
West Central Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

West Central Community Unit School District 235 Board of Education met May 22.

West Central Community Unit School District 235 Board of Education met May 22.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Good News Items

V. Approve Agenda Items (Additions/Deletions)

VI. Comments from the Public

VII. Consent Agenda

A. Minutes

1. Regular Meeting, April 19, 2017 (Enclosure)

2. Closed Session, April 19, 2017 (Enclosure)

3. Special Meeting – Reorganization, May 2, 2017 (Enclosure)

B. Financial Activity

1. Consider Payment of Bills (Enclosure)

2. Consider Approval of Activity Accounts (Enclosure)

3. Consider Approval of Treasurer’s Report (Enclosure)

4. Review of District Financial Report (Enclosure)

VIII. Action Items

A. Consider Approval of 2017-2018 Student Fees (Enclosures)

B. Consider Approval of the Board’s Continued Membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards (Enclosures)

C. Consider Approval of Summer 2017 Behind the Wheel Driver Education Program (Enclosure)

D. Consider Approval of Final FY17 School Calendar (Enclosure)

E. Consider Approval of Renewal Quote for District Insurance Package (Enclosure)

F. Consider Approval of Life/Safety Amendment for Drain Repair at WCMS (Enclosure)

G. Consider Approval of Quote to Install Security Cameras at WCES, WCMS, WCHS (Enclosures)

H. Consider Appointment of Members to Board Sub-Committees

IX. Reports

A. Principal’s Report (Enclosures)

1. West Central Elementary

2. West Central Middle School

3. West Central High School

B. Technology Report – Mrs. Frakes (Enclosure)

C. Special Education Report – Mrs. Ayer (Enclosure)

D. Athletic Director’s Report – Mr. Kirby (Enclosure)

X. Discussion Items

A. Attendance at School Board Conference in Chicago in November

B. WCES 2017-2018 Handbook (Enclosure)

C. WCMS 2017-2018 Handbook (Enclosure)

D. WCHS 2017-2018 Handbook (Enclosure)

E. Media Storm Damage

XI. Future Agenda Items

XII. Closed Session – A Closed Session will be held pursuant to the Illinois Open Meetings Act

XIII. Action Items

A. Retirements/Leaves/Resignation


1. Joyce Bass, Bus Driver (Enclosure)


2. Jamie Hennings, Maternity Leave Request (Enclosure)


3. James Black, WCHS English Teacher (Enclosure)

4. Joseph Pilger, WCES Assistant Principal (Enclosure)

5. Kathryn Wilson, WCMS Special Education Teacher (Enclosure)

B. Transfers

C. Employment

1. Michael Holloran, WCHS Math Teacher (Enclosure)

2. , WCMS Special Education Teacher (Enclosure)

3. Laura Lewis, Home-bound Instructor (Enclosure)

D. Extracurricular


1. Stephen Fernetti, WCMS Head Baseball Coach (Enclosure)

2. Kathryn Wilson, WCMS Student Council (Enclosure)

3. Kathryn Wilson, WCMS Scholastic Bowl (Enclosure)

4. David Vancil, WCHS Boys’ Assistant Basketball Coach (Enclosure)

5. Amy Olson, WCHS Girls’ Assistant Basketball Coach (Enclosure)


6. Quinn Leath, WCMS Head Baseball Coach (Enclosure)

E. Consider Approval of Administrative Contracts

F. Consider Approval of Recalling RIF’d Employee

XIV. Future Meeting Dates and Time

Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 21, 2017– Elementary Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.

XV. Adjournment
