
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

North Greene Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Jan. 18.

North Greene Unit School District 3 Board of Education met Jan. 18.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

The Board of Education of North Greene Unit District No. 3, Greene and Scott Counties, Illinois, met in regular session on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administrative Education Center, White Hall. Those answering roll call were: President Jeff Haskell, Members Edwin Ford, Pat Ford, David Hallock, Brenn Killion, and Kevin Nichols; Member Rick Bridges was absent. Superintendent Lawrence Coultas, Supervising Principal Mark Scott, Secretary Barbara Neece, Treasurer Tiffany Mumford, Principal JaclynKuchy, Building Maintenance Director Dale Coffman, and Transportation Supervisor John Davidson were also in attendance.

Several parents of prekindergarten students were in attendance to express concern with another prekindergarten student’s behavior on the bus and encouraged the Board to suspend the student from being transported due to the lack of adult supervision and children afraid to go to school as a result of past incidents caused by the student’s behavior

CONSENT ITEMS: A motion was made by Mr. Pat Ford, seconded by Mr. Hallock, to MINUTES; approve the following consent agenda items: Minutes of the regular meeting of December 19, 2016; REPORTS OF TREAS., Treasurer’s Report and Update for the month of December; Building PRINCIPALS, Principal reports on recent activities and events as presented; TRANSPORTATION & Transportation Report and Buildings and Grounds Report for the month BUILDING & GROUNDS; of December; GIFTS & DONATIONS-- Acknowledged receipt of funds from the Stanley Frech Charitable Trust in the amount of $1,000 to fund a scholarship of $500 to each a graduating boy and graduating girl.

The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: P. Ford, yea Nichols, yea Hallock, yea R. Bridges, absent Killion, yea E. Ford, yea  Haskell, yea BILLS-- A motion was made by Mr. Ed Ford, seconded by Mr. Nichols, to approve payment of bills as listed and reviewed. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: E. Ford, yea P. Ford, yea Nichols, abstain Hallock, yea Bridges, absent Killion, yea  Haskell, yea As part of the Treasurer’s Report, is was reported that the district has received approximately $67,000 in Transportation Fund back-payments from the State .

SENIOR TRIP PLANS-- Officers of the Class of 2017, Molly Dirksmeyer, Noah Jones, and Bethany Randall, along with sponsors Angela Brame and Amber Nash were present to discuss with the board the plans for the class for the Senior Trip to Grand Haven, Michigan and to request the rental of transportation on a district school bus. Following review of the itinerary, it was consensus of the board that more information was necessary regarding the actual cost of each activity and concern was expressed that all members of the class have the same opportunity to go with the expense paid for from class funds. Sponsors verified that two additional fundraising activities were being planned in an effort to generate the remaining necessary funds for those who have indicate desire to go on the trip. Action was tabled for approval by the Board at the February 15 regular meeting.

PRESENTATION- Representatives of CTS Group, Mark Graves and John Lorraine, were PERFORMANCE present to provide information and explain the procedure for formally CONTRACTS-- requesting proposals from certified companies for performance maintenance contracts in order to secure contractors to provide needed replacement of major building roof repairs and equipment and infrastructure improvements. It was explained that a formal advertisement for bids procedure would be followed with public notice published locally as well as with the State Capital Development Board for 30 days prior to award of a contract as required. Funds from district’s payments of One Cent Sales Tax revenue and Health-Life Safety funds can be applied to payment costs involved. Mr. Graves and Mr. Lorraine remarked that if the process gets started right away, it was anticipated that all work could be accomplished during the coming summer and not interfere with the start of school this fall. It was also reported that authorizing CTS to develop the necessary specifications and post the required bid notice would not prevent other qualified firms from an opportunity to bid on all or part of the projects and provide the Performance Contract.

REQUEST FOR Following presentation and upon recommendation of the administration, PROPOSALS -- A motion was made by Mr. Nichols, seconded by Mr. Pat Ford, to release a Request for Proposals for Performance Contracting to consider building renovations across the district and post notice with the Capital Development Board as required. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: Nichols, yea Killion, yea P. Ford, yea Bridges, absent Hallock, yea E. Ford, yea  Haskell, yea

SUPERINTENDENT Superintendent Coultas and Supervising Principal Scott gave reports on REPORT-- the following items: 1. Correspondence received was reviewed.

2. Reminded members of the requirement for filing an annual Statement of Economic Interest with the County Clerk by May 1.

 3. Informed members that the board and administration has offered to be  hosts for the March 7 IASB Two Rivers Division Dinner Meeting to  be held at the Jr.-Sr. High Commons. More information will be shared  at the February meeting.

