
West Central Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Auburn City Council adds new member to the Economic Development Committee

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Auburn City Council met Monday, Dec. 5.

Members of the Auburn City Council come from each of the city’s four wards and serve four-year terms. Council meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month at City Hall, 324 W. Jefferson St. If a council meeting should fall on a holiday, the meeting will be held on Tuesday.

Here are the minutes as provided by Auburn:

City of Auburn

Council Minutes

December 5, 2016

Mayor Stamer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM,

Present: Barb Stamer, Chris Warwick, Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, Absent: Tom Appelt and Matt Gillock,

Department Heads: Bruce Centko, Bill Karhiker, and Kristy Ponsler. City Attorney; Raylene Grischow.

Mayor's Comments


Stamer noted that Christmas on the Square will be held on Saturday 12/10/16 and the tree lighting will be at 4:45 PM, Stamer noted that there will be a Zoning Board meeting on Wednesday 12/14/16. 

Stamer recommended Matt Brown be added to the Economic Development Committee. Berola made a motion to accept the Mayor's recommendation and appoint Matt Brown, second by Hemmerle. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Matt Gillock, (7-0-0-1). 

Stamer provided materials for the Council to review and consider a City of Auburn Facebook page. She felt that more people would use a Facebook site and it would reduce calls into the City Office. Stamer noted that the Village of Chatham and the Village of Sherman have Facebook pages, Grischow advised against a Facebook page because of FOIA and other reporting requirements, as comments if they were allowed could not be suppressed. Berola stated that the issue will be discussed at the next Administration Committee meeting.

Stamer reported that the signs noting the Auburn High School Football team's second place finish in 2015 have the wrong year listed. She will work with DOT to get the signs Corrected.

Madaus noted that the Comprehensive Plan should be completed later this week and some of the property strips would be left out of the City because if the strip is brought in then the entire road would need to be brought in the City and it would conflict with other governmental jurisdictions. Jason Garrett asked how much in dollar terms would the changes in IMRF cost the City, Ponsler had previously provided the percentages but not the actual dollar estimate; she will get the information Garrett has requested.

City Clerk's Report - Warwick

Warwick presented the 11/21/16 meeting minutes for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the meeting minutes and destroy the recorded copy, second by Devos, Voice Wote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic

Devos, Jr., Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None, ABSENT: Matt Gillock, (7-0-0-1).

b. Warwick reminded those present that petitions for the April 4, 2017 Consolidated election will be accepted in the City Office from December 12 through December 19. 

C. Warwick read a Thank You card from Deb Lash to all of the City employees for their hard Work and effort. W. City Treasurer's Report - Appelt

a. Warwick presented the Bills List from 11/22/16 to 12/05/16 for the Council's review and approval. A motion was made by Williams to approve the Bills List, second by Madaus, Voice Vote: AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams, NAY: None, PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Matt Gillock. (7-0-0-1). V. Attorney - Grischow

a. Grischow asked the Council on how they wanted to proceed with the Barton Estate at 1027 West Adams Street. She noted that there is no cost to get on the list with International Union of Operating Engineers local 965. Apprentice Demolition program run by Dennis Minick. Grischow noted that action is needed to make sure that all legal requirements can be met before their free program ends. it was also noted that approximately $26,595.72 in back taxes are owed on the property. There was a short discussion by the Council. A motion was made by Berola to direct Grischow to begin the legal proceedings to gain title of the property so the City could demolish the home, second by Williams. AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Vic Devos, Jr., Ed Madaus, and Seth Williams. NAY: Larry Hemmerle and Rod Johnson. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Matt Gillock. (5-2-0-1). VI. Department Heads

a. Centko

i. No report.

b. Karhliker

i, No report.

C. Pornster

i, Ponsler reported that there was damage sustained to the carport at the Auburn Community Center, Karhliker's employees are looking over the damage and will provide more information in case an insurance claim is needed, VII. Committee Reports

a. Administration

i. Berola reported there will be a joint committee meeting with the Health and Safety committee on Wednesday 12/14/16 at 6:30 PM. b. Public Works

i. No report. C, Public Utilities

i. No report. d. Health & Safety i. There will be a joint committee meeting with the Administration committee on Wednesday 12/14/16 at 6:30 PM. e. Health & Housing

i, No report. f. Parks

i. No report. VIII. Adjournment

a. A motion to adjourn was made by Hemmerle at 7:43 PM; second by Johnson. Voice Vote:

AYE: Julie Barnhill, Tom Berola, Wic Devos, Jr., Larry Hemmerle, Ed Madaus, Rod Johnson, and Seth Williams. NAY: None. PRESENT: None. ABSENT: Matt Gillock, (7-0-0-1).

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Warwi

City Clerk