
West Central Reporter

Friday, January 24, 2025

Godfrey Capital Projects Committee considers potential projects

Webp meeting240

The village of Godfrey Capital Projects Committee met Nov. 1 to consider potential projects.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

"The Godfrey Capital Projects Committee oversees infrastructure within the village."

Capital Projects Committee GODFREY, ILLINOIS November 1, 2016

Mr. Stumpf called the Capital Projects Committee of the Village of Godfrey to order at 10:00 a.m. on November 1st, 2016 at the Village of Godfrey Wastewater Treatment Facility, 4725 Brecht Lane, Godfrey, Illinois.


Present: Mike Stumpf, Mayor Mike McCormick, Bill Orrill, Jeff Weber, Joe Hughes, Eldon

Williams, William Catalano, Craig Noble and John Uhl, Advisor.



APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The Minutes of the October 18th, 2016 were approved.

Public Comments:

Old Business

A. Streets – Mr. Lewis is working on his list of in house street repairs that his crews will

work on. Joe Hughes, William Catalano and John Uhl are in the process of doing a street review and will report back with a long term priority list upon completion of their study.

The committee discussed street specification requirements for the Village of Godfrey. It was discussed to have more stringent requirements. Mr. Orrill made a motion to have AECOM review the current Village of Godfrey Street Specifications. Mr. Hughes seconded. Motion carried.

Mr. Weber suggested picking out half or a complete subdivision to have a professional contractor fill cracks in those streets. The objective is to have staff of the Village on hand to watch and learn their process. No action.

Mr. Lewis is having staff conduct road repairs in D’Adrian and South Hanser. Micro Paving projects on the table are Greenwood, Doral, Belmont, Tremont and Springhaven.

B. Sanitary Sewer- IEPA is currently reviewing the Village submittal. It has 90 days to

respond. Work continues toward tying in the Villa Marie interceptor to the Villa Marie/Milsprings line. Alton has signed the IEPA application. There is an area that may require upgrading the existing 10” line. A diverter structure may be an option. Modeling continues by Heneghan and Associates.

Modeling is also being conducted for the Lewis & Clark Apartment area. More information will follow in the next few weeks.

Mr. Uhl met with Tim Lowe to go over drawings submitted for the high speed rail project for the relocation of the Godfrey sewer line within the Union Pacific Railroad right of way.

C. Storm Water- The committee reviewed the preliminary Storm Water Study completed by

AECOM. The report submitted was mostly generalities, and Village asked for more detailed information needed to make the study more useful to the Village.

D. Parks- Mr. Catalano reminded the committee to review the 2014 to 2019 long range plan

submitted by the parks department. This will be on the next month’s agenda.

E. Discussion of Sales Tax Initiative - No Report

F. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects within the business

district- Discussion of purchasing properties that could enhance the Village revenue. No action.

G. Further consideration and prioritization of potential capital projects outside of the business

district. No Report


A motion to adjourn at 11:30 a.m. by Mr. Weber. Seconded by Mr. Stumpf. Motion Carried.

Our next meeting will be on November 15th at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted, Debbie Wedding-Secretary