 4. Mr. Scott shared information regarding a proposed Memorandum of  Understanding for Coordination of Services between the local police  department and school district that would provide sixteen hours/week  of resource police officers within the schools, with the district to fund  a portion of salary but no benefits for a total of $15,000/year. The  administration is looking at funding sources and is working on a  proposal for future consideration for approval. The proposal was  encouraged due to the number of hours of time spent by officers  in the schools due to behavior issues and the anticipation that it may  alleviate some of the issues.

 5. Work is continuing with the representatives of The Illinois Center for  School Improvement regarding the district’s continued effort to  improve student performance outcomes.

 6. Mr. Scott reviewed information learned at the recent ROE  administrator’s meeting regarding legislation that would mandate tax  caps if enacted. A school district may amend the current Levy now to  increase fund levy amounts but was not recommended.

 7. Mr. Scott has been working on a District Wellness Plan which would  carryout the intent of the current Board Policy, as required by School  Code. The administration is reviewing the plan and when finalized,  will present it to the Board for approval.

 8. Lead tests of potable water sources within school buildings will be  required by December 31, 2017, for any building serving PK-6th  grades. Estimated costs to perform tests start at $700 and up.

 9. Informed members that the Prekindergarten Grant is to be renewed  on a competitive basis again and the administration and staff will be  working on an application proposal.

 10. Three teachers are to be trained this summer to teach AP courses at the  high school level. Some questions were raised regarding the benefit  of offer such courses with the weighted course systems being instituted  as well as dual-credit course option.

PEPSI VENDING The St. Louis distributing branch of Pepsi-Cola has presented an updated CONTRACT-- agreement to include all vending accounts of the school under a shared agreement. The proposed agreement will be for machine vending fill and serve only and is not an exclusive contract that limits the various organizations from buying and selling other products for resale at concession stands and events.

Upon recommendation of the administration, a motion was made by Mr. Ed Ford, seconded by Mr. Hallock, to approve entering into a new vending agreement with the St. Louis branch of Pepsi-Cola, with all district accounts to be included under the same agreement, as presented. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: E. Ford, yea Nichols, yea Hallock, yea Bridges, absent Killion, yea P. Ford, yea  Haskell, yea

SENIORITY LISTS-- Superintendent Coultas and Supervising Principal Scott discussed the process of development of the format of Sequence of Honorable Dismissal lists for certified personnel and provided a seniority list for 2017 for review. The Seniority List for certified staff and Date of Hire List for support staff is made available to representatives of the North Greene Education Association President and staff for updates for use in establishing the Sequence of Honorable Dismissal List, as required to be made available within 75 days before the last day of the 2016-2017 school year.

EMPLOYMENT-- Recommendation was made by the administration to employ Clayton JR. HIGH BOYS TRACK-- Rollins as the Junior High Boys Track Coach for the 2017 season. USE OF FACILITIES- Recommendation was made to approve the use of the Jr./Sr. High NG Chamber of Commerce-- Commons by the NG Chamber of Commerce to host a Mayor Candidate Forum on March 20 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., with waiver of fees. A motion was made by Mr. Pat Ford, seconded by Mr. Nichols, to approve the recommendations made by the administration to approve Seniority Lists for 2017, Clayton Rollins as Jr. High Boys Track Coach, and use of facilities by the NG Chamber of Commerce on March 20. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: P. Ford, yea E. Ford, yea Nichols, yea Hallock, yea Bridges, absent Killion, yea  Haskell, yea

CLOSED SESSION- A motion was made by Mr. Pat Ford, seconded by Mr. Ed Ford, to go to 9:15 P.M.-- closed session at 9:15 p.m. to discuss Closed Session minutes for approval, per Section 2.06, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21); The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, as per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1); Student disciplinary cases, per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(9); Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2); and Litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular District has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the District finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the closed meeting minutes, per 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: P. Ford, yea Killion, yea E. Ford, yea Nichols, yea Hallock, yea Bridges, absent  Haskell, yea

RECONVENE-10:45 P.M.- Upon a motion made by Mr. Ed Ford, seconded by, Mr. Pat Ford, to return to open session at 10:450 p.m., the President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: E. Ford, yea Killion, yea P. Ford, yea Nichols, yea Hallock, yea Bridges, absent  Haskell, yea

ACTION/REPORT-- CLOSED SESSION Review of the Closed Session minutes or previous meetings was tabled to MINUTES-- next regular meeting. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY HEARING-- A motion was made by Mr. Ed Ford, seconded by Mr. Hallock, that as a result of the hearing on a student disciplinary matter in closed session, that “Student A” will be suspended from any and all bus transportation for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year. The President put the motion to a vote and the following roll call resulted: E. Ford, yea Bridges, absent Hallock, yea P. Ford, yea Nichols, yea Killion, yea  Haskell, yea

YEARBOOK VENDOR-- Supervising Principal Scott reported that it was the intent of the administration to renew a contract for three years with Josten’s Company as vendor for publishing the NG Spartan Yearbook. Consensus was to approve.
