Nauvoo-Colusa Community Unit School District 325 Board of Education met Feb. 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:
1.0 Call to Order by Mr. Siegfried, School Board President
The board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Michael Siegfried.
2.0 Roll Call
Present: Mr. Cox, Mrs. Little, Mrs. Poe, Mr. Siegfried, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. Stevenson. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Also Present: Mr. Young, Mrs. Miller.
3.0 Pledge of Allegiance
4.0 Approval of Minutes
4. 01 Approve Special Meeting Minutes for January 2017 Mrs. Snyder made the motion to approve the special meeting minutes for January 2017 with a second by Mr. Cox. . Ayes-6, Nays-0. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
5.0 Financials
5. 01 Pay Bills for January 2017 Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the bills for January 2017 with a second by Mrs. Poe. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
5. 02 Approve Financial and Treasurer Report for January 2017 Mr. Cox made the motion to approve the financial and treasurer report for January 2017 with a second by Mrs. Poe. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
This year N-C spent $1,111,507 in the education fund compared to $1,350,028 spent in the education fund last year. In the operation and maintenance fund, N-C spent $148,330 this year compared to last year the district had spent $356,503. The district spent $247,114 in the transportation fund compared to $164,194 last year. The district spent $1,506,957 this year compared to $1,870,725 last year at this time in those three funds for a difference of $363,768 less this year compared to last year.
This time a year is challenging to fully understand our financial situation compared to last year because last year we exchanged checks with Warsaw in January and this year we are exchanging checks in February.
The 31st of January completed 58% of the 2017 fiscal year. The district expended 43.9% of the education budget, 24% of the operations and maintenance budget, and 85.6% of the transportation budget.
6.0 Recognition of the Members of the Audience
6.01 Public Comment There was no public comment.
7.0 Superintendent’s Report
7.01 Transportation Report
7.02 Consider Information on the New Lead Testing Law Documents that explained the new requirements were enclosed in the board packet. The new law requires lead testing for every drinking fountain, the kitchen sinks that are used for food preparation and sinks in classrooms used for under first grade. Mr. Young and the area superintendents are working together to complete the process.
7.03 Consider a Discussion on Using Two- Hour Delays During Inclement Weather The board was in agreement that using two –hour delays instead of using a full emergency day when there is bad weather would be beneficial at times. Some of the factors could include snow, ice, and fog. The Warsaw School Board has also been discussing this issue. Mr. Young will work with Mr. Gound on this matter.
7.04 Principal Report Mr. Ayer’s report was in the board packet.
8.0 Action Items
8.01 Consider the Approval the Reduction in Force of a Classroom Aide at the End of the 2016-2017 School Year. Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the Reduction in Force of a classroom aid, Alisa Fisher, at the end of the 2016-2017 school year with a second by Mrs. Snyder. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
8.02 Consider the Approval of the Bread Bid for the Fiscal Year 2018. Mrs. Poe made the motion to accept the bread bid from Bimbo Bakery for the 2017-2018 school year as presented with a second by Mrs. Stevenson. We received one bid this year. The bid was presented as follows: WGW sandwich bread 24 oz. $2.83, whole wheat bread 24 oz. $2.83, whole grain hamburger buns 12 count $2.61, whole grain hamburger buns 16 count $3.07 and whole grain coney buns 16 count for $3.07. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
8.03 Consider the Approval of the Milk Bid for the Fiscal Year 2018. There were no bids for milk received by the deadline. It will be rebid.
8.04 Consider the Approval of the Fuel Bid for the Fiscal Year 2018. Mrs. Snyder made the motion to accept the fuel bid at the firm price from West Central F.S. for the 2017-2018 school year as presented with a second by Mrs. Stevenson. They are the only company who submitted a bid. They presented both firm and flexible bids. The firm bid is as follows: Premium Dieselex LS $2.077, Premium Dieselex LS w/11% Soy $2.130, Premium Dieselex LS w/3% Soy $2.092, Unleaded w/Ethanol $1.962. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
8.05 Consider the Approval of the Mowing Bid for the Fiscal Year 2018. Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the mowing bid from Mitchell Landscapes for the 2017-2018 school year as presented with a second by Mr. Siegfried. The bid was $275.00 per mowing with trimming. There were multiple bids received. The district has been pleased with the work completed by Mitchell Landscapes this past year. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
8.06 Consider the Approval of the Snow Removal Bid for the Fiscal Year 2018. Mrs. Little made the motion to approve the snow removal bid from Mike Reed for the 2017-2018 school year as presented with a second by Mrs. Stevenson. The bid was $60 per hour.
Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried. 8.07 Consider the Approval of the Pesticide Management Bid for the Fiscal Year 2018. Mr. Cox made the motion to approve the pest management bid from O’Donnell’s Termite and Pest Control for the 2017-2018 school year as presented with a second by Mrs. Little. The bid for monthly service (12 services per year) is $52.00 per month. Mr. Cox-Yes, Mrs. Little-Yes, Mrs. Poe-Yes, Mr. Siegfried-Yes, Mrs. Snyder-Yes, Mrs. Stevenson-Yes. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.
9.00 Communications and Correspondence
9.01 No School February 20, 2017- Presidents’ Day
9.02 Regular School Board Meeting- March 20, 2017
9.03 Regular School Board Meeting- April 10, 2017
10.00 Adjournment
Mrs. Poe made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m. with a second by Mr. Cox Ayes-6, Nays-0. Absent: Mr. Schmitz. Motion carried.