City of Macomb Committee of the Whole met April 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
The Committee of the Whole of the Macomb City Council met in a Special Meeting on Monday, April 24, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall at 232 East Jackson Street, Macomb, IL.
Mayor Mike Inman called the meeting to order.
Roll call was taken and the following were present: Mike Wayland, Mellie Gilbert, Tom Koch, Don Wynn and Dennis Moon. City Clerk Melanie Falk, City Administrator Dean Torreson, Interim Public Works Director Kent Cox, Operations Manager Brad Whitford, WW Treatment Manager Josh Peters and CDC Ray Heitner were also in attendance.
There was no public comment.
The first item on the agenda for discussion was on ranking the engineering firms for the Request of Qualifications for engineering service for 2017 and beyond. CA Torreson explained that 7 firms were interviewed and would be ranked and categorized for each of the following; Streets, Underground, Waste Water Treatment and Water Treatment Plants. He stated after conferring with the Mayor, Clerk and Department Heads, he would have Council and Department Heads fill out rating sheets, having everyone by category rate the top two firms of their choice.
Interim PW Director Kent Cox commented that he has worked with several of the firms and presently has multiple projects on going on with some of them. His area of importance was the water treatment because that’s the greatest need, the facility plant. He stated the current firm (Hanson) who was finishing the waste water treatment plant, he felt would probably do best for future, but didn’t want to speak for Josh. He stated on the street side, they’ve had good experience with Maurer-Stutz who were efficient. He stated as for the underground, McClure had the best history of records dating back to the mid 60’s and before.
He stated for the water treatment, CMT was a large firm but felt we couldn’t afford them and some of their presentation about water treatment was incorrect. They didn’t pay full attention when they toured the plant and may have pre-conceived ideas on project/product they want to sell.
He stated there were 4 firms that applied for the water treatment plant study; Benton’s did the last facility plan and he didn’t feel they had a lot of knowledge with water treatment. He was most impressed with Maurer-Stutz’s ability to give the best job with honest effort, they listen and were hands on.
WWTP Manager Josh Peters commented that Hanson’s have been onsite over the last 4 years and things have gone well. They’ve done lift stations and pista grit system and currently the upgrades that were happening now. His next choice was McClure’s who had done the last two lift stations as he would classify that as underground. He stated Benton’s did do the facility plan in 2015 but felt they didn’t have the experience.
Operations Manager Brad Whitford commented that his experience with Maurer-Stutz on streets and water have been well, they will listen to you. He stated that along with Kent’s remark on McClure’s, they have a lot of history and information which has been very useful. He stated he has not worked with Hutchison’s much and couldn’t say good or bad but was looking forward to seeing how the downtown work goes with them.
Kent commented that Hutchison’s were very efficient and worked well with the city in doing extra work for overlay on Chandler Street at no cost.
CA Torreson asked they all fill out two rating sheets for each category. He stated they would attempt to score them and provide feedback.
Alderman Vigezzi recused himself because he was not present at the interviews.
Alderman Wynn asked in regard to the future water projects/plant, was there anyone qualified to address the needs.
Interim PW Director Cox stated there was. The next step would be selecting one, but it may not be the same as they select for the facility plan, depending on the outcome of the facility plan and what any potential avenues may be suggested for future resources; hopefully this would be finalized by December. He stated Council would have to make the best decision on that.
Mayor Inman asked that whomever was chosen from this process for the water, may not be the same as chosen for the facility plan.
Kent stated that’s basically what happened with the waste water treatment plant. Benton & Associates prepared the facility plan, but there was an RFQ process done and Hanson & Associates were selected for the actual design and construction process for the facility upgrades.
He stated there were no short term projects to be done at the water plant besides meeting the submission deadline of the facility plan for December. He remarked he would like to see follow through with one through the entire process.
Alderman Moon stated that unless there was a complete mess up of the facility plan they would continue with the same firm, he assumed, but there’s always the option to change, we can assign an engineer to any project that they decide.
Mayor Inman stated true and this was a preference process, not binding the city to use one firm for any particular group. It doesn’t bind us “in fact” to that firm for these projects.
CA Torreson handed out the ranking sheets and asked that everyone put down their first and second preference per category.
Mayor Inman stated that CA Torreson and Clerk Falk would gather the tabulations tomorrow and get the information out to everyone via e-mail and then an announcement as a point of information would be given at next Monday night council meeting.
There was no further discussion.
There being no further business to come before the committee, Alderman Vigezzi moved, seconded by Alderman Wynn to adjourn, all Aldermen voted “Aye” and Mayor Inman declared the motion carried and they adjourned at 4:50 p.m.