Brown County High School Building | Brown County Community Unit School District 1
Brown County High School Building | Brown County Community Unit School District 1
Brown County Community Unit School District 1 Board met Feb. 10.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Monday evening, February 10, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the Brown County Middle School library. The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Beth Boylen. The meeting minutes were recorded by McKenzie Taute.
Roll call: Hughes, absent; Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Eichelberger, absent.; Ingram, yea; Reische, absent; Gregory, yea.
Attendance: Lan Eberle, Kris Gallaher, Pollee Craven, Alex Ebbing, Lisa Hannel, Jessica Robertson, McKenzie Taute, Heath Rebarcak, Renee Rebarcak, Farrah Rebarcak, Gail Gallaher, Marshall Gallaher.
Public Comment: None
Mrs. Craven recognized the Brown County High School Student of the Month, Marshall Gallaher. Mr. Ebbing recognized the Brown County Middle School Student of the Month, Farrah Rebarcak.
Motion by Ingram, seconded by Gregory, to approve the Consent Agenda.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Correspondence: Boylen thanked Brown County State Bank for their monthly Affinity Card donation in the amount of $465.96.
Reports: None
Discussion Items:
BC Promotional Video: Dr. Eberle presented the Brown County School District promotional video. Eberle explained that the video was prepared by The Relish Jar and funded by the Tracy Family Foundation. The video highlights students, staff, facilities, and the Brown County community. Eberle went on to say the video would be sharded via the district website and social media platforms soon.
Revenue and Expenditure Update: Eberle explained that as of February 6, 2025, the district was 60% through the fiscal year, had received 96% of expected revenue and disbursed 64% of expected expenditures.
Building Project Update: Eberle provided several construction updates including the following:
• Roof work on the addition
• Continued progress on electrical, HVAC, and duct work
• Interior walls and framing work in the addition
• East and West cafeteria progress
• Continued discussions on project phasing
Follow-up on Procedures Taken to Address Stop Arm Violations: Eberle explained that the district purchased traffic cones to help address areas of concern at both the high school and elementary school campuses. Eberle mentioned that the cones are set out each morning to prohibit traffic from going around stopped school buses. Eberle stated that he would be attending the city council meeting on February 18, 2025, to request that the street in front of the elementary school be classified as a no traffic area during morning drop-off.
2024 – 2025 Amended Calendar: Eberle mentioned that the district had used three of its five emergency days as of the date of the meeting. Eberle explained that an amended calendar would be presented for board approval in the coming months.
2025 – 2026 Proposed Calendar: Eberle spoke about continued work on the 2025 – 2026 calendar. Eberle discussed meeting with the union to review calendar events for the upcoming school year.
Next Meeting March 17, 2025, at 5:30 p.m.
Eberle explained that a committee has been put in place to strategize and develop a plan to implement in-town (Mount Sterling) bus stops for the upcoming school year. Eberle noted that he believes providing the bus stops would be beneficial to students and possibly increase attendance. Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to approve the implementation of in-town (Mount Sterling) Bus Stop Locations Beginning the 2025 – 2026 School Year.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Eberle explained that the transition to one pick-up and drop-off location would help bus drivers concentrate on driving the bus and getting students home safely. Members discussed the possibility of families having arrangements in place that conflict with the presented policy. Eberle said those needs would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the appropriate accommodations would be made if necessary.
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Single Pick-up and Drop-off Locations for Each Family Beginning the 2025 – 2026 School Year.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to approve Following Job Descriptions:
⮚ Building Secretary
⮚ Paraprofessional
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to enter closed session at 5:53 p.m. for the following subjects: 1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee, a specific individual who serves as an independent contractor in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or a volunteer of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to return to open session at 7:09 p.m.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Ingram, seconded by Koch, to approve the minutes of closed session.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to approve the Certified and Educational Support Staff Seniority Lists.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Resignation of Mariah Markert – High School Assistant Volleyball Coach – effective January 10, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Resignation of Jessica Ham – Cook – effective February 13, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Resignation of Veronika Fitzmier – Paraprofessional – effective February 21, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to approve the Resignation of Natasha Jones – Secretary – effective February 7, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to approve the Employment of Kennedy Gallaher – Part-Time Technology Summer Help – effective June 1, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to approve the Transfer of Annie Fullerton – Junior High Girls Track Coach to High School Girls Track Coach – effective February 10, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Employment of Jami Schuwerk – Junior High Girls Track Coach – effective February 10, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Resignation of Trenton Harrelson – High School Assistant Track Coach – effective February 10, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Employment of Trenton Harrelson - High School Volunteer Track Coach – effective February 10, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Ingram, to approve the Employment of Steve Schuwerk – Junior High Volunteer Track Coach – effective February 10, 2025.
Roll call: Boylen, yea; Koch, yea; Ingram, yea; Gregory, yea.
Motion Carried
Motion by Koch, seconded by Gregory, to adjourn at 7:14 p.m.
Motion Carried by Acclamation