
West Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Godfrey Capital Projects Committee prioritizes capital projects

Webp meetingroom05

The village of Godfrey Capital Projects Committee met Sept. 20 to prioritize capital projects.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the committee:

"The Godfrey Capital Projects Committee oversees infrastructure within the village."


September 20th, 2016



Committee Members:

Mike Stumpf, Eldon Williams, Craig Noble, Jeff Weber, Joe Hughes, William Catalano, Bill Orrill, John Uhl, Advisor, Mike McCormick (Ex Officio)

1. Roll Call

2. Consideration of September 6, 2016 Meeting Minutes.


3. Public Comments

4. Old Business

A. Streets

B. Sanitary Sewer

1.) Villa Marie Interceptor Update

Storm Water


Discussion of Sales Tax Initiative


Discussion of Surface Transportation Program (STP) Road Funds by contracted Village Engineer.

G. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects

within the business district.

H. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects

outside of the business district.

5. New Business

Mr. Stumpf called the Capital Projects Committee of the Village of Godfrey to order at 10:00 a.m. on September 6, 2016 at the Village of Godfrey Wastewater Treatment Facility, 4725 Brecht Lane, Godfrey, Illinois.


Present: Mike Stumpf, Eldon Williams, Joe Hughes, Bill Orrill, Jeff Weber, William

Catalano, Craig Noble, Mayor Mike McCormick and John Uhl, Advisor.


Visitors: Jim Lewis, Village's Director of Maintenance

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of the July 5, 2016 were approved.

Public Comments: No Comments

Old Business

A. Streets - The Committee reviewed the 2017 street priority list for jobs to be completed in house by staff. The committee concluded that the streets most in need of repair were the first 3 items listed on the 2017 street priority list, which is D’Adrian Court and the last street item South Hanser Drive. A short run on Biscay (H4 item) could probably be added to the list depending on time and money.

items touched base for discussion but no action taken are:

0 Purchasing a larger roller or bigger trailer was discussed. O Seine Drive, by the Homer Adams pond area, the incoming storm pipe needs to be

replaced. Also, there were discussions about work on the pond's overflow. Consider adding the Summerfield main entrance street on to the repair list 6 Mr. Lewis said that this winter would be a good time to inspect pipes and culverts

in the D’Adrian Subdivision, o MFT budget is coming due in January. With the closure of the Granite Steel plant, there was discussion to purchase more slag this year and store it at the Public Works lot near Winter Lane. Mr. Lewis will research about the slag inventory. o Mr. Lewis said that the public works department conducted street repair using

around 1,525 tons of HMA; he feels that the department could accomplish up to around 2000 tons of HMA work in a year time.

B. Sanitary Sewer- Tope has completed its work in the Villa Marie Subdivison on the I/I. Heneghan is working on the modeling from the data that was collected. Federal EPA would like to have the village monitor real time flow at the four sites by ADS.

Juneau is gathering more information from its data to help in the analyzing the possibility of connecting the Villa Marie Interceptor to the existing system coming out of the Villa

Marie Subdivision, Pump hours will be monitored two times a week to see what additional flow it puts out,

Mr. Weber said that he hopes that the modeling of the data will help the Village make a solid decision on how to solve the overflow issues at the Lewis & Clark Apartment area during the period of heavy rainfall.

Mayor McCormick said there are some interested in adding existing homes on to the Area 3 sanitary sewer system.

Mr. Noble said that Piasa Township Chair, Charlie Davis has inquired if the Village would like to take over their sanitary system. He said American Water has talked to them about their waste water system. No action taken.

C. Storm Water- Mr. Catalano said that he and some Village staff met with Madison

County to coordinate with the county on information and possible use of funds to help the Village with its storm water management report. The preliminary storm water management report is scheduled to be received from AECOM (URS) around the end of September.

There are storm water problems all over the Village and as the system ages it becomes even worse. The committee is looking at how to prioritize, and what avenues can be

taken to cover costs for large projects,

e Taxing districts to those homes affected by a certain watershed. O Ask the Finance committee for a small tax increase

D. Parks- The Labor Day celebrations went very well for Glazebrook Park. Mayor

McCormick thanked the Park Department.

E. Discussion of Sales Tax Initiative - No Report

F. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects within the business

districtNo Report.

Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects outside of the business district. No Report


Motion (Weber/Noble) to adjourn at 11:40 a.m.

Our next meeting will be on September 20" at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Wedding-Secretary