 p.m.